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Example Database English-German Dictionary

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Presentation on theme: "Example Database English-German Dictionary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Example Database English-German Dictionary
Iuliana Zibilianu

2 Example Database Consists of sentences exctracted from the bilingual Korpus. It is an XML document The entry structure: -ID -language -equivalent

3 The English-German Dictionary
Consists of two XML files containing English and German words and connections between them. The dictionary does not cover the entire korpus, but most of the words in the Database can be found here as well.

4 Dictionary- Word Structure
Each entry has the following fields: ID Grammatical Category Grammatical Subcategory Equivalent (the connection to the equivalent or equivalents the word has in the other language) Spelling Attributes (which contains specific information for each part of speech)

5 Dictionary Structure The parts of speech contained in the dictionary are: Nouns Verbs Pronouns Prepositions Conjunctions Adverbs Adjectives Articles

6 Dictionary Structure - Nouns
Fields Category :NOUN Subcategory :Common/Proper Attributes :gender ,number, case Difficulties -no cases and genders in English -compound words in German

7 Dictionary Structure -Verbs
Fields: Category :VERB Subcategory :Personal/Impersonal Attributes: mode ,tense, person, no, voice Gaps: -a specific verb should be found in every mode ,tense ,person ,number -when translating ,a verb can change its tense

8 Dictionary Structure -Adjectives
Fields: Category :ADJECTIVE Attributes :gender, number, case, degree Difficulties: -in English we can only speak about degree -in German the adjective changes in conformity with the number, the case and the gender of the determined noun

9 Dictionary Structure Articles -full coverage
Prepositions –full coverage Adverbs –only the ones in the Database Pronouns –only the needed ones In addition… there can be found specific expressions with their translation (there is- es gibt)

10 Accessing the documents
In order to use the information contained in the XML documents a parser was required DOM parser builds an internal representation of the document ,a tree of nodes Methods to handle the information from Dictionary and Database

11 Handling the documents
Common methods get an entry when the ID is given Dictionary -get grammatical category for a given word -get equivalent -get translation

12 Integration in the whole project
The Sentence Database as well as the Dictionary are used by the Alignment, Matching, Parsing and Recombination sections

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