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Stormwater Management: Making Sure Green Is Green

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Presentation on theme: "Stormwater Management: Making Sure Green Is Green"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stormwater Management: Making Sure Green Is Green

2 Critical Link between Land and Water: Two Sides of the Same Coin

3 What happens on the land….

4 Jersey City Reservoir, Morris County
…has everything to do with what happens in and to the water.

5 Components of Sustainability Water-Related:
Comprehensive Stormwater Management Recycled Wastewater Water Conserving Water Use Just for Starters

6 The Problem - From Smart Growth…


8 Urban Landscape- Rainfall runs off with very little infiltration.

9 “The only thing new in the world is the history we’ve forgotten…
“The only thing new in the world is the history we’ve forgotten….” Harry Truman

10 Sustainability… Relates to private residential subdivision and retail and office and industrial centers…. Also relates to public facilities like schools and parks and recreational facilities and roads….

11 This could be a new park next to you!

12 Stormwater Impacts of Conventional Development (including Parks and Rec!)
Not just Increased Flooding! Increased Runoff Volume Decreased Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Recharge Increased Frequency of Runoff Events Faster Conveyance of Water Erosion and Stream Channel Changes Decreased Baseflow Impacted Aquatic Life Pollutants and Temperature Impacts

13 …not to mention other impacts of conventional development practices…
…not to mention other impacts of conventional development practices… Habitat Loss/Biodiversity Wetlands/Floodplains/Other Areas Soils/Special Geologic Features Air Quality/Microclimate Noise Historical/Archaeological Aesthetics/Scenic Quality of Life Public Health

14 Balancing the Water Cycle

15 Annual Hydrologic Cycle
For an Average Year Imagine a one acre parcel of land that receives45” per year of rainfall. Most infiltrates and returns as evapotranspiration. Small amount runs off. Maybe 15” per year infiltrates. This is what recharges groundwater and keeps streams running.


17 Altered Hydrologic Cycle
After development, there is virtually no infiltration and nearly all rainfall runs off impervious surfaces.

18 Infiltration Infiltration Infiltration Surface Runoff Surface Runoff Surface Runoff

19 Conventional Development Water Cycle Impacts:
Increased Peak Runoff Rate Increased Runoff Volumes Decreased Infiltration Decreased Groundwater Recharge Decreased Stream Baseflow Decreased Evapotranspiration Temperature All of which translate into many more related hydrologic, ecologic, other impacts.

20 Conventional (Detention) Stormwater Management
Controls Peak Rate of Runoff to Predevelopment Conditions Fails to Control Volume of Runoff Fails to Control Nonpoint Pollutant/Temperature Loadings





25 We all live downstream…
We all live downstream…. We haven’t understood the basic hydrology of stream and river systems.

26 (PA State Climatological Office, 1926 – 2003)
Average Annual Rainfall Volume that Occurs by Storm Magnitude for Harrisburg, PA (PA State Climatological Office, 1926 – 2003) 0.1” - 1”

27 Stormwater management has focused only on the largest storms…we haven’t paid attention to annual water balance and the reality of smaller storms.



30 Manage Stormwater as a Precious Resource… not a Disposal Problem
for Stream Baseflow/Low Flow for Wells and Springs for Wetlands

31 Nonpoint Source Pollution
Transported by and dissolved in runoff Petroleum Hydrocarbons Metals Nutrients (Phosphorus and Nitrate) Organic matter Sediment Synthetic Organics (pesticides,herbicides)


33 Pollutants in first flush of large and small storms.

34 Impacts on:. Stream Morphology. Aquatic Habitat
Impacts on: Stream Morphology Aquatic Habitat Bank Erosion and Undercutting Streambed Scouring

35 Dry Channels… Eroded Streambanks…

36 Land Development Impacts on Stream Morphology:
Channel widening, downcutting, scouring Stream bank erosion Imbedded substrate with benthic impacts Loss of pools, riffles

37 Land Development Impacts on Stream Ecology:
Reduced diversity of aquatic insects Reduced diversity of fish Decline of amphibians Degraded wetlands, riparian zones


39 Land Development Impacts on Vegetation


41 Trees: the Perfect BMP


43 Land Development Impacts on Soil: A Living Foundation
Soil Horizons Layer of Soil Parallel to Surface Properties a function of climate, landscape setting, parent material, biological activity, and other soil forming processes. Horizons (A, E, B, C, R, etc) Image Source: University of Texas, 2002

44 Dramatic increases in soil compaction…

45 Golf Courses, Parks, Athletic Fields
Common Bulk Density Measurements or How compacted is this soil? Undisturbed Lands: Forests & Woodlands 1.03g/cc CONCRETE 2.2g/cc Residential Neighborhoods 1.69 to 1.97g/cc NRCS has suggested linking ideal bulk densities to soil texture. Permeability has an inverse relationship to bulk density. Golf Courses, Parks, Athletic Fields 1.69 to 1.97g/cc David B. Friedman, District Director -- Ocean County Soil Conservation District Bulk Density is defined as the weight of a unit volume of soil including its pore space (g/cc or grams/cubic centimeter). Water and air are important components of soil and we must frame our soil concepts so that factors affecting water and air dynamics are included. Thus, we are primarily interested in bulk density and pore space as they affect water and aeration status, and root penetration and development.

