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CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY 2006/2007 Semester 2 Lecture 7 Instructor: Haifeng YU.

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Presentation on theme: "CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY 2006/2007 Semester 2 Lecture 7 Instructor: Haifeng YU."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY 2006/2007 Semester 2 Lecture 7 Instructor: Haifeng YU

2 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 22 Review of Last Lecture  Chapter 12 “Message Ordering”  FIFO ordering for point-to-point messages  Already discussed last lecture  Causal ordering for point-to-point messages  Applications  Protocol to ensure causal ordering  Causal ordering for broadcast messages  Protocol  Total ordering for broadcast messages  Application  Skeen’s algorithm

3 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 23 Today’s Roadmap  Chapter 13 “Leader Election”  Leader election on a ring  Leader election on a general graph

4 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 24 Motivation  We often need a coordinator in distributed systems  Leader, distinguished node/process  If we have a leader, mutual exclusion is trivially solved  The leader determined who enters CS  Inefficient though…  If we have a leader, totally ordered broadcast trivially solved  The leader stamps messages with consecutive integers

5 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 25 Leader Election on Anonymous Ring  Anonymous ring:  No unique identifiers  Leader election on anonymous ring is impossible using deterministic algorithms  Initial state same  Algorithm on each node same  Each step is the same  Final state the same

6 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 26 Leader Election on Ring: Chang-Roberts Algorithm  Each node has a unique identifier  Nodes only send messages clockwise  Each node acts on its own  Protocol:  A node send election message with its own id clockwise  Election message is forwarded if id in message larger than own message  Otherwise message discarded  A node becomes leader if it sees it own election message 2 8 7 5 4 election msg for 7

7 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 27 Chang-Roberts Algorithm: Best/Worst Performance  Best case:  2n-1 messages 2 4 8 7 5 2 8 4 5 7  Worst case:  n(n-1)/2 messages For distributed systems, communication is the bottleneck. Performance thus is often described as message complexity.

8 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 28 Chang-Roberts Algorithm: Avg Performance  Average: Taken over all possible orderings of the nodes on the ring, each ordering has the same probability  How many total orderings (exclude isomorphic ones)?  n! / n = (n-1)!  W.l.o.g., assume the n nodes have ids from 1 through n  Random variable X_k: Number of messages caused by the election message from node k  We want to calculate  E[  X_k ] =  E[X_k] for k from 1 to n (linearality of expectation!)

9 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 29 Chang-Roberts Algorithm: Avg Performance  Now consider a given k  Directly calculating Pr[X_k = i] is possible  But E[X_k] =  (i * Pr[X_k = i]) is messy!  Need the following trick (let p = (n-k) / (n-1)) Pr[X_k = 1] = p // this step is not trivial Pr[X_k = 2 | X_k > 1] > p // this steps is not trivial either …. Pr[X_k = i+1 | X_k > i] > p

10 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 210 Chang-Roberts Algorithm: Avg Performance  Consider the following experiment:  We flip a coin, and it is head with probability p.  Let Y_k be the random variable denoting the number of flips before we get the first head  What is the expectation of Y_k ?  Compare X_k and Y_k: The chance of success for X_k is larger than the chance of success for Y_k  Thus E[X_k] < E[Y_k] = 1/p = (n-1)/(n-k)  Make the argument rigorous yourself

11 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 211 Chang-Roberts Algorithm: Avg Performance

12 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 212 Leader Election on General Graph (n known)  Complete graph  Each node send its id to all other nodes  Wait until you receive n ids  Biggest id wins  Any connected graph  Flood your id to all other nodes (how?)  Wait until you receive n ids  Biggest id wins

13 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 213 Leader Election on General Graph (n unknown)  Complete graph  n must be known!  Any connected graph  An auxiliary protocol to calculate the number of nodes  The protocol is initiated by any node who wants to know n  The protocol actually establishes a spanning tree starting from the initiator

14 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 214 Spanning Tree Construction  Remember: No centralized coordinator  Goal of the protocol: Each node knows its parent and children (i.e., a distributed tree)  The root is initially marked  Every marked node send “mark” msg to all its neighbors  Upon receiving the first “mark” msg, an unmarked node becomes marked, and sends back “I am your child” msg  For later “mark” msgs, send back “I am not your child” msg  Tree construction completed if every node has received all replies from all its neighbours

15 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 215 Counting Nodes Using a Spanning Tree  Disseminate “start count” msg down the tree  Count will be aggregated up the tree

16 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 216 Spanning Tree Useful for Other Purposes  Broadcast  The root does not need to send out n message  Aggregation  Average temperature sensed by distributed sensors  Summation and number of nodes  Calculation max, min

17 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 217 Summary  Chapter 13 “Leader Election”  Leader election on a ring  Chang-Roberts Algorithm  Interesting avg performance analysis  Leader election on a general graph  Spanning tree construction

18 CS4231 Parallel and Distributed Algorithms AY2006/2007 Semester 218 Homework Assignment  Consider an anonymous ring where ring size is unknown to the nodes. Construct a randomized algorithm to elect a leader on the ring. (Hint: Suppose we start with n nodes, and each will pick a random integer ID within some range [1, m]. Use the algorithm in the lecture will give us potentially multiple leaders. The (multiple) leaders then compete again in the next round. The process continues until there is only one leader left.)  Clearly explain how you distinguish messages in one round from the other (i.e., they should not interfere with each other)  Clearly explain why you think the leader is unique  Clearly explain why you thing the protocol finishes with probability 1.  Homework due a week from today  Read Chapter 15

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