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WP-10 Satellite based flood monitoring system of pilot areas of China and India Progress of BNU Part (2008 May – 2009 April ) LIU Zhingang, JIANG Weiguo,

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Presentation on theme: "WP-10 Satellite based flood monitoring system of pilot areas of China and India Progress of BNU Part (2008 May – 2009 April ) LIU Zhingang, JIANG Weiguo,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP-10 Satellite based flood monitoring system of pilot areas of China and India Progress of BNU Part (2008 May – 2009 April ) LIU Zhingang, JIANG Weiguo, LI Shihua, YANG Bing (Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China) LU Jingxuan, DING Zhixiong, CHEN Kangning (Remote Sensing Technology Application Centre in China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research )

2 Page  2 Description of Work  Task 10.1. Early flood warning using surface wetness indicator derived from satellite data (ULP, BNU);  Task 10.2. Real time flood forecasting using data from the atmospheric-hydrologic network (NIH, BNU);  Task 10.3. Mapping and visualizing flood inundation, flood risk using combined satellite data and hydraulic models (BNU, NIH)

3 Page  3 Task 10.1. Early flood warning using surface wetness indicator derived from satellite data Development of the surface wetness indicator Collect the flood information of last 30 years at Yangtze River (BNU) Times series analysis (ULP, BNU ) Case studies (ULP, BNU ) Partly-Finished Unfinished Finished

4 Page  4 flood location of last 30 years at Yangtze River

5 Page  5 Task 10.2. Real time flood forecasting using data from the atmospheric-hydrologic network Case studies (ULP, BNU ) Partly-Finished Unfinished Xiangjiang River (BNU ) Heihe River (BNU ) Time series analysis of historical hydro- meteorological data Finished Development of flood forecasting models Black-Box ANN/ Fuzzy logic (BNU) Kalman filters Data have been collected ANN model has been developed.

6 Page  6

7 Page  7 The TANK Rainfall-runoff forecasting model

8 Page  8 Task 10.3. Mapping and visualizing flood inundation, flood risk using combined satellite data and hydraulic models Case study (BNU ) Partly-Finished Unfinished Mapping flood inundated area (BNU: Xiangjiang River) Finished flood inundation, flood hazard and flood risk map (BNU: Xiangjiang River) Simulation of flood inundation, depth and areal extent (BNU: Xiangjiang River)

9 Page  9 Vulnerability factors data Flood risk and impact maps Flood risk analysis Hydro-dynamic model (HEC-RAS) Remote Sensing image Socio-Economic data Population Hazard factors data Population density map Economic Value map Flood impact analysis Hydrologic data DEM Land use Flood area Flood depth Flood frequency Flood risk assessment and impact evaluation model Assessment method Remote Sensing image Partly-Finished Unfinished Finished

10 Page  10 The Changsha channel segment of Xiang Jiang River is selected as study area in Hunan Province of China Xiang Jiang River Changsha

11 Page  11  Collect the historical hydrologic data of the Changsha channel segment of Xiang Jiang River  Study their change statuses and analysis their development trends through the Time series analyzing method. Time Series Analysis for Water Level of the Observation Station Jun 28, 1998

12 Page  12  Buy the 12 scenes of scale 1:10,000 topography maps (DRG format)  Digitize and process it from Raster into Vector format data (with ArcGIS 9.x software). topography maps

13 Page  13 LANDSAT ETM (2000)

14 Page  14 the River Analysis System of Hydrologic Engineering Centers (HEC- RAS)

15 Page  15  Risk : “Expected losses (of lives, persons injured, property damaged, and economic activity disrupted) due to a particular hazard for a given area and reference period. Based on mathematical calculations, Risk is the product of hazard and vulnerability”.  Where  Hazard : A threatening event, or the probability of occurrence of a potentially damaging phenomenon within a given time period and area  Vulnerability : Degree of loss resulting from a potentially damaging phenomenon. ----United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs, 1992 Risk Evaluation Method

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