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Presentation on theme: "MALDIVES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Water management trend in Maldives Groundwater well with dippers
Rainwater tank Groundwater well with dippers

3 Avg. thickness of freshwater lens in the north region is at 3
Avg.thickness of freshwater lens in the north region is at 3.6m with avg.EC. 2500µS/cm Avg.salinity of groundwater is at 0.34ppt Avg.thickness of freshwater lens in the south region is at 5.9m with avg.EC. 3500µS/cm EC: Electrical Conductivity

4 Regional Training on Economics of Adaptation
Proposed Project Integrated Water Resource Management Enhancing freshwater security in islands across Maldives through integration of available water resources

5 Project Island Team members Ali Amir Ali Shareef Ajwad Musthafa
Ha. Ihavandhoo Island Team members Ali Amir Ali Shareef Ajwad Musthafa Mohamed Musthafa Mariyam Fariha Latheef

6 Characteristics of project island
Geographic Location : Long: , Lat: Population: Area from vegetation line (ha): 57 Reclaimed land area (ha): 3.5 Density per/ha: No. of houses 450 Family size (avg) 6

7 Overview of Selected Water Project
Name of project island: Ha. Ihavandhoo Leading Agency: Ministry of Environment & Energy Funding Source: Climate Adaptation Fund Time frame: 2years Project Status: Implementing Total project investment: US$ 2,182,830

8 Groundwater Conductivity in Selected Islands (2006)

9 The concept

10 Overview of Water Project (Cont..)
Objectives To ensure water security through an integrated water management system in Ha.Ihavandhoo. Output Island wide climate resilient water supply system through integration of water resources developed in Ha.Ihavandhoo Island Metered water connections given to households through integrated desalinated water supply system Water quality regularly checked on the island

11 Overview of Water Project (Cont..)
Expected Outcome Eliminates ongoing regular water transportation on boats to Ha.Ihavandhoo Cost of water transportation to Ha.Ihavandhoo eliminated. Water security in Ha.Ihavandhoo improved The stress on potable water released Health and livelihood of children and elderly improved Impacts to water supply due to climatic change minimized Reduced power consumption on water production

A work plan was also made for carrying out water project analysis. This acted as a framework to continue with the in-country tasks. We had produced a CBA worksheet relating to the project. It was shared and worked together with mentor - Mr. Akram.

13 Country tasks – Overview of progress
Determine which costs and benefits to include in the analysis Existing project documents reviewed and costs and benefits were identified This has been further analyzed through discussions by with the mentor – Mr. Ali Akram Collect annual cost and benefit data All costs and benefit data have been collected Determine values of missing elements To be continued In-country/online training on performing cost benefit analysis Unfortunately we did not have the opportunity to take part in country training on CBA as planned. Perform Data Cost Benefit Analysis To be carried out

14 Country tasks – Overview of progress
Existing information and data on the target island collected -costs and benefits on the project identified and a worksheet prepared The worksheet has been shared to mentors The work sheet we prepared has been reviewed by Ali Akram, Yale uni (through )

15 Estimated budget for the water sector analysis in HA.Ihavandhoo
Initial trip for test survey Travel US$ Male'-Hanimaadhoo-Male' (Air fare) 1051 Hanimaadhoo - Ihavandhoo Sea Transport 649 Accomodation 272 Food Stationaries & Other admin costs 64 Sub total 2307 Trip to conduct survey 545 127 Water Quality Testing (Rain, Groundwater and Bottled) 3000 Miscellanious cost 1000 6916 Total 9223

16 Overview of Water Sector Towards Climate Change
How is this sector described within national climate change strategies/policies? The water sector in Maldives is very vulnerable to climatic changes that needs appropriate adaptation measures The policy is to develop climate resilient water supply systems on islands with appropriate low cost adaptation measures. Reports available on climate change are : First National Communication report to UNFCCC, National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) 2006 report, NAPA 2007 report etc. Projects/initiatives/ interventions in place or under preparation in the country that are aimed to target adaptation to climate change of water sector Second National Communication to UNFCCC is underway, Policy directions and all water supply projects happening are seriously considered to climate adaptation measures Formulation of water Act an to be approved by the parliament Several projects being implemented from the state budget

17 Pending Issues and Activities that need attention
In-house training by mentor need to be carried out May need to carry out a water resource assessment survey in Ha. Ihavandhoo

18 What we expect from this Training Workshop
Through the different sessions of sharing knowledge and experience as well as learning to do related calculations, we anticipate: to develop the understandings on how to incorporate CBA in the national planning process. To be able to use CBA knowledge in project formulation and approval of technologies in other sectors to make the best use of the resources available.


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