46 Effects of Soil Disturbance
Adapted from Impact of Soil Disturbance During Construction on Bulk Density and Infiltration in Ocean County, New Jersey (2001) -

47 Getting Stormwater Right:. Structural BMPs. Mitigative
Getting Stormwater Right: Structural BMPs Mitigative Non-Structural BMPs Preventive

48 Site Planning & Design Procedures
STORMWATER CALCULATIONS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Zoning Guidance SLDO Guidance Township Comprehensive Plan Minimum Disturbance, Minimum Maintenance Lot Configuration & Clustering Impervious Coverage Disconnect, Distribute, Decentralize Source Control SITE ANALYSIS NON-STRUCTURAL BMPs STRUCTURAL BMPs Site Analysis: Constraints vs. Opportunities Background Factors: Environmental Constraints Opportunities WATERSHED ANALYSIS BUILDING PROGRAM ISSUES PRE- SUBMISSION MEETING APPLICANT Design Phase 2 MITIGATIVE BMPs Restoration Runoff Quality BMPs Volume Reduction BMPs Soil Infiltration-based BMPs Design Phase 1 PREVENTIVE Sensitive Areas Site Factors Inventory

49 Structural Best Management Practices  Runoff Volume/Infiltration-Oriented Vegetative and Soil-Based 1.      Rain/recharge gardens/Bioretention 2.      Vegetated filter strips       Vegetated Swales (Bio-infiltration, Dry, Wet) 4.      Porous pavement with infiltration beds 5.      Infiltration basins       Subsurface infiltration beds       Infiltration trenches       French drains/dry wells       Outlet control (level spreaders, etc.)   Retentive grading techniques, berms Runoff Volume/Non-Infiltration-Oriented Vegetated roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels/Capture Reuse Runoff Quality/Non-Infiltration Constructed wetlands Wet ponds/retention basins Filters Water quality inserts Detention/Extended Detention Special Storage: Parking Lot, Rooftop, etc. Restoration BMPs Riparian Corridor Restoration Revegetation/Reforestation Soils Amendment

50 One size no longer fits all…

51 Structural BMPs Runoff Volume/Infiltration-Oriented
Vegetative and Soil-Based Porous Pavement Infiltration Basin Infiltration Bed Infiltration Trench Rain Garden/Bioretention Dry Well / Seepage Pit Constructed Filter Vegetated Swale Vegetated Filter Strip Berm

52 Pollutant Removal Effectiveness
Water quality benefits of porous pavement with infiltration from “National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices” Center for Watershed Protection, June 2000 \

53 Porous Pavement

54 Porous Paving w/ Infiltration

55 Rams Head Plaza at University of North Carolina

56 DuPont Barley Mills Office Complex
Woods in center of photo were slated for removal for detention basin construction. Instead, stormwater was put beneath paving.

57 Basin alternative

58 Roof leaders instead take runoff to beds beneath parking.

59 Precipitation is carried from roof by roof drains to storage beds.
Stormwater runoff from impervious and lawn areas is carried to storage beds. Precipitation that falls on porous paving enters storage beds directly Stone beds with 40% void space store water. Continuously perforated pipes distribute stormwater from impervious surfaces evenly throughout the beds. Stormwater exfiltrates from storage beds into soil, recharging groundwater.

60 Perforated pipes in beds to convey runoff to beds.

61 Porous pavement in Hurricane Gloria
Porous pavement in Hurricane Gloria. Conventional pavement in foreground.





66 Costs of Porous Pavement
Generally costs the same or less for the site Actual asphalt slightly more expensive (special gradation and higher grade binder) Reduces Piping Infrastructure and Basins Penn State Berks Campus – 320 spaces 1999 - $3500 / space budgeted for standard pavement - $2700 actual cost for porous Better stormwater management also means reducing site disturbance.

