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A Systems Approach to Sustainability at U.S. EPA
Joseph Fiksel Executive Director Center for Resilience The Ohio State University Sustainability Advisor, U.S. EPA Office of Research & Development The content of this presentation reflects the views of the author and does not represent the policies or position of the U.S. EPA.
Three Pillars of Sustainability
Economic Prosperity Environmental Protection Human Health & Social Well Being
Need for a Systems Approach
“Although risk-based methods have led to many successes…they are not adequate to address… complex problems…such as depletion of natural resources, climate change, and loss of biodiversity…. Sophisticated tools are…available to address cross-cutting…challenging issues that go beyond risk management. National Research Council Sustainability and the U.S. EPA September 2011
What is a Systems Approach?
A comprehensive methodology for understanding the interactions and feedback loops among Economic systems—companies, supply chains…. Ecological systems—forests, watersheds…. Societal systems—communities, networks…. Reveals consequences (sometimes unintended) of human interventions, such as new policies, technologies, and business practices Degraded ecosystems threaten the sustainability of human economies (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005)
What do Ecosystems Provide?
Natural capital consists of ecosystem goods and services that are essential for human well-being Provisioning Goods produced or provided by ecosystems • food • fresh water • fuel & wood • fiber • biochemicals • genetic resources Regulating Benefits obtained from natural regulation of ecosystem processes • climate regulation • disease regulation • flood regulation • detoxification Cultural Non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems • spiritual • recreational • aesthetic • inspirational • educational • symbolic Supporting Services necessary for provision of other ecosystem services • Soil formation • Nutrient cycling • Primary production
Triple Value Model Industry Society (economic capital) (human capital)
economic value is created for society labor is utilized in industry Environment (natural capital) waste and emissions may degrade the environment ecological goods and services are utilized in industry ecological amenities are enjoyed by society some waste is recovered and recycled emissions may harm humans society invests in protection & restoration Adapted from: J. Fiksel, A Framework for Sustainable Materials Management, Journal of Materials, August 2006.
Triple Value Model Industry Society (economic capital) (human capital)
Environment (natural capital) Adapted from: J. Fiksel, A Framework for Sustainable Materials Management, Journal of Materials, August 2006.
Example: Triple Value Model for Water Resource Flows
Economy Society economic value agriculture, fishing, industrial, and commercial uses runoff and wastewater drinking water, recreation, and cultural uses Environment ecological resource base
Interventions to Promote Sustainable Water Resource Flows
Industry Society Smart growth Materials Built environment Public agencies Communities, special populations Energy Food Services Infrastructure Conservation Treatment technologies Process water recycling Gray water reuse Rainwater harvesting Water stewardship Integrated water resource management Full cost accounting Green infrastructure Agricultural practices Environment Surface water Ground-water
Application to Nutrient Pollution
Concentrations of Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) in many U.S. waterways have increased greatly due to human sources, e.g., municipal wastewater treatment, agricultural & stormwater runoff, airborne emissions These excess nutrients result in algal blooms and degraded aquatic ecosystems, adversely impacting drinking water, fishing, recreation, and tourism N and P are difficult to control or remove because the sources are broadly dispersed, the environmental pathways and mechanisms are complex, and the removal technologies are costly
Narragansett Pilot Project
Apply “systems thinking” to the problem of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in New England waters Collaborate with stakeholders to address the full spectrum of sustainability goals Explore integrated strategies for nutrient mitigation Regulatory influence Voluntary innovation Provide a replicable approach for other EPA Regions Narragansett Bay Watershed
Systems View of the Nitrogen Cycle
Galloway, J.N. et al. (2003). The nitrogen cascade. Bioscience, 53, 341–356.
Bridging Science and Policy
What do we know today? What are the unknowns? What are our goals? What are the options? Systems Model How should we proceed given the uncertainties?
Watershed Mass Balance for Nitrogen
Mobile emissions Nitrogen deposition Atmosphere Point source discharges Wastewater Treatment Plants Industry Deposition Precipitation Communities Impervious surfaces Sludge Recharge Water Treatment Plants Denitrification Subsurface disposal Soil Sewer overflow Private wells Runoff Riparian runoff Fertilizers Soil organisms and vegetation Uptake Surface water Manure Municipal wells Fixation Outflow Base flow Base flow Infiltration Aquatic Organisms Ground water
Modeling the Nutrient Cycle
products & services Economic Activities Agriculture Commercial Fisheries Energy & Transportation Land Development Recreation & Tourism Water Treatment Community Stakeholders Consumers & residents State & local agencies Water & energy utilities Regional businesses Septic tank users Private well users water supply runoff and wastewater industrial & commercial uses recreational and cultural uses Environmental Resources Surface water Ground water Coastal areas Fish & shellfish Regional ecosystems Atmosphere & climate
Triple Value Simulation (3VS)
Interactive system dynamics model based on the T21 platform from Millennium Institute Explores how strategic options affect overall sustainability outcomes Helps create portfolio of interventions to maximize stakeholder benefits Current status of model development Phase 1 prototype completed in November 2011 Coarse disaggregation by subregions of the watershed Extensive involvement of regional stakeholder groups Phase 2 will analyze specific decision scenarios “All models are wrong, but some models are useful”
Overview of Modeling Approach
Applications Science & analytics Policy level 3VS Model Environ-mental models Detailed place-based model Human health models Economic models Detailed models There is no single model that can address all the needs of decision makers and stakeholders at multiple scales
Municipal Boundaries for Subwatersheds
Nitrogen Loading by Source and Subwatershed (2011)
Nitrogen Loading by Source and Subwatershed (2030)
Policy Interventions Considered
10/12/2011 Policy Interventions Considered Enforcement of MS4/Stormwater Phase II requirements Subsequent phases of Fields Point CSO Abatement Project and CSO projects in Falls River and Worcester Restoration, construction, and maintenance of wetlands, salt marshes, and riparian buffers Green infrastructure and low impact development (LID) practices to reduce runoff volume and pollutant loadings Development and implementation of sustainable land care practices through BMPs (best management practices) Development and enforcement of TMDLs (total maximum daily loads) Further upgrades to sewer infrastructure via State Revolving Funds. Enforcement of “no discharge” boating on the Bay Improvement/enforcement of NOx controls on local air pollution Nitrogen permit trading program for WWTFs (e.g., Long Island Sound) Bioharvesting of shellfish and algae MS4/Stormwater Phase II enforcement mentioned in both the Taunton River and Blackstone River Watershed 5-Year Action Plans Wetland, salt marsh, riparian: cited by the above plans, as well as the Rhode Island Systems Level Plan, by the Bays, Rivers, and Watersheds Coordination Team. 21
Causal Relationships in the System Model
Society Watershed GDP Atmospheric deposition Stormwater runoff Disposable income Emissions & VMT reductions BMPs Aquaculture ISDS improvements Waterway engineering Improved treatment CSO tunnels LID and GI Municipal tax revenue Agricultural fertilizer use Septic tanks & cesspools Fishing & Tourism Energy demand Wastewater treatment Property values Resident beach visits Recreational fishing Nutrient loadings Economy Finfish & shellfish abundance Fish kill likelihood Pathogen loadings Near-shore turbidity Aquatic ecosystem impairment Climate change Rain Algae blooms Legend Sustainability Indicator Causal link Potential Intervention Dissolved oxygen Surface water conditions Environment
Graphical Interface
Final Thought “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein
Acknowledgments Dr. Paul Anastas Dr. Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta
Assistant Administrator Office of Research & Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta Interim National Program Director, Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Office of Research & Development, U.S. EPA
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