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Standa Vaněček The potential of Integrated Modelling and the OpenMI Standa Vaněček DHI, Chairman of the OATC.

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Presentation on theme: "Standa Vaněček The potential of Integrated Modelling and the OpenMI Standa Vaněček DHI, Chairman of the OATC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standa Vaněček The potential of Integrated Modelling and the OpenMI Standa Vaněček DHI, Chairman of the OATC

2 Standa Vaněček HarmonIT 2002 - 2005 Development and implementation of a European Open Modelling Interface and Environment (OMI) that will simplify the linking of hydrology related models. Support for the WFD € Reservoir Ecology Flow Fish Tourism Climate change Groundwater

3 Standa Vaněček To be solved Type of the links Rainfall – runoff mode => river HD-WQ, sediment transport,.. River-groundwater Flood simulation Coastal model connected to river model Urban models  rivers Way of the linking Simple link Bi-directional link Loop Differentce in Dimension 1D, 2D, 3D Spatial location Numerical solvers (different grids, finite elements, finite differences, stochastic model, Neuron Network…) Time scale –Time step –Simulation periods –From Water Hammer (microseconds) to the Ground water pollution (years)

4 Standa Vaněček Initial conditions Lot of models already exist None of them cover all phenomenas in in full complexity Models are “closed” /not possibility to extend them for peoples not having direct contacts to the model developers Model developers / providers will not invest money for full rewriting of model engines Organizations included in the HarmonIT projects have experience in the model integration More platforms (not only Windows) need to be supported

5 Standa Vaněček Strategy OpenMI development is primary focused on the definition of the standard of the sending information between models - protocol Did not create standards for –Input / output file formats –Common user interface –Common result processing Standard is supported by set of the tools / methodologies helping in the model migration, creating and executing composition Several existing models were migrated as the prove of concept Standard is public available – supporting tools are Open Source project Association continuing in the maintenance of the OpenMI standard were established after end of the project

6 Standa Vaněček Main principles Model = Linkable component = engine component populated by data Individual models setups are build and calibrated in the model “native” environment. OpenMI is used for the linking of the models and running composition Results are presented using individual models. The ‘request & reply’ = pull mechanism is used (Version 2.0 offer also loop mechanism) GetValues() Exchange data are described by –Quantity –Time description –Location Requesting component ask for the data needed for the computation, replying component need to implement procedures to be able delivered them (interpolation, spatial mapping,…)

7 Standa Vaněček More complex examples OpenMI standard create possibility for connecting of the model (components), not directly connected to the hydraulic/ hydrology –Complex water quality –Meteorological model –Databases as the input of the data – Real-time component –Optimization –GIS –Economical models –Environmental model –Simulation of the technological processes –Navigation –….

8 Standa Vaněček Using of the OpenMI OpenMI can be used for –Building of the DSS –Platform of the testing of the detail models –Real time setups, connected to the online measurement, prediction models, automatic distribution of the warnings… –Support for the reporting under different EU directives –Synchronization of basin management plans (cross- border) –Solving of the old ecological problems –Tool for the staff training under the different / critical conditions (real time measurement / respond replaced by models)

9 Standa Vaněček Mine waters – example of the complex problem Case description Some old mines are flooded by the ground water – and this create big source for the ground water pollution There are even chemical reactions between different chemical components Need to be pumped out If it is not processed in the treatment plans (specific for the type of the pollutants) – it can create problems in the recipients Economical x ecological aspects need to be optimized Set of the model to be used (in optimal way) Ground water model Reaction model Model simulating pressurized flow including pumping station Water treatment plan River model including water quality and in some case sediment transport Online measurement database (water quality..) Habitat Real-time control for the pumping and treatment station Economical model ….. Most of the components already exists – but they are operated by different group of the peoples – complex solution did not exist Such complex study can be used as bases for the request of the EU founding

10 Standa Vaněček What is OpenMI OpenMI is the definition of the standard Implemented as the C# and the Java “OpenMI” SDK set of supporting tools classes for the OpenMI implementation, model migration a running. More such implementation can exist OpenMI GUI is the simple tool providing possibility to test linking of the component, running and understanding of the process happening. OpenMI standard provide more possibility and flexibility

11 Standa Vaněček OpenMI is not Product, GUI, simulation frame, DSS, GIS, computation engine Linking of only hydraulic / hydrology mathematical time based models –Basically models from different areas can use OpenMI for integration –Data for exchange can be created by the different way then computation – for example database or online meassurement,… –Even not – time based component can exist in Version 2.0

12 Standa Vaněček Where to find information OpenMI is really open. All informations, source codes, … can be publically accessed Main OpenMI association page OATC Wiki AssociationTechnical+Committee AssociationTechnical+Committee All source code in Subversion used as the source code system.

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