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MR MR-isms I’m not here to help you get a degree… I’m here to help you get an education.

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Presentation on theme: "MR MR-isms I’m not here to help you get a degree… I’m here to help you get an education."— Presentation transcript:


2 MR

3 MR-isms

4 I’m not here to help you get a degree… I’m here to help you get an education.

5 Teachers: Those that MAKE things happen. Those the WATCH things happen. Those the WONDERED WHAT happened. Which will you be?

6 The very best teachers don’t say: “If I can reach just one…” They believe: “I’m not satisfied until I’ve reached them all.”

7 The student is… …The most important person on the campus. Without him there would be no need for the institution. …Not a cold enrollment statistics, but a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like our own. …Not someone to be tolerated so we can do out thing. He is our thing. …Not dependent on us. Rather, we are dependent on him or her. …Not an interruption of our work, but the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so.

8 Your students are worth your very best… anything less is short changing them.

9 Our job is… to help students be better learners.

10 You gots to be who ya gots to be, and You gots to work wit what you gots to work wit.

11 A Short Story Peter wanted to know the names of the birds. He read a book and learned the names of the birds. Peter wanted to learn how to swim. He read a book and

12 MR’s Philosophy of Education A Short Story Peter wanted to know the names of the birds. He read a book and learned the names of the birds. Peter wanted to learn how to swim. He read a book and drowned.

13 Children are always learning. How can we make sure that they are learning good mathematics?

14 Never leave the drive-in window before checking the contents of the bag.

15 “Teaching children mathematics is much more difficult than you thought, even if you thought it would be much more difficult than you thought.” ~E. G. Begel

16 The most successful teachers are also those who are best able to explain why they do what they do and why it is important.

17 I don’t want you to be the one who makes my French fries… I want you to be the one who knows how to fix the French-fryer.

18 “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get your there…”

19 “There’s a difference between doing something different and doing something differently.”


21 The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward

22 “Today I gave all I had— and what I kept, I lost forever.”

23 It’s How You Live Your Dash

24 I believe in you…

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