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Copyright © 2013 United Launch Alliance, LLC. Unpublished Work. All Rights Reserved. Civil Space 2013 Critical Challenges: Safety, Mission Assurance, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2013 United Launch Alliance, LLC. Unpublished Work. All Rights Reserved. Civil Space 2013 Critical Challenges: Safety, Mission Assurance, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2013 United Launch Alliance, LLC. Unpublished Work. All Rights Reserved. Civil Space 2013 Critical Challenges: Safety, Mission Assurance, and Risk Mitigation Jeff Patton 13 February 2013

2 17 May 2015 | 1 Atlas & Delta Capabilities to Support Human Spaceflight  Atlas & Delta heritage flying crew dates back to Mercury/Atlas and Gemini/Titan  Atlas & Delta systems have evolved to provide reliable assured access for critical NASA, Air Force and NRO missions  In 2002 NASA selected Atlas V and Delta IV to launch the crewed Orbital Space Plane  Atlas V selected by Boeing and Sierra Nevada to launch their Commercial Crew spacecraft  NASA selected the Delta IV Cryogenic Upper Stage for SLS Existing, flight proven launch vehicles and stages can meet Human Space Flight Needs

3 17 May 2015 | 2 Atlas and Delta On-Going Launch Operations Record of continuous Mission Success Atlas II, IIAS, III, V – 108 Atlas V - 37 Delta II - 97 Delta IV - 21 2010 2011 2012 2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2002 2003 2004 2005

4 17 May 2015 | 3 ULA Experience with Human Certification  Involved with NASA and commercial human rating launch studies over the past 10 years  Involved with NASA human certification requirements development and assessment (8705.2A, 2B, 1100-Series)  Operational tempo and flight experience key to human certification –Detailed understanding of system behavior and environments System margins and risks Precise abort criteria for Emergency Detection System (EDS) –Non-crewed missions retire risk prior to first crewed mission Human Certification Is The Interaction Between Requirements And In-depth Systems Knowledge Best Gained With Flight Experience

5 17 May 2015 | 4 Human Launch Services Focus  Partnership with NASA  Leverage Mission Success Heritage to Create World-Class Safety Culture 100% Human Spaceflight Safety Expanding Our Mission Success Ethic to Embrace Crew Safety as the Highest Value

6 17 May 2015 | 5 System-Level Crew Safety Emergency Detection Monitor Critical Systems Using Independent Fault- tolerant Failure Sensing System Abort Commands Fly Instrumentation on All Missions Already Know Our Envts & In-family Characteristics for Developing EDS LV Reliability Intact Abort Capability LV Emergency Detection Commercial Crew Spaceflight Approach Reliability Demonstrated Reliability Experienced People & Proven Management Systems Single Fault-tolerant Systems Robust Vehicle Design Vehicle Characterization Rigorous, Closed-loop Test-as-you Fly Processes Intact Abort Capability Catastrophic LV Failures Minimized Benign Abort Environments Black Zones Eliminated Common Sense System-Level Approach to Achieve Crew Safety

7 17 May 2015 | 6 NASA Launch Vehicle Certification as Foundation for Crew Launch Certification  Provides a rigorous, documented, and consistent process to mitigate risk  Nuclear Safety Launch Approval Process provides an additional level of safety and government insight for spacecraft carrying radioactive material Atlas V & Delta II are the world’s only NASA Category 3 certified vehicles; Atlas V is the only LV with nuclear launch approval FLIGHT DATA AND VERIFICATION DATABASE NASA CERTIFICATION NUCLEAR LAUNCH APPROVAL NASA HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT CERTIFICATION BODY OF EVIDENCE TO GO COMPLETE

8 17 May 2015 | 7 ULA Human Spaceflight Certification Risk Oriented Path Requirements Oriented Path Meets-Intent Assessment (DER) Hazard Analysis Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Flight History Certification Rationale Integrated Abort Analysis ULA’s Certification Plan Exercises Both Technical Risk Retirement and Requirements Implementation

9 17 May 2015 | 8 Requirements Oriented Path  Atlas V Design Equivalency Review (“DER”) Evaluated Existing Atlas V System Relative to NASA 1130/1140 Requirements Documents  Delta Cryogenic Upper Stage Design Requirements Compliance Relative to NASA SLS Specifications DCSS Disposition Count – 1/24/13 47 17 50 217 3

10 17 May 2015 | 9 Risk Oriented Path  Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) –Top down analysis that identifies single- point failures and critical combinations of failure modes for all flight and ground systems  Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) –Systematic, comprehensive discipline that uses a combination of logic and probabilistic modeling tools to quantify risk drivers that affect the crew and mission  Hazard Analysis –The identification, mitigation, and verification of catastrophic hazards on the launch vehicle that can lead to loss of mission/loss of crew Thorough Knowledge of Vehicle Characteristics, Anchored in Flight Data, is Crucial to Designing EDS Fault Tree Analysis Heritage LV Body of Knowledge Crew Safety Hazard Analysis LV System Monitoring/ Sensor List Emergency Detection System Design Probabilistic Safety Analysis

11 17 May 2015 | 10 Certification Summary  ULA is Expanding our Mission Success ethic to embrace crew safety as the highest value  ULA is developing the critical safety engineering products to support Human Spaceflight Certification for Commercial Crew and SLS  Human certification is the interaction between requirements and in-depth systems knowledge best gained with flight experience

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