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English Lexicology Lexis and Lexicography

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1 English Lexicology Lexis and Lexicography
Week 15 Instructor: Liu Hongyong

2 Warming-up What is a dictionary? What kind of information can be found in a dictionary? How many different kinds of dictionary do you know? What is the first English dictionary? What is the first Chinese dictionary?

3 Lexicography: Dictionary compilation
A dictionary is a reference book that lists the words of one or more languages, usually in alphabetical order, along with information about their spelling, pronunciation, grammatical category, meaning, history, and use. The process of compiling dictionaries is known as lexicography, and the people who carry out this task are lexicographers.

4 Lexicologists vs. Lexicographers
Lexicologists use the raw material collected in dictionaries in their studies, whereas lexicographers use the findings of lexicologists in making dictionaries as the principles of dictionary-making are based on the current theoretical knowledge of lexicology.

5 The first English dictionary came out in 1604
The first English dictionary came out in The dictionary was nothing but a list of about 2500 difficult words. The writer, Robert Cawdrey, didn’t put everyday words in his dictionary. He said no one would ever have to look up a word in a dictionary if he already knew what the word meant. Since then, many kinds of dictionaries came out. But they were all like Robert’s.

6 Dr Samuel Johnson A man named Dr Samuel Johnson changed all this. Dr Johnson wrote the first modern dictionary. And it came out in 1755. He put in his dictionary all important words, both easy and hard, and he told clearly what the words meant. He also gave good sentences to show how each word was used in spoken English and in written English.

7 Samuel Johnson (7 September 1709– 13 December 1784)
“The value of a work must be estimated by its use: It is not enough that a dictionary delights the critic, unless at the same time it instructs the learner.” (Samuel Johnson) Dr Samuel Johnson ( )

8 A Dictionary of the English Language Johnson’s Dictionary

9 Noah Webster (October 16, 1758 – May 28, 1843) was an American lexicographer, textbook author, spelling reformer, word enthusiast, and editor. He has been called the “Father of American Scholarship and Education.” His spelling books were used to teach spelling and reading to five generations of American children. In the United States, his name has become synonymous with dictionaries, especially the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary that was first published in 1828 as An American Dictionary of the English Language.

10 中国最早的字典 中国最早的字典是《尔雅》。《尔雅》的字是按意义分类的,全书共十九章。

11 Overview Teaching Objectives
Introduce four types of dictionaries, their contents, scope and characteristics, and discuss how to choose and use dictionaries. Teaching focus Types of Dictionaries: monolingual & bilingual dictionaries; linguistic & encyclopedic dictionaries, unabridged, desk and pocket dictionaries, specialized dictionaries Use of Dictionaries: choice of dictionaries, content of the dictionary, use of the dictionary

12 The Development of the Dictionary
Early Glossaries and Word Books Modern English Dictionaries American Dictionaries

13 Early Glossaries and Word Books
While reading Latin, people noted down the easier Latin or English synonyms for some hard Latin words. These words were collected into word lists called glossaries. These glossaries only include hard words, for people believed there was no need to pay attention to simple words. Robert Cawdrey’s Table Alphabeticall of Hard Words (1604).

14 Modern English Dictionaries
The first famous dictionary was Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language published in 1755. Johnson’s purpose was to preserve the purity of English. From Johnson’s preface: I have studiously endeavoured to collect examples and authorities from the writers before the restoration, whose words I regard as the wells of English undefiled, as the pure sources of genuine diction.

15 Modern English Dictionaries
Since World War II, lexicographers shifted their attention to pedagogical or learner’s dictionaries. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary

16 American Dictionaries
After the death of Johnson (1784), Webster ( ) felt that America needed a dictionary characteristic of America as a new nation and believed that he could do better than Johnson. American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) After his death, the rights of the dictionary were sold to George and Charles Merriam Company. The company was later renamed Merriam-Webster Inc. The Second Webster (1934) Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1961)

17 Which kind of dictionary should we use?
Types of Dictionaries Which kind of dictionary should we use? 1. Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries Oxford Advanced Learner’s English –Chinese Dictionary Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English—English-Chinese The New Oxford Dictionary of English with Chinese Translation A Chinese-English Dictionary 2. Linguistic and Encyclopedic Dictionaries Linguistic Dictionaries Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language. Cover information about spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical function, usage and etymology

18 Encyclopedic Dictionaries Encyclopedia:
is not concerned about the language but provides encyclopedic information related to each headword. The Encyclopedia Britannica (20 volumes) The Encyclopedia Americanna (30 volumes) Encyclopedic dictionaries Dual in nature and share the characteristics of both linguistic dictionaries and encyclopedia. Chambers Encyclopedic English Dictionary (1994)

19 3. General Purpose Dictionaries: Complied for general use
3. General Purpose Dictionaries: Complied for general use. According to the scope and size, they can be divided into unabridged, desk, and pocket dictionaries. Unabridged Dictionaries A complete record of all the words in use. Provides a great quantity of basic information about a word: origin, meaning, pronunciation, usage, grammatical category, spelling, derived forms, synonyms, homonyms At least headwords The Oxford English Dictionary Webster’s New International Dictionary

20 Desk Dictionaries Medium-sized with to headwords Collins COBUILD English Dictionary (CCED) Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (WNCD) Concise Oxford Dictionary (COD) Pocket Dictionaries entry or fewer abridgement of reputable desk dictionaries at best and little more than spelling lists with scanty, often inaccurate definitions at worst Electronic Dictionaries Convenient as it is, they do the word of a pocket dictionary at its best. They are far less helpful than a traditional desk dictionary.

21 4. Specialized dictionaries Etymological Dictionaries
Thesaurus: A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms. 4. Specialized dictionaries Etymological Dictionaries Dictionaries of Usages Dictionaries of Idioms Dictionaries of Synonyms Dictionaries of Slang Other Specialized Dictionaries

22 Using the Dictionary Different dictionaries are designed to meet different needs and for different purposes, so that users should choose the most appropriate dictionaries according to their specific purpose. The following are some criteria in the choice of a dictionary: Suitability Contents Authority Up-to-date-ness

23 Suitability: choose the one that suits your purpose and needs the most.
Contents The current meanings of words The current (American and British) spelling The exact pronunciation (American and British) Proper usage of words Morphological structure of words Common idioms involving the headwords

24 Authority Oxford, Longman in UK, and Webster in USA are well-established publishers. Dictionaries published by them are mostly reliable as they have a long history and very experienced editors. Up-to-date-ness Because of the constant vocabulary change, it is not exaggerating to say that a dictionary begins to go out-of-date the moment it is published. A dictionary user should choose a dictionary with the latest copyright date.

25 Recommending Three Dictionaries
Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (OALD) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English --- English-Chinese 2001(LDCE) Collins COBUILD English Dictionary, New Edition, (CCED)

26 Further Research! Why is the study of the dictionary necessary in lexicology? What are the specific linking relations between lexicology and lexicography? How do these two research fields contribute to each other? Which do you think can offer the most help in the English learning process, a bilingual or a monolingual dictionary?

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