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East Texas AHEC Program Wide Summer Camps Pre/ Post Test Outcomes & Impact “Connecting students to careers, professionals to communities, and communities.

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Presentation on theme: "East Texas AHEC Program Wide Summer Camps Pre/ Post Test Outcomes & Impact “Connecting students to careers, professionals to communities, and communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 East Texas AHEC Program Wide Summer Camps Pre/ Post Test Outcomes & Impact “Connecting students to careers, professionals to communities, and communities to better health “Connecting students to careers, professionals to communities, and communities to better health.” ROSE CHIVERS, PROGRAM COORDINATOR- DFW AHEC ASHLEY KING, PROGRAM COORDINATOR- CAPITAL AHEC SUSAN NEEL, PROGRAM COORDINATOR- PINEY WOODS AHEC

2 Demographics  12 Summer Camps & Academies 2009

3 Demographics Rural vs. Urban 12 Camps Targeting 6 th -12 th Grade Students 330 Participants

4 Demographics

5 Pre/Post Test Collection Process Administer & Collect Pre/Post Test at Summer Camps 9 Centers Submit to Program Office East Texas AHEC Analyzes Results Intern Based on scale of 1-5 Averages Likert Scale Results Ta Da

6 Pre and Post Test Points of Interest Survey Development Components Included  Knowledge  Attitudinal  Experiential

7 7 Pre/Post Test Knowledge


9 I plan to go to college or technical school  Pre Test Avg-4.76  Post Test Avg-4.77

10 I know about ways to pay for college  Pre Test Avg-4.15  Post Test Avg-4.34

11 I know what career I want to enter  Decrease in specific camp averages could be attributed to camps introducing new career choices to attendees  Pre/Post Test Avg- 4.19 “This program really helped me fully decide that I want to be a pediatrician. Getting to experience all of the varieties in the medical field was a blast! Thank you so much!=)”- Lindsey, Camp Victoria

12 I plan to pursue a health career  Pre Test Avg-4.49  Post Test Avg-4.59 “I loved Camp Nurse! I learned so much and now I'm certain that I want to become a nurse.=)” Sarah, Camp Nurse Dallas

13 I know the steps to pursue a health career  Pre Test Avg-3.11  Post Test Avg-4.23

14 I have observed health professionals in a clinical setting  Pre Test Avg- 3.71  Post Test Avg-4.66 “I really enjoyed the whole program but especially the field trip because I got to see a heart transplant!”- Jamie, Camp Halletsville

15 I have met healthcare professionals from my culture/background  Pre Test Avg-3.59  Post Test Avg-4.66

16 16 Pre/Post Test Summary PLAN ON COLLEGE PAY FOR COLLEGE KNOW CAREER PURSUE HEALTHSTEPS TO PURSUE HEALTH OBSERVEDFROM CULTURE Greatest Impact  Observe a healthcare professional- 1.12 increase  Meet healthcare professional from own culture- 1.07 increase

17 Belong to any networking sites?  112 participants listed sites  More than 1/3 of participants

18 Social Networking How to maximize student, community, and legislative participation through FREE online social networking tools.

19 What is so great about Social Networking?  Its FREE!!!  Connect to a group of individuals interested in a similar topic (example: Summer Camp)  Group members can stay connected after an event  Participants can promote your programs for you

20  There are literally hundreds of Free Social Networking web sites available and the list is growing larger every day.

21 Millions of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet. AdvantagesDisadvantages More than 250 Million active users Brand recognition Control over what others can see Design and layout freedom Must create a profile before creating a page

22 Find friends & classmates, meet new people, listen to free music & build playlists, share photos, watch videos, start a blog, read celebrity news Advantages Disadvantages Personalize Your Site (Background, music, Pictures, colors, etc.) Large number of members Create Groups Not as popular with teens Pages can become hard to read if they are too customized

23 Advantages Disadvantages Push time sensitive information to customers quickly People are already interested in your information when they sign up Short, sweet, and to the point Requires constant update Restricted amount of information for each post Build business opportunities in 140 characters or less

24 Ning is the social platform for the world's interests and passions online. Millions of people every day are coming together across Ning to explore and express their interests, and meet new people around shared pursuits. AdvantagesDisadvantages Designed for interests, not people Easy to create layout and select features Can view the site without logging on Not well known or checked daily Most people will have to create a new account

25 Things to think about before starting the site  What site will work best for your organization?  Who is your target audience?  What is the purpose of your site?  Do you have enough time to devote to your site?

26 Social Networking Death Traps  Privacy Issues  Organizations Reputation  Not devoting the time needed  Addictive  Friendship with teenagers

27 Social Networking Tips  Add pictures and videos to make your site fun  Add links to and from your website  Give people a reason to visit your site  Invite people to participate

28 Legislative Support and Funding How Can Summer Camp Pre and Post Tests Help AHECs Gain Legislative Support and Funding?

29 Legislative Support and Funding The Key to AHEC Funding is to Show Our Value by Showing Our Impact

30 Legislative Support and Funding Different Outcomes Appeal to Different Representatives Spreadsheet with Data vs. Slideshow with Pictures Hard Numbers vs. Emotional Stories and Successful Outcomes

31 Legislative Support and Funding The Pre and Post Tests show: - an interest in pursuing higher education -an understanding of how to apply to college; and for financial aid -a better understanding and exploration of the variety of health professions -an understanding of how to apply to a health professions program -assistance in identification of a career path -that persons of a similar background to them have succeeded in the health profession of their dreams

32 Legislative Support and Funding The Pre and Post Tests allow us to: -Compare data over multiple years  Show trends, growth, and impact to legislators -Have tangible documentation showing the camps influence on the students  Also serves as a checks-and-balances system

33 Legislative Support and Funding -Shows similarities and differences between students in different regions  Offers a dynamic perspective of the region to legislators  Is most effective if pre/post tests are administered by all centers within a program area

34 2009 Summer Camp & Academies

35 References orking/a/social_network.htm orking/a/social_network.htm Good Resources for people who know nothing about Social Networking – You Tube ◦ Twitter In Plain English ◦ Social Networking In Plain English

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