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District 220 Dual Language Program November 12 th, 2009 Mr. Rick Aceves Mrs. Louise Robb.

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1 District 220 Dual Language Program November 12 th, 2009 Mr. Rick Aceves Mrs. Louise Robb

2 Barrington 220 Dual Language Program Two-Way Immersion 90/10 Model:  Half of students in class are English-dominant, half are Spanish-dominant  Instruction in content areas delivered in both languages.  Percentage of instruction delivered in each language changes over time.  Students receive core district curriculum.  As a District Program the Dual Language Program is part of the curriculum cycle.

3 Language Acquisition GradeSpanishEnglish Kindergarten90%10% 1 st 90%10% 2 nd 80%20% 3 rd 70%30% 4 th 60%40% 5 th 50% 6 th 40%60% 7 th 30%70% 8 th 20%80% 9 th 10%90%

4 Curriculum Cycle

5 Goal of Curriculum Cycle Development To encapsulate the district mission, “inspiring all learners to achieve excellence,” by providing a rigorous, high quality curriculum in a safe environment, scaffolded for diverse learners, while continuing to expand our knowledge as professionals in order to make informed decisions about learning.

6 Curriculum Cycle Stage 2: Develop- ment Stage 3: Imple - mentation Stage 4: Monitor & Evaluate Stage 1: Research & Planning Barrington Curriculum Cycle

7 Stages of the Curriculum Cycle Barrington Curriculum Cycle Evaluate Stages. Stage 1: Research & Planning Stage 2: Development Stage 3: Monitor Stage 4: Implementation

8 Curriculum Cycle Timeline

9 Dual Language 2010-2011.

10 Dual Language in 2009 Location and Structure Kinder 2009-2010 North Barrington First Grade 2008-2009 Sunny Hill Second Grade 2007-2008 Lines/ Roslyn Third Grade 2006-2007 Countryside Fourth Grade 2005-2006 Roslyn Road Fifth Grade 2004-2005 Lines

11 Dual Language in 2010 Location and Structure Kinder 2010-2011 Grove First Grade 2009-2010 North Barrington Second Grade 2008-2009 Sunny Hill Third Grade 2007-2008 Lines Fourth Grade 2006-2007 Countryside Fifth Grade 2005-2006 Roslyn Road Sixth Grade2004-2005 BMS-P/BMS-S

12 Barrington Middle Schools Both Middle Schools follow similar structure. Prairie 6 th Grade Students are on a two person team. Math/Science-Reading Language Arts/Social Studies-Reading Station 6 th Grade Students are on a two person team. Math/Science- Social Studies Reading/Language Arts-Social Studies Seventh and Eighth grade students teachers are all content specialists.

13 Mock 6 th Grade Schedule for BMS-P / BMS-S 1 st Math 2 nd Social Studies 3 rd One semester of World Language One semester of Exploratory 4 th Lunch Advisory 5 th Language Arts 6 th Physical Education 7 th Reading 8 th Science

14 BMS-P/BMS-S Mock Schedule Grades 7 th /8 th 1 st English 2 nd Math 3 rd History 4 th Science 5 th Lunch/Advisory Physical Education Arts & Tech World Language (Spanish for DL)

15 Review of Data

16 1 Dual Language 2 Late-exit Bilingual + ESL 3 Early exit Bilingual + ESL 4 Early exit Bilingual + Pullout ESL 5 ESL taught through academic content 6 ESL Pullout (language only) Pattern of K-12 ELL Student Achievement on Standardized Tests in English Reading (Thomas & Collier, 1997)

17 Student Performance Data: MAP Test Results: Spring 2009-Fall 2009 ISAT Test Results: Spring 2009

18 Summary of MAP Data Countryside, Grade 3, Fall 2009 Reading : NWEA national norm – 191.6 English Spanish DL Avg 198.1 175.8 Building Avg 196.9 NA District Avg 197.6.7 173.7* Math : NWEA national norm – 192.1 DL Avg 198.6 188.8 Building Avg 201.2 NA District Avg 201.5 184.8* * Average of RIT scores from two bilingual classes

19 Summary of MAP Data Roslyn Road, Grade 4, Spring 2009 Reading : NWEA national norm – 199.0 English Spanish DL Avg 206.9 191.4 Building Avg 205.2 NA District Avg 205.7 185.2* Math : NWEA national norm – 202.4 DL Avg 211 200.9 Building Avg 212.1 NA District Avg 212.4 196.6* * Average of RIT scores from two bilingual classes

20 Summary of ISAT Data Roslyn Road, Grade 4, Spring 2009 Reading : Illinois Average Scale Score – 206.1 English Spanish DL Avg 221.5 189.8 Building Avg 221.6 NA District Avg 218.4 175* Math : NWEA national norm – 202.4 DL Avg 236.8 202.4 Building Avg 236.4 NA District Avg 234.1 194.4* * Average of RIT scores from two bilingual classes

21 Summary of MAP Data Lines, Grade 5, Spring 2009 Reading: NWEA national norm – 205.8 English Spanish DL Ave. 214.9 197.4 Building Ave 214.9 NA District Ave. 214.5 190.9* Math: NWEA national norm – 203.0 DL Ave. 225.6 208.5 Building Ave 221.0 NA District Ave. 222.2 206.4* * Average of RIT scores from two bilingual classes

22 Summary of ISAT Data Lines, Grade 5, Spring 2009 Reading : Illinois state average scale score – 218.0 English Spanish DL Average 234.0 202.9 Building Average 238.2 *NA District Average 234.4 Math : Illinois state average scale score – 211.4 DL Avg 250.0 220.4 Building Avg 249.6 *NA District Avg 248.7 * Average of scale scores from two bilingual classes.

23 Dual Language Evaluation Team Parents Horner Chen, Peter Jakopin, Tracy Segren, Lisa Nelson, Teachers Lisa Allie, Blanca Moran, Michelle Alvarez, Katie Sanders, Marisela Guzman, Betty Garcia, Maribel Guerrero, Anabel Morales, Ruth Rodriguez, Nicole Weldzius, Ana Ruiz, Christina Torre Administration Ricardo Aceves, Louise Robb, Irma Bates, Paul Kirk, Christy Newhouse, Jill Schweiger, Diane Wood,

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