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Wild Circuits Investigating the Limits of MIN/MAX/AVG Circuits Brendan Juba Faculty Advisor: Manuel Blum Graduate Mentor: Ryan Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Wild Circuits Investigating the Limits of MIN/MAX/AVG Circuits Brendan Juba Faculty Advisor: Manuel Blum Graduate Mentor: Ryan Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wild Circuits Investigating the Limits of MIN/MAX/AVG Circuits Brendan Juba Faculty Advisor: Manuel Blum Graduate Mentor: Ryan Williams

2 Definitions: MIN/MAX/AVG Circuits We are given a circuit, C, with feedback, operating on real numbers from the closed interval [0,1]. C contains  MIN, MAX, or AVG gates with two inputs  “Inputs” to the circuit that are hard-wired to either 0 or 1. |C| denotes the number of gates of C  Here, |C| = 3 When the output of a gate is the appropriate function of its inputs, we say that the gate is satisfied MAX AVG MIN 10 0 0 0 unsatisfied satisfied

3 Definitions: MIN/MAX/AVG Circuits Settings of the gate outputs from the interval [0,1] are value vectors  A value vector for C, v  [0,1] |C|  The i th entry, v i, is the output of the i th gate. This is an implicit ordering of the gates of C We may also consider an update function, F: [0,1] |C|  [0,1] |C|  A single-gate update function replaces the output of a single designated gate with the correct output value.  We will call iterating over the single gate update functions “gate-by-gate update” MAX AVG MIN 10

4 Definition: Stable Circuit Problem A vector v is stable iff every gate is satisfied. (F(v) = v) Gate-by-gate update from the vector 0 obtains a stable vector in the limit. This is the minimum stable solution  We wish to find the minimum stable solution MAX AVG MIN 10 1/2 0 MAX AVG MIN 10 1/2 0 0 stable unstable

5 Definition: STABLE CIRCUIT (Decision Problem) We are given a circuit C, and some designated i th gate. In the minimum stable solution of C, s, “is s i ≥ 1/2?” If we can efficiently solve this decision problem, we can efficiently solve the function problem: we can find 2|C| bits of any s i, which may be shown to be sufficient.  Inductively suppose we know the first k-1 bits of s i to be v  Modify C: (1-1/2 k -v) requires k gates  In the minimum stable solution, this new AVG gate’s output is above 1/2 iff the k th bit of s i is a 1, so the decision problem tells us the k th bit of s i Ex: Suppose v =.011010, s i =.0110101… (k = 7) then AVG(s i,1-1/2 k -v) = (.0110101… +.1001011)/2 =.10000000… If s i =.0110100… then AVG(s i,1-1/2 k -v) = (.0110100… +.1001011)/2 =.01111111… AVG i th gate (1-1/2 k -v)

6 Previously, on STABLE CIRCUIT STABLE CIRCUIT is in NP  co-NP (Condon, 1992)  We can modify our circuits to have a unique solution that is identical to the minimum stable solution up to the 2|C| th bit  This unique solution can be guessed and checked STABLE CIRCUIT is P-hard  MONOTONE CIRCUIT is a special case

7 Observations and Motivations Our original motivation was to show STABLE CIRCUIT was hard for some class beyond P If we apply gate-by-gate update to arbitrary starting value vectors, we can obtain “interesting” circuits  We do not necessarily obtain stable configurations of our circuits -- this is not Stable Circuit If we apply gate-by-gate update to the value vector 0, can we still obtain “interesting” circuits?  If so, the minimum stable solution is the configuration of the device after an unbounded amount of time!

8 Can we obtain “interesting” circuits starting from 0? YES

9 “Leapfrog” circuits We assign each wire a “threshold” wire and interpret its value relative to that threshold  Above threshold: T  Below threshold: F It is already clear that we still have AND and OR There is also a construction for NOT (next slide)  If there are W wires which we wish to interpret relative to the same threshold, this gadget takes Θ(W) gates NB: The circuits are still monotone!  As we update, a value may seem to rise or fall, as we follow it across different wires through the circuit  The value on any particular wire only rises as the gates of the circuit are updated

10 NOT Gadget AVG MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX th x0x0 x1x1 x2x2 ~x 0 th x1x1 x2x2 AVG MAX MIN MAX AVG thx0x0 x1x1 x2x2

11 Caveats Assumptions: 1.All values above [below] threshold are equal has a value distinct from all other inputs 3.We may specify the update order for the gates of the circuit Take each in turn: 1.Everything starts from zero and the property is preserved by our AND, OR, and NOT gates 2.We can push th above zero by means of an AVG gate With feedback, we must also pass the other wires through AVG gates to preserve relative values 3.Update order doesn’t change the solution we approach

