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David Rhodes and Holly Langer-Evans 2014-2015 QA Analysis Training.

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Presentation on theme: "David Rhodes and Holly Langer-Evans 2014-2015 QA Analysis Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Rhodes and Holly Langer-Evans 2014-2015 QA Analysis Training

2 Analysis Preparation 2 Access and Run the Pell Grant Improper Payment Report 1 Create Roll Up Table and Analyze the Random Sample Results 2 Determine school Criteria for 2015-2016 3

3 The Process Preparation Upload Validate Analysis Pell Improper Payment Report Guidelines Focus is on records selected by your school and not selected by the CPS Identify the greatest value added The SUM of ABS Pell Change The SUM of ABS EFC Change 3

4 Uploading Process One flat file to upload ISIR Records and Verification Criteria Upload Capacity 3,000 records 4

5 Prepare Flat File of Verified Records 1. SSN 2. First two letters of the last name (CAPS) 3. Initial Transaction 4. Paid-On Transaction 5. Include a “Y” if records met your school criteria 6. School criteria code(s) record met Field Length: Up to 56 characters 5

6 School 1: School Criteria CodeDescription A Parents filed a tax return but AGI is listed as zero or blank with an EFC of $6000 or less and who have not done the IRS Data Retrieval when filing the FAFSA B Dependent students reporting an AGI greater than $15,000, with Parental Contribution (field 313 of the ISIR) < $10,000 and EFC not equal to 0. C Married parents where total parent AGI is > than $47,000, whose EFC is $6000 or less and whose untaxed income is zero or blank 6

7 School Criteria CodeDescription DStudents with single parent and parent AGI greater than $35,000, whose EFC is $6000 or less and whose untaxed income is zero or blank. EThere are no specified criteria. Reviewing advisors use these tracks to select students for verification, and review where information appears discrepant. Dependent Population FThere are no specified criteria. Reviewing advisors use these tracks to select students for verification review, and where information appears discrepant. Independent Population 7

8 Question to Answer Which school criteria adds value to verification? 8

9 Pell Grant Improper Payment Report Access Report Run Report 9

10 Pell Grant Improper Payment Report Right click on report Select New Select Report 10

11 Pell Grant Improper Payment Report Access Report -Select OK -Select Run Icon 11

12 Pell Improper Payment Report Open your Pell Improper Payment Report to begin your Analysis How to save report depends on your browser ISIR Categories Grey Ribbon Bar 12

13 Internet Explorer Browser StepsInstructions 1Run the Pell Improper Payments report 2In the report window, right click and select “View source” 3In the source window, select File/Save 4Select the destination file location and enter a File name 5Save as type = HTML File 6Go to the file location and open it 13

14 Saving using Firefox StepsInstructions 1Run the Pell Improper Payments report. 2(Assuming the report was run in preview mode) In the report frame, right click and select “This Frame” and then “View Frame Source” 3In the source window, select File/Save Page As 4Select the destination file location and enter a File name, with a.htm extension 5Save as type = HTML File 6Go to the file location and open it 14

15 Chrome Browser StepsDirections 1Run the Pell Improper Payments report 2(Assuming the report was run in preview mode) In the report frame, right click and select “View Page Source” 3In the source window, right click and select Save As 4Select the destination file location and enter a File name, with a.htm extension 5Save as type = Webpage, HTML Only 6Go to the file location and open it 15

16 Create A Roll Up Table From the Ribbon Bar, locate Selected _By_CPS and select the down arrow From the Menu, select Roll Up, and then Selected_By_CPS 16

17 What is the Report telling you? 546 records not selected by CPS 1306 records selected by the CPS Add a category to the table: Institutional Verification Criteria 17

18 Add a field to the Roll up Table Select the icon Click on Chart/Rollup Tool select, INST_VERIF_CRIT and drag it into the Group By column Hint: Drop it in the Group by column when you see the red line Select OK ___________ 18

19 What is our Focus? records without codes records not selected by CPS that were selected by the school selected by both CPS and School 19 Displays as a bar chart. To change to a cross tabulation select

20 Filter on the 546 Records Go to Gray Ribbon at the top of the original Report we ran and select the down arrow on Selected_By_CPS, Select Filter and select equals, Scroll back to report Next to equals box select down arrow and select NO Select Add Condition Box, Select the Select_By_School Field, Select Equals, Select down arrow and select Yes Select Filter 20

21 What Does this Report Tell Us? Identifies records not verified by the CPS but were verified by the school. Identified the verification groupings It doesn’t tell us the impact the verification groups had on Pell or EFC 21

22 Add ABS Pell and ABS EFC 22 Select the icon Click ADD (Y) select, ABS_EFC_Change Select the icon Click ADD (Y) select, ABS_PELL_Change Select the icon and change it to SUM

23 Roll Up: Report: Cumulative effect on EFC and Pell Display report as Cross Tabulation 23 Select SUM to obtain cumulative dollar totals for ABS EFC and ABS Pell Change.

