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Surface Gravity Waves-1 Knauss (1997), chapter-9, p. 192-217 Descriptive view (wave characteristics) Balance of forces, wave equation Dispersion relation.

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Presentation on theme: "Surface Gravity Waves-1 Knauss (1997), chapter-9, p. 192-217 Descriptive view (wave characteristics) Balance of forces, wave equation Dispersion relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surface Gravity Waves-1 Knauss (1997), chapter-9, p. 192-217 Descriptive view (wave characteristics) Balance of forces, wave equation Dispersion relation Phase and group velocity Particle velocity and wave orbits MAST-602: Introduction to Physical Oceanography Andreas Muenchow, Sept.-30, 2008

2 Distribution of Energy in Surface Waves tides, tsunamiswind wavesCapillary waves

3 Toenning, Germany Wave ripples at low tide

4 Tautuku Bay, New Zealand Monochromatic Swell (one regular wave)

5 Fully developed seas with many waves of different periods

6 Tsunami off OR/WA Amplitude: Low High

7 Travel time in hours of 2 tsunamis Crossing entire Pacific Ocean in 12 hours

8 Definitions: Wave number  = 2  /wavelength = 2  / Wave frequency  = 2  /waveperiod = 2  /T Phase velocity c =  /  = wavelength/waveperiod = /T

9 Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 Superposition: Wave group = wave1 + wave2 + wave3 3 linear waves with different amplitude, phase, period, and wavelength

10 Wave1 Wave2 Wave3 Superposition: Wave group = wave1 + wave2 + wave3 Phase (red dot) and group velocity (green dots) --> more later

11 Linear Waves (amplitude << wavelength) ∂u/∂t = -1/  ∂p/∂x ∂w/∂t = -1/  ∂p/∂z + g ∂u/∂x + ∂w/∂z = 0 X-mom.: acceleration = p-gradient Z-mom: acceleration = p-gradient + gravity Continuity: inflow = outflow Boundary conditions: @ bottom: w(z=-h) = 0 @surface: w(z=  ) = ∂  /∂t Bottom z=-h is fixed Surface z=  (x,t) moves

12 Combine dynamics and boundary conditions to derive Wave Equation c 2 ∂ 2  /∂t 2 = ∂ 2  /∂x 2 Try solutions of the form  (x,t) = a cos(  x-  t)

13 p(x,z,t) = …  (x,t) = a cos(  x-  t) u(x,z,t) = … w(x,z,t) = …

14  (x,t) = a cos(  x-  t) The wave moves with a “phase” speed c=wavelength/waveperiod without changing its form. Pressure and velocity then vary as p(x,z,t) = p a +  g  cosh[  (h+z)]/cosh[  h] u(x,z,t) =   cosh[  (h+z)]/sinh[  h]

15  (x,t) = a cos(  x-  t) The wave moves with a “phase” speed c=wavelength/waveperiod without changing its form. Pressure and velocity then vary as p(x,z,t) = p a +  g  cosh[  (h+z)]/cosh[  h] u(x,z,t) =   cosh[  (h+z)]/sinh[  h] if, and only if c 2 = (  /  ) 2 = g/  tanh[  h]

16 Dispersion refers to the sorting of waves with time. If wave phase speeds c depend on the wavenumber , the wave- field is dispersive. If the wave speed does not dependent on the wavenumber, the wave- field is non-dispersive. One result of dispersion in deep-water waves is swell. Dispersion explains why swell can be so monochromatic (possessing a single wavelength) and so sinusoidal. Smaller wavelengths are dissipated out at sea and larger wavelengths remain and segregate with distance from their source. c 2 = (  /  ) 2 = g/  tanh[  h] Dispersion:

17 c 2 = (  /  ) 2 = g/  tanh[  h] c 2 = ( /T) 2 = g ( /2  ) tanh[2  / h]  h>>1  h<<1

18 c 2 = (  /  ) 2 = g/  tanh[  h] Dispersion means the wave phase speed varies as a function of the wavenumber (  =2  / ). Limit-1: Assume  h >> 1 (thus h >> ), then tanh(  h ) ~ 1 and c 2 = g/  deep water waves Limit-2: Assume  h << 1 (thus h << ), then tanh(  h) ~  h and c 2 = ghshallow water waves

19 Deep water Wave Shallow water wave Particle trajectories associated with linear waves


21 Deep water waves (depth >> wavelength) Dispersive, long waves propagate faster than short waves Group velocity half of the phase velocity c 2 = g/  deep water waves phase velocity red dot c g = ∂  /∂  = ∂  (g  )/∂  = 0.5g/  (g  ) = 0.5  (g/  ) = c/2

22 Blue: Phase velocity (dash is deep water approximation) Red: Group velocity (dash is deep water approximation) Dispersion Relation c 2 = ( /T) 2 = g ( /2  ) tanh[2  / h] c 2 = g/  deep water waves

23 Blue: Phase velocity (dash is deep water approximation) Red: Group velocity (dash is deep water approximation) Dispersion Relation c 2 = ( /T) 2 = g ( /2  ) tanh[2  / h] c 2 = g/  deep water waves

24 Particle trajectories associated with linear waves

25 Wave refraction in shallow water c =  (gh)

26 Lituya Bay, Alaska 1958: Tsunami 1720 feet height link Next: Tides and tsunamis

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