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Overview of the data standards underpinning CRD IV Víctor Morilla (Banco de España)

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the data standards underpinning CRD IV Víctor Morilla (Banco de España)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the data standards underpinning CRD IV Víctor Morilla (Banco de España)

2 The supervision process 2 Credit institutions Supervisor Communication of reporting requirements Transmission of data Target: Accurate data

3 3 What is XBRL?  Standard for the definition of financial concepts (taxonomies) Metadata (taxonomy) Assets Credit Type: instant … Assets Credit Type: instant … Cash Credit Type: instant Cash Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant –Concepts properties –Labels in different languages –References to legal documentation –Tabular views of data –Validation rules –…

4 4 What is XBRL?  XBRL is joint effort to create a global dictionary of concepts EBA FINREP Assets Credit Type: instant … Assets Credit Type: instant … Cash Credit Type: instant Cash Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant ECB BSI Credits with central banks … Credits with central banks … Held to maturity investments … Held to maturity investments … Spanish GAAP … … … …

5 5 What is XBRL?  Standard to exchange data according to those definitions (instances) Metadata (taxonomy) Assets Credit Type: instant … Assets Credit Type: instant … Cash Credit Type: instant Cash Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant Portfolio Credit Type: instant Acme 2008/12 Assets… 100.000€ Cash…… 55.000€ Data (instance document) Acme 2008/12 Assets… 100.000€ Cash…… 55.000€ Data (instance document) XBRL 2.1

6 Identifying Data 6 t Category of assets Portfolio 100 € (prec 3) Debt securities Dec 2007 Amortized costs Amount type: Carrying amount XBRL Dimensions

7 Net carrying amount of not yet impaired but already past due (over 180 days but less than a year) debt securities held, issued in EUR by MFIs located in EMU with original maturity under one year, measured at amortized cost and relating only to business activities conduced in EU Excerpt from BRAG DPM Introduction slides Base term:Assets Category:Debt securities Portfolio:Amortised cost Amount type:Carrying amount Impairment status:Unimpaired Past due period:≥ 180 days < 1 year Original currency:EUR Original maturity:< 1 year Counterparty sector:MFIs Counterparty residence:EMU Location of activity:EU Time reference:Current period end

8 Dictionary of concepts Categories: Total (…) Cash Loans Debt securities Equity instruments Tangible and intangible Other than (…) Counterparty sectors: All / Not-applicable MFIs MMFs MFIs other than MMFs Central Administration Other general government Non-MFIs other than government Original maturity: All < 1 year ≥ 1 year < 2 year ≥ 2 years Counterparty residences: All / Not-applicable EMU Other than EMU (…) Original currencies: All / Not-applicable EUR Other than EUR Locations of activities: All / Not-applicable EU Other than EU (…) Amount types: Carrying amount Gross carrying amount (Specific allowances) (Collective allowances) Base terms: Assets Liabilities Equity Off-balance sheet Exposures Portfolios: Total (…) Fair value through profit or loss Amortised cost Impairment status: All / Not-applicable Impaired Unimpaired Past due periods: All < 180 days ≥ 180 days < 1 year ≥ 1 year Base term:Assets Category:Debt securities Portfolio:Amortised cost Amount type:Carrying amount Impairment status:Unimpaired Past due period:≥ 180 days < 1 year Original currency:EUR Original maturity:< 1 year Counterparty sector:MFIs Counterparty residence:EMU Location of activity:EU Time reference: Current period end Previous period end Current period Time reference:Current period end Data Point Model methodology Data Point Model methodology

9 Getting the right picture… Table Linkbase

10 Checking the quality of data 10 Credit institutions Supervisor Communication of reporting requirements + validation rules Validation rules used already In the development process Validation rules applied before official filing XBRL Formulae

11 FINREP 2013 Tables COREP 2013 Tables Taxonomy structure 11 Common layer Common layer Dictionary of concepts Labels References Presentation hierarchies Basic calc. relationships Basic calc. relationships Required data sets Validation rules Table context labels Table context labels Framewor k specific layer Graphical dispositio n Graphical dispositio n

12 Taxonomy Architecture Abstract description of the information represented in the taxonomy y/DPM-Formal-Model.pdf y/DPM-Formal-Model.pdf How these information is represented in XBRL taxonomies y/EBA-DPM-XBRL-Mapping.pdf y/EBA-DPM-XBRL-Mapping.pdf

13 Summary -Definition of financial concepts  XBRL 2.1  XBRL Dimensions  DPM methodology -Communication of reporting requirements and graphical representation  Table Linkbase -Definition of quality checks  XBRL Formulae 13


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