24 Average effect on Pell and EFC 24 Caution: this ICON will not display a visual change when you select SUM, AVG or Count Select AVG to obtain the AVG change to ABS PELL and ABS EFC

25 How to Customize Results Drag corner to make report larger Use Icon to add Categories Use down arrow to select ascending or descending order 25 Change count to sum or AVG Ribbon Bar –Gray Box Change count to sum or AVG Can move pane by clicking on blue bar and dragging it to the side or up or down. This displays a cross tabulation Displays report as a bar graph

26 Narrow the Search: Group by X Select the icon Select 26

27 Narrow the Search: Group by X Criteria C – Average ABS EFC and AVG Pell Group X:Filing Status 27

28 Revised Criteria Married parents where total parent AGI is > than $47,000, whose EFC is $6000 or less and whose untaxed income is zero or blank and NOT selected by the CPS, Will File 28

29 Live Demonstration 29

30 School 2: School criteria Code Description 9IV215 Pell eligible Dependent Students whose parent's AGI >$24,000; filed 1040; not eligible for 1040A/EZ; no auto zero EFC flag; not a dislocated worker (basis for using $24,000 as income cutoff = threshold for auto zero EFC 9IV315 Dependent Student's whose Parent's AGI = Student's AGI and the AGI >0; EFC> 0; DRT Flag '02' does not exist for both student and parent and not selected for 9IV215; both parent and student filed tax return 9IV415 ISIR comment code 361 exists; student does not meet selection criteria for steps 1,2 or 3, And Dependent student's parent marital status= '1' married/remarried and parent tax filing status = '1' single, '3' married filing separate or '4' head of household : OR dependent student's parent Marital status = '2' never married and parent tax filing status = '2' married filing joint : parent filed tax return : need > = $500 30

31 Analysis: Cross Tabulation Sum of ABS EFC & ABS PELL 31

32 Analysis: Average change of ABS Pell and ABS EFC Let’s take a further look at Criteria 91V215 32

33 Narrow your Search: Group by X Criteria 215 – Average ABS EFC and AVG Pell Group X: PAGI Category Note PAGI Category 50,000 and higher 33

34 Revised Criteria Pell eligible Dependent Students whose parent's AGI >$50,000; filed 1040; not eligible for 1040A/EZ; no auto zero EFC flag; not a dislocated worker; and NOT selected by CPS 34

35 School 3: School criteria 35 CodeDescription DV11Dependent, Pell eligible, Parent AGI >=35,000 and <=50,000 DV12Dependent, Pell eligible, Parent AGI >=60,000 and <=120,000 DV13Dependent, Pell eligible, Parents income exclusion >= 5,000 DV14Dependent, Pell eligible, No Pell Grant eligibility for 12/13 DV15Dependent, Pell eligible, (AGI/wages) < 75 DV16Dependent, V4 or V5 verification code DVPTDependent, Pell eligible, Parent taxes paid >=40% of income DVRCDependent, Pell eligible, Reject Override C=‘Yes’ SVSTIndependent, Pell eligible, ISIR Comment code 155 (high tax paid) SV12Independent, CPS selected, Student AGI >=15,000 and <=40,000 SVRCIndependent, Pell eligible, Reject Override C=‘Yes’

36 School #3 School verification very similar to CPS verification Let’s look at the 30 records 36

37 Cross Tabulation Results 37

38 Analyze: Selected by CPS and by School AVG ABS Pell and EFC Change by descending order What does this tell us? 38

39 Narrow your Search: Group by X DV14 Criteria: Dependent, Pell eligible, No Pell Grant eligibility for 12/13 – Newly Pell eligible 39

40 Revised Criteria Dependent, Pell eligible, No Pell Grant eligibility for 12/13 AND PARAGI >=35,000 and Selected by CPS 40

41 School #4 There are 32 school criteria You can download the criteria from the webinar download center Which criteria make a significant impact on EFC/Pell? Which criteria would you eliminate or modify? 41

42 Analysis Display Pell Change in Descending Order 42

43 Analysis 43

44 Narrow your Search: Group by X VFAGG Criteria: Parent # of family members equals blank, zero, 1 or 2 and parent marital status = married and both parents living together. Group X by filing status and PARAGI Average ABS Pell and EFC Changes 44

45 Revised Criteria Parent # of family members equals blank, zero, 1 or 2 and parent marital status = married and both parents living together, Not Selected by the CPS AND Parent AGI > = 50,000 45

46 Analysis Assignment 1. Open the Pell Grant Improper Payment Report 2. Create a Roll-Up-Table 3. Use the Group X feature to further analyze data 4. Determine which school criteria would add the most to CPS verification and how you might need to “tweak” your school criteria to maximize its return on investment as an add on to federal verification 5. Know and have the definitions of your school criteria in mind when interpreting your results 46

47 Analysis Preparation 47 How to access and run the Pell Grant Improper Payment Report. 1 How to create a Roll Up Table and analyze the Random Sample results 2 Provided the Analysis Assignment 3

48 Resource QA Web Site - Training and Guidance Link 48

49 Regional Representatives Holly Langer-Evans Phone:617 289 0136 Email: Michael Cagle Phone: 206-615-2586 EMAIL: Anne Phone: 202-377-4378 Email: 49

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