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A Probabilistic Model for Road Selection in Mobile Maps Thomas C. van Dijk Jan-Henrik Haunert W2GIS, 5 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A Probabilistic Model for Road Selection in Mobile Maps Thomas C. van Dijk Jan-Henrik Haunert W2GIS, 5 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Probabilistic Model for Road Selection in Mobile Maps Thomas C. van Dijk Jan-Henrik Haunert W2GIS, 5 April 2013

2 Overview: a little bit of … modelling, interpretation, … algorithms, … evaluation, … outlook, …

3 Road selection focus -and- context map route map Depends on user task

4 Road selection destination map Kopf et al. focus maps Yamamoto et al.

5 Motivating example Pedestrian with a smartphone Current location available Wayfinding to a destination Interest in surroundings Freedom of movement Contrast: in-car sat nav

6 From scoring to selection Maximise score –using given number of road segments Minimise number of road segments –selecting at least a given amount of score Additional constraints?

7 Betweenness centrality Consider all shortest paths between all pairs of nodes; count how often each edge is used Folklore interpretation: People are likely to travel shortest paths Heavily traveled edges are important

8 Betweenness centrality Consider all shortest paths between all pairs of nodes; count how often each edge is used Probabilistic interpretation: Start at a uniformly random node, uniformly random destination, take a uniformly random shortest path Probability that you visit a certain edge

9 PageRank primer Origin in web page ranking –(Page, Brinn, Motwani, Winograd… Google) Previous application in predicting human movement (Jiang) Usually stated as eigenvector calculation Also: interpretation in terms of random walks

10 Random Surfer model Hypothetical user is at a web page Transitions along a uniformly random link All transitions take equal time Sometimes jumps to a uniformly random page on road segment turn Traveler road segment

11 Non-uniform transition probability Walking along a road segment… Coming up to a crossing… Where to go…? Shortest path? Straight on? Anywhere? What’s the network? –Web pages, hyperlinks?

12 What’s the network? Web pages? Links? Modelling user behaviour: routing decisions Road network -> bidirectional line graph –linear dual graph (Winter)

13 Bidirected line graph





18 Non-uniform transition probability At a node of the line graph… Follow an arc… Where to go…? Straight on? –Constant given road network Shortest path? –Constant given road network and destination

19 Non-uniform damping PageRank jumps to uniformly random node Instead, jump to the current user location! Probabilistic interpretation: Consider random walk starting at user location Exponential distribution of walk length Score of node = probability of going to node

20 Data set OpenStreetMap City of Würzburg and surroundings –Lower Franconia, Germany –Approx 10 5 nodes Examples here: crop to the city itself –3786 nodes, 4987 road segments







27 Demo

28 Shortest-path bonus

29 Non-turning bonus

30 Runtime of simple implementation Calculate PageRank –Loop over nodes –Distribute score to neighbours –Repeat Select nodes with high score Runtime: ~100 ms

31 ‘Direct’ selection Select all nodes with high rank Select no nodes with tiny rank O( log n ) time –Correctness holds almost surely –Almost immediately from Borgs et al’s algorithm for Significant PageRanks.

32 Really big maps? 1.Just calculate, then select 2.Approximation algorithm: –Runtime O( log(n) log(ε -1 ) ε -1 ρ -2 ) # nodes Calculate + Select Direct selection (reasonable ε, ρ) 3786~100ms~200ms 10 5 ~10.000 ms~300ms

33 Gaps Selection is not necessarily connected Simplified example:

34 Gaps

35 Strokes

36 Overview: a little bit of … modelling, interpretation, … algorithms, … evaluation, … outlook, …

37 Q?

38 A!

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