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12 months of success Richard Lampitt NOC FixO3: 12 months GA Crete October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "12 months of success Richard Lampitt NOC FixO3: 12 months GA Crete October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 months of success Richard Lampitt NOC FixO3: 12 months GA Crete October 2014

2 FixO 3 2

3 200920102011 2012 201320142015201620172018 OceanObs Galway declaration Call text proposed Writing team established Call published FixO 3 Submission FixO 3 start FixO 3 end 3

4 20132014201520162017 FixO 3 start FixO 3 end Final report 2018 4 Mid-term review Technical report Grant agreement

5 5 Great achievements 11 milestone 15 TNA applications 17 deliverables

6 6 Great challenges 1 data policy accepted

7 7 EMODnet 20M Euro/year for the forthcoming future

8 8 Great challenges 1 data policy accepted 1 mid-term review

9 9 The reviewer's task is to give external advice to the Commission with respect to: 1. Fulfilment of the project work plan and deliverables 2. Relevance of the objectives and breakthrough potential 3. Resources vv achievements 4. Management 5. Contributions of partners and their integration 6. the expected impact in various categories 7: Plans for the use and dissemination of results. The reviewer(s) will also assist the Commission by recommending any reorientation that may be required. Mid-term review (in period 1-12 th October 2015)

10 10 Great challenges 1 data policy accepted 1 mid-term review Service Activity funding to start

11 11 NA TNA JRA M

12 12 Great challenges 1 data policy accepted 1 mid-term review Service Activity funding to start 8 milestones 24 deliverables AtlantOS to start

13 13

14 14

15 Data into public domain with minimum time delay Metadata associated Free of Charge or with just cost of reproduction Data Sharing Principles Full and Open Exchange of Data … Recognizing issues of accreditation 15

16 FixO 3 With surface chlorophyll (average 2007) Courtesy RSDAS 16

17 17 FixO 3 With Surface temperature climatology Courtesy NEODAAS, UK

18 18 FixO 3 With air-sea flux of CO2 (average 2000) (From Takahashi et al 2009) Courtesy Ute Schuster, UEA

19 19 FixO 3 With dust deposition rate annual climatology (from Mahowald 2005) Courtesy Natalie Mahowald

20 20

21 21 FixO 3 Workpackages 1: Project management 2: Technological harmonisation 3: Procedural harmonisation 4: Data management and harmonisation 5: Innovation through industry 6: Interface with policy and intergovernmental bodies 7: International and European networking of fixed point observatories 8: Outreach and training 9: Transnational access to FixO3 infrastructures 10: Service activities: Access to data products and knowledge 11: Optimisation of ocean observing capability 12: Research and development on critical observatory functions

22 22

23 23

24 24 Top Fossil Fuel Emitters (Absolute) Top four emitters in 2011 covered 62% of global emissions China (28%), United States (16%), EU27 (11%), India (7%) The growing gap between EU27 and USA is due to emission decreases in Germany (45% of the 1990-2011 cumulative difference), UK (19%), Romania (13%), Czech Republic (8%), and Poland (5%) Source: CDIAC DataCDIAC Data; Le Quéré et al. 2012; Global Carbon Project 2012Le Quéré et al. 2012Global Carbon Project 2012

25 25 FixO 3

26 26 Across the Fram strait Within the Mediterranean

27 Essential Climate (Ocean) Variables Martin Visbeck

28 28

29 29 Transnational Access (TNA)

30 Provision of transnational access to researchers or research teams to one or more research infrastructures among those operated by the participants ‘Hands on’ access Remote access Transnational Access (TNA) 30

31 Definitions access provider = beneficiary that is in charge of providing access infrastructure = facility or resource (or a coherent set of them) together with related services installation = part of the infrastructure that could be used independently from the rest user = researcher in a user group, including the user group leader user group = research team of one or more researchers given access to the infrastructure under the project 31 Transnational Access (TNA)

32 Performance obligations provide access free of charge to selected user groups to the infrastructure or the installations publicise widely, including a dedicated web page on the internet, the access offered under this grant agreement ensure that users comply the terms and conditions of the grant agreement maintain appropriate documentation to support and justify the amount of access reported 32 Transnational Access (TNA)

33 Transnationality the user group leader and the majority of the users must work in an institution established in a MS or AS the user group and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the country where the legal entity operating the infrastructure (access provider) is established Exception the access provider is an international organisation or the JRC remote access to a distributed set of infrastructures or installations offering the same services 33 Transnational Access (TNA)

34 Selection of user groups Only user groups that are entitled to disseminate foreground they have generated under the project are eligible to benefit from access free of charge user groups requesting access have to submit in writing a description of work, including names, nationalities and home institutions of the users the access provider has to set up a selection panel to assist in the selection of user groups according to the principles of transparency, fairness and impartiality 34 Transnational Access (TNA)

35 Selection of user groups (II) the selection panel has to consist of international experts, at least half of them shall be independent from the infrastructure the selection has to be taken on basis of scientific merit – priority should be given to user groups: - who have not previously used the infrastructure - are working in countries where no such infrastructures exist 35 Transnational Access (TNA)

36 Access cost calculation of a unit cost (estimated or real) the total quantity of access to the installation during the lifetime of the project (access financed and not financed by the EC) - direct costs of the access, excluding subcontracts plus indirect costs of 7% of the direct costs the direct costs shall exclude all contributions to capital investments as well as travel and subsistence costs the direct costs may include cost of preparatory work 36 Transnational Access (TNA)

37 Community financial contribution (Last) Adjustment of access costs in the financial statement (Form C) corresponding to the (last) reporting period on the basis to the total quantity of access and the actual costs incurred to give access The community financial support shall not exceed 20% of the costs of providing access to the installation over the duration of the project. 37 Transnational Access (TNA)

38 Access cost calculation of a unit cost (estimated or real) the total quantity of access to the installation during the lifetime of the project (access financed and not financed by the EC) - direct costs of the access, excluding subcontracts plus indirect costs of 7% of the direct costs the direct costs shall exclude all contributions to capital investments as well as travel and subsistence costs the direct costs may include cost of preparatory work 38 Transnational Access (TNA)

39 39 Eligibility If your current employer is based in an EU member state or associated state. These countries are: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom You may apply for access to infrastructure located in the same country as your own institution under certain circumstances.

40 Services through Communication Networks and e-infrastructure activities Special Clause No. 17, 18 and 19 to FP7 Grant Agreement 40

41 Special Clause No. 17 A.Performance Obligations The access provider shall provide access free of charge to the scientific services described in Annex I through communication networks have the services offered to the scientific community assessed periodically by an external board composed to international experts in the field, appointed by the consortium with the written approval of the Commission 41

42 Special Clause No. 17 B. Financial Provisions Community financial support for access costs shall not exceed 20% of the operating costs incurred by the installation providing the access over the duration of the project, excluding all contributions to the capital investments of the infrastructure 42

43 Special Clause No. 18 e-Infrastructure activities Definitions Connectivity: means a set of one or more circuits allowing for the transmission of full duplex bit streams denied end points, as specified in Annex I 43

44 Special Clause No. 18 Financial Provisions As an exception to Article II.16 (Upper Funding Limits) for the continued provision and upgrading of the required connectivity services as specified in Annex I, the maximum reimbursement rate shall be 50% of the total eligible costs. 44

45 Special Clause No. 19 Limitation of indirect costs for integrating activities Infrastructures and preparatory phase reimbursement of indirect costs related to coordination and support activities, except those related to the management of these activities, is limited to a maximum of 7 % of the direct costs relating to these activities, excluding the direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary 45

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