12 Two-bit Counter Circuit MAX MIN AVG NOT 1 11 x0x0 x1x1 th 0 1 x0x0 x1x1 AVG MIN MAX AVG

13 Two-bit Counter Circuit MAX MIN AVG NOT 1 11 x0x0 x1x1 th 1/2 17/32 x0x0 x1x1 th MIN MAX

14 Two-bit Counter Circuit MAX MIN AVG NOT 1 11 x0x0 x1x1 th 195/ 256 781/ 1024 x0x0 x1x1 th MIN MAX

15 Two-bit Counter Circuit MAX MIN AVG NOT 1 11 x0x0 x1x1 th 28867/ 32768 7217/ 8192 x0x0 x1x1 th MIN MAX

16 Serving Suggestions The counter generalizes to n bits easily  The n-bit counter takes Θ(n 2 ) gates, due to the size of the NOT gadgets We now have our counter We next investigate the power of Leapfrog circuits, using the counter… First, we will need to make precise what we mean by “Leapfrog circuits” NOT MIN MAX carry-in xixi xixi carry- out

17 Definition: LEAPFROG Let LEAPFROG be the following problem: Given a circuit C and designated gates i and th, consider the sequence of vectors v 1, v 2, … obtained during gate-by-gate update of C from 0 in the order of the gate indices of C: “Is there an index t such that v t i > v t th ?” LEAPFROG captures our notion of what Leapfrog circuits “compute”

18 LEAPFROG vs. STABLE CIRCUIT NB: Not the same problem!!  But, STABLE CIRCUIT obviously reduces to LEAPFROG (include a gate that outputs constant 1/2-1/2 2|C| …) Is LEAPFROG hard?  YES -- we will see in a moment Does LEAPFROG reduce to STABLE CIRCUIT?  If “yes,” then STABLE CIRCUIT is also hard.

19 LEAPFROG is hard! (NP-hard) Let any boolean formula be given… Ex: (x 1  ~x 2  x 3 )  (~x 1  ~x 2  x 3 ) Since we have AND, OR, and NOT gates, formulas easily translate into circuits. NOT MIN MAX x1x1 x2x2 x3x3 th, etc. (x 1  ~x 2  x 3 )  (~x 1  ~x 2  x 3 ) If we attach x i to the ith bit of the counter, we try all possible assignments, allowing us to reduce SAT to LEAPFROG. The number of gates in these SAT circuits is quadratic in the length of the formula.

20 LEAPFROG is really hard! (PSPACE-hard) We can still do better: using the counter, we will decide whether quantified boolean formulas are valid (Reducing TQBF to LEAPFROG) Assume WLOG that the quantifiers alternate: odd variables are universal, even ones are existential Leaves in this tree correspond to assignments  The counter walks along the leaves, left to right At the bottom we evaluate the quantifier-free part of the formula on the specified assignment. x1x1 x0x0 x0x0 00011011   Each  level of the tree has one bit of memory for the left branch  Set it to T when the branch is T, reset it to F when leaving that subtree. Pass T up the tree when we see  T at either branch at an  level  T at the right branch of a  level with the left branch bit already set to T. T is passed up from the top of the tree iff we have a TQBF.

21 Quantifier Circuit:  x i (  x i-1 A ) Axixi Carry-out: x i vi0vi0 NOT MIN MAX xixi vi0vi0  x i  x i-1 A IH: the wire A will be T iff the shorter formula with alternating quantifiers, A, is satisfied by the assignment to x n,…,x i-1 from the counter v i 0 is our bit of memory storing the value of (A|x i = F) (the left branch) under the fixed assignment to x n,…,x i+1 When there is a carry out of x i, x i+1 has altered, so we reset v i 0 to F If v i 0 = (A|x i = F) = T and (A|x i = T) = T (on the right branch), then the wire labeled  x i  x i-1 A is set to T. Otherwise, the wire remains F. Notice we try both settings of x i-1 for each branch. The wire  x i  x i-1 A is T iff  x i  x i-1 A is satisfied by the assignment to x n,…,x i+1, so the Inductive Hypothesis is satisfied MIN MAX

22 End of the Line: Thwarted by PSPACE Recall: finding values in the limit (the minimum stable solution) is known to be in NP  co-NP Answers to PSPACE-hard problems (TQBF) may be encoded on the wires as we update  Since circuits of AND/OR/NOT gates can be evaluated in PSPACE, we would need to drastically alter our model to solve anything harder Hence, unless NP = PSPACE, LEAPFROG does not reduce to STABLE CIRCUIT Thus, in general, Leapfrog circuits (specifically, our counter) cannot be “stopped”

23 Open problems How hard is STABLE CIRCUIT?  We had also succeeded in placing the function version in PLS, but still no hardness results  Is Stable Circuit PLS-complete?  Is STABLE CIRCUIT in P? How hard is LEAPFROG, actually?  Trivially RE, but this says rather little  Is LEAPFROG decidable?

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