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MoHealthWINs Colleges & The Grant Team: Partners In Discovery and Innovation MoHealthWINs Summer Training Sessions St. Louis, MO July 12, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "MoHealthWINs Colleges & The Grant Team: Partners In Discovery and Innovation MoHealthWINs Summer Training Sessions St. Louis, MO July 12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 MoHealthWINs Colleges & The Grant Team: Partners In Discovery and Innovation MoHealthWINs Summer Training Sessions St. Louis, MO July 12, 2012


3 Data Collection Participant Tracking File— STUDENT & Program I. Student Social Security Number College Student ID MoHealthWINs Participant Deceased Name (First, Last and MI) Age Gender US Citizen Selective Service College Code (C&A Provides) College Partner Code Term of First Participation (MoHealthWINS) Ethnicity Entry Status Full or Part Time Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Veteran Highest Education Level Educational Goal Pell Eligible V Trade Act Eligible Employment Status Pre-Test WorkKeys Applied Math Pre-Test WorkKeys Reading for Information Pre-Test WorkKeys Locating Information English Placement Level Developmental English Course Math Placement Level Developmental Math Course Reading Placement Level Developmental Reading Course Credit Hours Accepted for Prior Learning MoHealthWINs Active

4 Data Collection Participant Tracking File— Student & PROGRAM I. Program Program Code (C&A Provides) Program Type Program Award Program Credential #1 Enrolled or Not Credential #1 Type Credential #1 Start Date Credential #1 Weeks Credential #1 End Date Credential #1 Credit Hr Value Credential #1 Award Program Credential #2 Enrolled or Not Credential #2 Type Credential #2 Start Date Credential #2 Weeks Credential #2 End Date Credential #2 Credit Hr Value Credential #2 Award V Program Credential #3 Enrolled or Not Credential #3 Type Credential #3 Start Date Credential #3 Weeks Credential #3 End Date Credential #3 Credit Hr Value Credential #3 Award

5 USDOL Outcome Data Requirements: Educational Attainment, Employment, Wages, & Use of Data for Continuous Improvement Tracking Performance Outcome Data Each college will track implementation of programs and related strategies Program Completion Retained in Program Retained in Other Program Credit Hours Completed Developmental Skill Improvement Earned Credentials Further Education Employment Status upon program completion (1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd quarters) Wage data upon program completion (1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd quarters) IV. Action Implementation progress and performance measures will be shared with the Consortium and colleges on a quarterly and annual basis. Based on thoughtful interpretation of data, colleges will undertake steps to ensure continuous program improvement. Analysis & Thoughtful Interpretation For Continuous Improvement

6 REMEMBER, PROGRAM CREDENTIALS ARE AN IMPORTANT OUTCOME. MAKE SURE YOU ARE TRACKING EVERY CREDENTIAL I. Program Program Code Program Type Program Award Program Credential #1 Enrolled or Not Credential #1 Type Credential #1 Start Date Credential #1 Weeks Credential #1 End Date Credential #1 Credit Hr Value Credential #1 Award V Program Credential #2 Enrolled or Not Credential #2 Type Credential #2 Start Date Credential #2 Weeks Credential #2 End Date Credential #2 Credit Hr Value Credential #2 Award

7 Great, Let’s Take A Closer Look At Building The Participant File PROGRAM OF STUDY WORKSHEETS----- There are 31 PROGRAMS and 13 Member Colleges. To aid in your participant data collection and educational outcome tracking, you will be given an EXCEL file customized for each program at your college. Depending on the structure of a program, the customized file will contain one or more set of fields associated with stackable, intermediate credentials which lead to the FINAL program award. Record Layout For Participant File and Review of Sample File.

8 Submitting Your Participant Data Files We value your data and respect the need for confidentiality and data security during transmission and storage. All data are encrypted with 256-bit SSL encryption on and during transfer. In addition all data are maintained and stored with 256-bit AES encryption and backed-up on a nightly basis. Access Cosgrove & Associates Website Click on Data Sharing, Top Left Side. A complete description of the security and encryption protocol is provided on the Data Sharing page. Use the embedded Data Collection/File Sharing link to upload your data files. You must include your email address to submit your files.

9 Quarterly Reporting, Outcomes & Impacts: Remember Behind Every Number Is A Student and A Life To Be Changed

10 Customized Tools For Progress Measures and Quarterly Reporting Each member college is engaged in the development of innovative programs to better meet the needs of its students. The progress measures and quarterly reporting process are great opportunities to share your success stories, describe lessons learned, and document program outcomes

11 Questions and Suggestions For Additional Assistance Contact Information John Cosgrove 314.913.6159 Maggie Cosgrove 314.610.2799

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