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The muscle metabolic system in exercise 1- The phosphate system: Adenosine triphosphate (A.T.P) ( Adenosine PO 3 ~ PO 3 ~ PO 3 -) Each mol.. 7300 calories.

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Presentation on theme: "The muscle metabolic system in exercise 1- The phosphate system: Adenosine triphosphate (A.T.P) ( Adenosine PO 3 ~ PO 3 ~ PO 3 -) Each mol.. 7300 calories."— Presentation transcript:

1 The muscle metabolic system in exercise 1- The phosphate system: Adenosine triphosphate (A.T.P) ( Adenosine PO 3 ~ PO 3 ~ PO 3 -) Each mol.. 7300 calories. (for 3 seconds)

2 Creatin phosphate (creatin ~ Po 3 ) each bond 10.300 calories ( 8-10 seconds)

3 2- The glycogen–Lactic acid sys. glycolysis Glucose E+ pyruvic acid. +02 energy used for resynthesize of 4 A.T.P molecules In absence of 02 - 02 Pyruvic acid lactic acid (1.3 – 1.6 minutes).

4 3- The aerobic system. In presence enough amount of O 2 Glucose Fatty acids Amino acids


6 Metabolic systemTime Phosphagen system 8 to 10 seconds Glycogen – lactic acid system 1.3 to 1.6 minutes Aerobic system Unlimited time (as long as nutrients last)

7 Energy system used in various sports. Phosphagen system: 100- meter dash. Jumping. Weight lifting. Diving. Phosphagen and glycogen-lactic acid systems: 200 meter dash. Basketball. 400-meter dash. 100-meter swim. Tennis.

8 Glycogen – lactic acid and aerobic systems: 800 – meter dash. 200 – meter swim. Boxing. 1500 – meter run. 1- mile run. 400 –meter swim. Aerobic system: 10.000 meter skating. Cross-country. Marathon run (26.2 miles, 42.2 km). Jogging.

9 Recovery after exercise:  Recovery is the time pass between the end of exercise and return back to the resting parameters. O 2 O 2  Lactic acid pyruvic acid E+CO 2 +H 2 O  Energy from the aerobic system used for reconstitute of A.T.P, cr~ p also glycogen in lactic acid system.

10 O 2 debt It is the O 2 which was not supplied during the exercise and supplied during recovery. Used for oxidation of accumulated lactic acid and resynthesize A.T.P and C.P. It’s value is the difference between the of O 2 consumed during recovery period and the amount of O 2 consumed during a similar period of rest.

11 The steady state (second wind) On starting exercise athletes suffer from dyspnea and discomfort. Dyspnea disappears after some time due to increase respiratory and circulatory functions to proved sufficient O 2. (steady state or second wind)


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