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Fonts. A typeface is a set of characters with a common general design and shape (Word refers to typeface as font).typefacefont Type characters rest on.

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Presentation on theme: "Fonts. A typeface is a set of characters with a common general design and shape (Word refers to typeface as font).typefacefont Type characters rest on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fonts

2 A typeface is a set of characters with a common general design and shape (Word refers to typeface as font).typefacefont Type characters rest on an imaginary horizontal line called the baseline. baseline The x-height is the height of the main body of the lowercase characters and is equivalent to the lowercase x.x-height The cap height is the distance between the baseline and the top of capital letters.cap height Ascenders are the parts of lowercase characters that rise above the x-height, and descenders are parts of characters that extend below the baseline. Ascendersdescenders Serifs are the small strokes at the ends of characters. Serifs

3 Typefaces are either monospaced or proportional.monospacedproportional A sans serif typeface does not have serifs (sans is French for without).sans serif Sans serif typefaces are generally more legible (higher character recognition) and are often used for headlines and advertisementslegible

4 Changing Effects The Effects section of the Font dialog box contains a variety of options that can be used to create different character formatting. At the Font dialog box, you may also click the Text Effects button at the bottom of the dialog box to access additional formatting options located at the Format Text Effects dialog box. Format Text Effects dialog box

5 You can change the look of your text by changing its fill, changing its outline, or adding effects, such as shadows, reflections, or glows. To add an effect to text, select the text that you want to enhance, and then click the Text Effect button in the Font group on the Home tab. Text Effects Gallery

6 You may apply font colors to text by clicking the Font Color button on the Home tab in the Font group. A B Click More Colors to access the Colors dialog box.

7 Adding Symbols and Special Characters Symbols and special characters add interest and originality to documents. To insert a symbol, click the Symbol button in the Symbols group in the Insert tab, and then select one of the symbols displayed on the palette or click the More Symbols button at the bottom of the palette. At the Symbol dialog box, select the Symbols tab, select a desired font, double-click the symbol or click Insert, and then click Close (or press Esc). Symbol dialog box

8 Special Characters cont…. Creating Em and En Dashes An em dash (—) is as long as the point size of the type used and indicates a pause in speech.em dash An en dash (–) indicates a continuation, such as 116–133 or January–March, and is exactly one-half the width of an em dash.en dash

9 CHECKPOINT 1 1)These are the parts of lowercase characters that rise above the x-height. a.ascenders b.descenders c.baselines d.cap heights 1)These are the parts of lowercase characters that rise above the x-height. a.ascenders b.descenders c.baselines d.cap heights 3)This symbol is used for inserting symbols and special characters. a. b. c. d. 3)This symbol is used for inserting symbols and special characters. a. b. c. d. 2)This type of font has small strokes at the ends of characters. a.kerning b.serif c.Sans serif d.typeface 2)This type of font has small strokes at the ends of characters. a.kerning b.serif c.Sans serif d.typeface 4)This symbol is used to indicate a pause in speech. a.Em dash b.En dash c.kerning d.serif 4)This symbol is used to indicate a pause in speech. a.Em dash b.En dash c.kerning d.serif Next Question Next Slide Answer

10 Watermarks A watermark is a lightened graphic or text that when printed appears either on top of or behind existing document text and adds interest or identifies the document status.watermark Text WatermarkGraphic Watermark

11 Watermarks Adding a Text Watermark to a Document You can insert a predesigned watermark from a gallery of watermark text, or you can insert a watermark with custom text by clicking the Watermark button in the Page Background group on the Page Layout tab. Watermark button

12 Watermarks…continued Turning a Picture into a Watermark You can turn a picture, clip art, logo, or a photo into a watermark that you can use to enhance a document. Printed Watermark dialog box

13 Watermarks…continued Editing a Watermark To edit a watermark, click the Header button in the Header & Footer group in the Insert tab, and then click Edit Header. Header & Footer Tools Design tab

14 Sizing and Moving Images After an image is inserted in a document, it can be sized using the sizing handles that display around a selected clip art image. AB Corner sizing handle (double- headed arrow) Move handle (four-headed arrow)

15 Inserting Bullets Bullets may be inserted in a document by clicking the Bullets arrow button in the Paragraph group in the Home tab. Bullets arrow button

16 Advanced Bullets You can create a bullet from a clip art image by clicking the Picture button at the Define New Bullet dialog box, clicking Picture, and then selecting an image at the Picture Bullet dialog box, as shown in illustration A. A B

17 Themes Found Under Page Layout

18 Font Dialog Box Launcher To find Advanced Tab for Font Click the Font dialog box launcher

19 Show/Hide Feature Shows Hidden commands

20 Tab Alignments Tabs can be switch by clicking in the button Tabs can be set on the ruler by clicking the ruler Tabs can be deleted by dragging the tab off the ruler Tabs can be moved by dragging and dropping them in a new spot

21 CHECKPOINT 2 1)A ______________ is a lightened graphic or text that when printed appears either on top of or behind existing document text. a.watermark b.template c.shape 1)A ______________ is a lightened graphic or text that when printed appears either on top of or behind existing document text. a.watermark b.template c.shape 2)A ________ arrow is displayed when resizing a picture. a.Double headed arrow b.curved c.Four headed arrow d.Single headed arrow 2)A ________ arrow is displayed when resizing a picture. a.Double headed arrow b.curved c.Four headed arrow d.Single headed arrow 2)A ________ arrow is displayed when moving a picture. a.Double headed arrow b.curved c.Four headed arrow d.Single headed arrow 2)A ________ arrow is displayed when moving a picture. a.Double headed arrow b.curved c.Four headed arrow d.Single headed arrow 4)Bullets can be changed by clicking the ______ button. a.Numbering arrow b.Bullets arrow c.Line Spacing icon d.Columns icon 4)Bullets can be changed by clicking the ______ button. a.Numbering arrow b.Bullets arrow c.Line Spacing icon d.Columns icon Next Question Next Slide Answer

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