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PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Precise Memory Leak Detection for Java Software Using Container Profiling.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Precise Memory Leak Detection for Java Software Using Container Profiling."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Precise Memory Leak Detection for Java Software Using Container Profiling Guoqing Xu and Atanas Rountev Ohio State University Supported by NSF under CAREER grant CCF-0546040

2 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University 2 Java Memory Leak  Memory leaks still exist in Java !! - Lost objects: unreachable but not freed - Useless objects: reachable but not used again  A Java memory leak can cause severe problems - Performance degradation - OutofMemory exception  It is difficult to detect such redundant objects - Static analysis may be of limited usefulness - Dynamic analysis is typically the “weapon of choice”

3 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Related Dynamic Approaches  Basic idea: from-symptom-to-cause-diagnosis - Track all objects during the execution - Find suspicious objects - Traverse the run-time object graph to find the cause  An orthogonal issue: the definition of symptom - Growing number of instances of a type (LeakBot ECOOP’05, Cork POPL’07) - Staleness (time since last use) of an object (Sleigh ASPLOS’06)  Problem: lack of precision

4 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Why Imprecise  Sources of imprecision - One single factor does NOT suffice to serve as leak symptom  Growth of #objects may not point to a leak  A JFrame object is never used since created, but is not a leak  Other factors that may contribute e.g. memory transitively consumed by an object - Hard to find the real cause from arbitrary objects We want a highly-precise report Can we consider the combination of multiple factors?

5 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University 5 Outline  Motivation  Leak confidence analysis  Memory leak detection for Java  Experimental evaluation - Experience with real-world memory leaks - Run-time overhead

6 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University A New Perspective  Observation: containers are often the leak causes - Many JDK memory leak bugs are caused by misuse of containers  Let’s reverse the traditional diagnosis process - Start by suspecting that all containers are leaking, and use symptoms to rule out those less likely to leak - Avoid the effort to search for a cause from arbitrary objects

7 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Our Proposal  Container-centric - Tracking containers - Assign a confidence value to each container, based on the symptoms it shows - Rank containers based on confidence  We only find bugs caused by containers at the first and second levels of the tree  Other approaches could be used as supplement

8 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Leak Confidence Analysis  Consider the combined effect of multiple factors - Overall memory consumption - Memory taken up by an individual container - Staleness of a container  Container abstraction - An ADT with three operations ADD, GET, and REMOVE - ADD(  n, o):void - GET(  n ):o - REMOVE(  n, o):void  Confidence analysis - Conceptual, and can be implemented in different ways

9 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Leaking Region  Leaking region - A time region in which memory leak symptoms occur - Determined using GC events (  1,  2, …,  n ) - Defined as [  s,  e ] where the memory consumption at GC events keep growing  Decide on  e - Offline: the time at which the program ends or OutOfMemory exception is thrown - Online: any time when a user wants to generate a report  Determine  s - Backward traverse GC events from  e

10 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Leak-free Containers  A container  is considered to be leak-free - It is in state  0 at time  e (#REMOVE = #ADD), or - It is deallocated within the leaking region  Deallocation of  n is treated as n REMOVE operations  Container leak confidence - Memory contribution - Staleness contribution

11 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Memory Contribution  A memory-time-graph is captures a container’s memory footprint in the leaking region - X axis: time relative to  e - Y axis: memory consumed by all objects reachable from the container relative to total used memory MC (  ) = the area covered by the curve  [0, 1]

12 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Staleness Contribution  Time since last use [Bond and McKinley ASPLOS 06]  A new definition in terms of  and o - SC(o) = (  2 -  1 )/(  2 -  0 ) SC(  ) =  staleness(o)/ size(  ), o    [0, 1]

13 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Putting It All Together: Leak Confidence  SC is more important than MC  Increasing either SC or MC increases LC  Properties - MC = 0 and SC  [0, 1]  LC = 0 - SC = 0 and MC  [0, 1]  LC = 0 - SC = 1 and MC  [0, 1]  LC = 1 - MC = 1 and SC  [0, 1]  LC = SC LC = SC X MC 1-SC  [0, 1]

14 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Memory Leak Detection for Java  Modeling of container behavior - A glue class is built for each container class - A bridge method is used to connect a container method with one of the ADD, REMOVE, or GET operations  Instrumentation - Soot transformation framework  Profiling - JVMTI  Data analysis

15 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Modeling of Containers class HashMap{ Object put(Object key, Object value) {…} Object get(Object key) {…} Object remove(Object key) {…} } class Java_util_HashMap{ static void put_after (int csID, Map receiver, Object key, Object value, Object result) { if (result == null){ … Recorder.v().record(csID, receiver, key, …, Recorder.EFFECT_ADD); } } } Object result = map.put(a,b); Java_util_HashMap.put_after(1234, map, a, b, result);

16 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Profiling  Approximation of MC - An object graph traversal thread is launched periodically to calculate the total of amount of memory consumed by objects reachable from the container object - Precision and overhead tradeoff is defined by the interval between two runs of the thread - Our experience shows 1/50GC is an appropriate value

17 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Data Analysis  Identify leaking region  Compute the approximation of MC - MC =  M Ti X (T i+1 – T i )  Compute SC - Decompress data - Scan the data and remove data entries outside the leaking region - For each element, find its REMOVE site and its last GET site

18 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Experience with Detecting Memory Leak Bugs  Java AWT/Swing bugs - Sun JDK bug #6209673 – existed in Java 5, fixed in 6 - Sun JDK bug #6559589 – still open in Java 6  SPECjbb bug  The generated reports are precise - Top-ranked containers are the actual causes of the bugs - Confidence values for bug-inducing containers and correctly-used containers differ significantly

19 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Sun JDK Bug #6209673  The bug manifests when switching between two Swing applications  According to a developer’s report, it is very hard to track down  We instrumented the entire java.awt and javax.swing packages, and the test case that triggered the bug

20 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Sun JDK Bug #6209673 Container:29781703 type: java.util.HashMap (LC: 0.443, SC: 0.480, MC: 0.855) ---cs: javax.swing.RepaintManager:591 Container:2263554 type: class java.util.LinkedList (LC: 0.145, SC:0.172, MC: 0.814) ---cs: java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager:738 Container:399262 type: class javax.swing.JPanel (LC: 0.038, SC:0.044, MC: 0.860) ---cs: javax.swing.JComponent:796 Data analyzed in 21593ms

21 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Sun JDK Bug #6209673  Line 591 of javax.swing.RepaintManager - An GET operation image = (VolatileImage) volatileMap.get(config); - The container that is misused is the volatileMap - This information may be sufficient for a developer to locate the bug  Where? - VolatileImage objects are cached in the map - Upon a display mode switch, the old configuration object get invalidated and will not used again - But the images are still maintained

22 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Overhead  Compile-time analysis  Dynamic overhead - Sampling rate: 1/15GC, 1/50GC - Initial heap size: default, 512k

23 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Overhead for Different Sampling Rates Y-axis: (NewTime-OldTime)/OldTime 1/15GC: 121.2% 1/50GC: 87.5%

24 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Overhead for Different Init Heap Size Default heap: 177.2% 512K heap: 87.5%

25 PRESTO: Program Analyses and Software Tools Research Group, Ohio State University Conclusions  Our approach is container-centric - Tracking all modeled containers - Computing a leak confidence for each container  Memory contribution  Staleness contribution - Can be used for both online and offline diagnosis  Memory leak detection for Java - Compiler assisted transformation - Profiling  Future work - Reduce overhead (e.g., selective profiling, JIKES RVM) - Automated detection of containers - Try other models

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