67 Swarthmore College

68 Permeable Patios, Terraces, Courtyards

69 Infiltration Basins

70 Infiltration Basin – Commerce Plaza 1983

71 Vegetated Infiltration Beds
Distributing Water in Sub-Surface Bed

72 Penn New School 43rd and Locust Streets
PaDEP Growing Greener & Philadelphia Water Department Porous Pavement Play Yard Infiltration Bed Beneath Athletic Field Rain Gardens and Native Vegetation Environmental Education



75 Previous impervious parking lot at site


77 Completed Porous Pavement Playfield



80 Infiltration Trenches

81 Rain Gardens / Bioretention
Rainwater can support the landscape and soils, reducing pipes and basins.


83 Dry Well / Seepage Pit

84 Vegetated Swales (simple & inexpensive)

85 Vegetated Swale (Enhanced)

86 Vegetated Filter Strip

87 Infiltration Berms

88 Structural Best Management Practices  Runoff Volume/Infiltration-Oriented Vegetative and Soil-Based 1.      Rain/recharge gardens/Bioretention 2.      Vegetated filter strips       Vegetated Swales (Bio-infiltration, Dry, Wet) 4.      Porous pavement with infiltration beds 5.      Infiltration basins       Subsurface infiltration beds       Infiltration trenches       French drains/dry wells       Outlet control (level spreaders, etc.)   Retentive grading techniques, berms Runoff Volume/Non-Infiltration-Oriented Vegetated roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels/Capture Reuse Runoff Quality/Non-Infiltration Constructed wetlands Wet ponds/retention basins Filters Water quality inserts Detention/Extended Detention Special Storage: Parking Lot, Rooftop, etc. Restoration BMPs Riparian Corridor Restoration Revegetation/Reforestation Soil Amendment

89 Vegetated Roof

90 Vegetated Rooftops Reduce the Volume of Stormwater Runoff (typically 50% or more annually) Reduce the Rate of Stormwater Runoff Increase the Lifespan of a Conventional Roof Surface by 2 to 3 times MUST VIEW THIS VIA A SLIDESHOW!!!! Reduce heating and cooling costs Enhance property values and Aesthetics

91 Fencing Academy of Philadelphia RoofmeadowTM
Before After

92 Stuttgart’s “Green Space”


94 Capture / Reuse Volume Control Reduced potable water consumption
Cost savings

95 UNC-Chapel Hill $1.5 billion construction program, largest in 211-year history of UNC-CH Funded in part by biggest higher education bond in U.S. Guided by award-winning 2001 Campus Master Plan Included an Environmental component which set rigorous goals Describe historic campus, strong sense of place, 2 oldest state university buildings, importance of landscape, one of ASLA’s “most beautiful places in US, value of trees Located as part of Triangle Area in North Carolina UNC-Chapel Hill Campus Master Plan Ayers Saint Gross, Architects

96 Rams Head Stormwater System 40,000 SF Green roof plaza Cistern
Vegetated swale w/ check dams Reinforced-turf fire lane Storage/infiltration bed under artificial turf athletic field Re-created ephemeral stream Water quality inserts Manages runoff from project area and additional 17 acres Image Source: Andropogon Associates

97 Vegetated Roof Plaza Unique, non-proprietary system design, including:
56,000-gallon cistern under pathways Additional 32,000-gallon water storage zone under soil to support trees Visual stormwater connections and overflows 12 to 24 inches of soil for native trees and groundcovers Perforated pipe and Rainstore distribution system

98 Green Roof Plaza with Cisterns

99 Cistern constructed of recycled plastic “Rainstore”
Overflow to Storage Layer under soil

100 On average, it will fill and empty 9 times per irrigation season
56,000 gallon cistern filled by 2.7 inches of rainfall (in one or more storms) On average, it will fill and empty 9 times per irrigation season Provides 3 weeks irrigation without replenishment Flood test of cistern area Bricks being placed above cistern

101 …And then into an Infiltration Bed beneath an Artificial Turf Athletic Field
Describe historic campus, strong sense of place, 2 oldest state university buildings, importance of landscape, one of ASLA’s “most beautiful places in US, value of trees Located as part of Triangle Area in North Carolina

102 Returning Springs and Stormwater Flow to Daylight

103 Structural Best Management Practices  Runoff Volume/Infiltration-Oriented Vegetative and Soil-Based 1.      Rain/recharge gardens/Bioretention 2.      Vegetated filter strips       Vegetated Swales (Bio-infiltration, Dry, Wet) 4.      Porous pavement with infiltration beds 5.      Infiltration basins       Subsurface infiltration beds       Infiltration trenches       French drains/dry wells       Outlet control (level spreaders, etc.)   Retentive grading techniques, berms Runoff Volume/Non-Infiltration-Oriented Vegetated roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels/Capture Reuse Runoff Quality/Non-Infiltration Constructed wetlands Wet ponds/retention basins Filters Water quality inserts Detention/Extended Detention Special Storage: Parking Lot, Rooftop, etc. Restoration BMPs Riparian Corridor Restoration Revegetation/Reforestation Soil Amendment

