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Jillian Perry A Dictionary!!. Word Synonym Synonym Chart.

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Presentation on theme: "Jillian Perry A Dictionary!!. Word Synonym Synonym Chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jillian Perry A Dictionary!!

2 Word Synonym Synonym Chart

3 Word Antonyms Antonym Chart

4 Synonym Definition Word Antonym Analysis Family Origin Origin Stem Definition Chart

5 Anaco nda snake Synonym Chart Boa family 20 ft. long 12 in. diameter 330 pounds Lives in rainforest Uses water to escape from predator s Is a great swimmer

6 astute Shallow Stupid Idiotic Ignorant Obtuse Asinine Imbecile Antonym Chart

7 Peaceful You or something is calm, peaceful or tranquil. Serene Agitated Analysis n/a Latin n/a Definition Chart GUNS Have peace with the world.

8 Irksome Aiding Helpful Helping Relieving Unburden some Satisfying Obedient You don’t have to be the biggest to the be the leader. Antonym Chart

9 Hinder Contraven e Synonym Chart Arrest Counte ract Hamper Burden Terminate Thwart Encumber

10 Abeyance Present but not visible, apparent. LatentActive Analysis n/a Latin n/a Definition Chart The little dots are latent. This is picture of latent heat.

11 Imperial Unrestrai ned Helpless Humble Undignifi ed Surrender Submissiv e Dishonor able Antonym Chart Imperial symbol

12 Jovial Affable Synonym Chart Airy facetio us Jocund Jubilant Mirthful Buoyant Blithe Jovial person.

13 1)What does jovial mean? What is a synonym of jovial? 2)What does imperial mean? What is a synonym of imperial? 3) What does latent mean? What is a synonym of latent? 4) What does hinder mean? What is a synonym of hinder? 5)What does irksome mean? What is a synonym of irksome? 6)What does serene mean? What is a synonym of serene? 7)What does astute mean? What is a synonym of astute? 8) What does anaconda mean? What is a synonym of anaconda? Answers 1)Good spirit; cheery 2)Your regal; royal 3)Dormant or hidden; covert 4)Prevent, slow down; counteract 5)Being annoying; aggregating 6)Calm, undisturbed; easygoing 7)To be perceptive; keen 8) A big snake; humongous snake

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