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Introduction to Agricultural Economics AEc 1053. Instructor  Frank Ewell  Office – Ag. 204B  Office Hours –Posted on office door.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Agricultural Economics AEc 1053. Instructor  Frank Ewell  Office – Ag. 204B  Office Hours –Posted on office door."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Agricultural Economics AEc 1053

2 Instructor  Frank Ewell  Office – Ag. 204B  Office Hours –Posted on office door

3 Textbook  Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (latest edition) –Cramer, Jensen, and Southgate

4 Grading  Exams (Tentative)  We will have one exam after every other chapter covered in class (100 points each)  Final exam (100 points)

5 Makeup Exams  There will be No make-up exams –Your lowest exam grade will be dropped - in the event you miss an exam, for any reason, it will not be counted against you. –But this will only work for one exam; if you miss more than one exam, for any reason, you get a zero.

6 Grades End of year average and grade; 90 avg and above. = A 80 to 89.9 avg. = B 70 to 79.9 avg. = C 60 to 69.9 avg. = D 59.9 and below = F

7 Ag 1053 Synopsis An introduction to economic principles and concepts in agriculture today as they relate to the American economic system. Emphasis will be on management problem- solving techniques under various situations, especially agricultural in nature, including producing, processing, distributing, and consuming farm and ranch products. (F, sp., Sm.)

8 Assignment Read chapter 1 in your textbook.

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