104 Constructed Wetlands

105 Wet Pond / Retention Basin

106 Water Quality Inserts/Filters

107 Structural Best Management Practices  Runoff Volume/Infiltration-Oriented Vegetative and Soil-Based 1.      Rain/recharge gardens/Bioretention 2.      Vegetated filter strips       Vegetated Swales (Bio-infiltration, Dry, Wet) 4.      Porous pavement with infiltration beds 5.      Infiltration basins       Subsurface infiltration beds       Infiltration trenches       French drains/dry wells       Outlet control (level spreaders, etc.)   Retentive grading techniques, berms Runoff Volume/Non-Infiltration-Oriented Vegetated roofs Cisterns/Rain Barrels/Capture Reuse Runoff Quality/Non-Infiltration Constructed wetlands Wet ponds/retention basins Filters Water quality inserts Detention/Extended Detention Special Storage: Parking Lot, Rooftop, etc. Restoration BMPs Riparian Corridor Restoration Revegetation/Reforestation Soil Amendment

108 Riparian Buffer Restoration and Reforestation

109 Landscape Restoration
Seeding 1st year Lawn to Sustainable Meadows 2nd year 3rd year Images courtesy of Rolf Sauer and Partners

110 Landscape Restoration (cont.)

111 Soil Amendment / Restoration

112 Non-Structural Strategies. aka Low Impact Development
Non-Structural Strategies aka Low Impact Development aka Conservation Design aka Green Infrastructure Even for Community Parks!

113 Site Planning & Design Procedures
STORMWATER CALCULATIONS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Zoning Guidance SLDO Guidance Township Comprehensive Plan Minimum Disturbance, Minimum Maintenance Lot Configuration & Clustering Impervious Coverage Disconnect, Distribute, Decentralize Source Control SITE ANALYSIS NON-STRUCTURAL BMPs STRUCTURAL BMPs Site Analysis: Constraints vs. Opportunities Background Factors: Environmental Constraints Opportunities WATERSHED ANALYSIS BUILDING PROGRAM ISSUES PRE- SUBMISSION MEETING APPLICANT Design Phase 2 MITIGATIVE BMPs Restoration Runoff Quality BMPs Volume Reduction BMPs Soil Infiltration-based BMPs Design Phase 1 PREVENTIVE Sensitive Areas Site Factors Inventory

114 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs 1
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs Protect Sensitive and Special Value Resources BMP 1.1 Protect sensitive/special value features BMP 1.2 Protect/conserve/enhance utilize riparian areas BMP 1.3 Protect/utilize natural flow pathways in overall stormwater planning and design Cluster and Concentrate BMP 2.1 Cluster uses at each site; Build on the smallest area possible BMP 2.2 Concentrate uses areawide through Smart Growth practices Minimize Disturbance and Minimize Maintenance BMP 3.1 Minimize total disturbed area – grading BMP 3.2 Minimize soil compaction in disturbed areas BMP 3.3 Re-vegetate and re-forest disturbed areas, using native species Reduce Impervious Cover BMP 4.1 Reduce street imperviousness BMP 4.2 Reduce parking imperviousness Disconnect/Distribute/Decentralize BMP 5.1 Rooftop disconnection BMP 5.2 Disconnection from storm sewers

115 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMP’s 1
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMP’s Protect Sensitive and Special Value Resources BMP 1.1 Protect sensitive/special value features BMP 1.2 Protect/conserve/enhance utilize riparian areas BMP 1.3 Protect/utilize natural flow pathways in overall stormwater planning and design








123 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs 2
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs Cluster and Concentrate BMP 2.1 Cluster uses at each site; build on the smallest area possible BMP 2.2 Concentrate uses areawide through Smart Growth practices








131 Cost Comparison: Chapel Run Conventional Development
Cost Comparison: Chapel Run Conventional Development $2,460,200 Conservation Design-Parkway $ 888,735

132 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs 3
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs Minimize Disturbance and Minimize Maintenance BMP 3.1 Minimize total disturbed area – grading BMP 3.2 Minimize soil compaction in disturbed areas BMP 3.3 Re-vegetate and re-forest disturbed areas, using native species





137 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs 4
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs Reduce Impervious Cover BMP 4.1 Reduce street imperviousness BMP 4.2 Reduce parking imperviousness






143 Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs: 5
Non-Structural BMP Categories with Specific Non-Structural BMPs: Disconnect/Distribute/Decentralize BMP 5.1 Rooftop disconnection BMP 5.2 Disconnection from storm sewers


145 Top Ten Stormwater Management Principles: -Prevent first, -Mitigate second. -Manage as a resource – not a waste! -Maintain water cycle balance, pre- to post. -Integrate early into site design process. -Protect/utilize natural systems (soil, vegetation). -Manage as close to the source as possible. -Disconnect. Decentralize. Distribute. -Slow it down – don’t speed it up. -Achieve multiple objectives; do as much with as little as possible.

146 System Balance…. “…everything is connected to everything else….”

147 Stormwater Management: Making Sure Green is Green

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