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Product Design and Development. A Generic Development Process Concept developmen t System design Detail design Testing and refinement Production ramp.

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Presentation on theme: "Product Design and Development. A Generic Development Process Concept developmen t System design Detail design Testing and refinement Production ramp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Design and Development

2 A Generic Development Process Concept developmen t System design Detail design Testing and refinement Production ramp up

3 Identifying Customer Needs (Screw driver)

4 Define the scope of the effort Define description of products –A hand-held, power-assisted device for installing threaded fasteners Key business goal –Product introduction in the first quarter of 2000 Target market for the product –Do-it-yourself consumer, light-duty professional Assumptions that constrain the development effort –Hand-held, power-assisted, nickel-metal-hydride rechargeable battery technology

5 Gather raw data from customers Interviews -- preferred Focus group Observing the product in use Written survey is not adequate for initial efforts

6 Gather raw data from customers

7 “Lead users”: customers who experience needs months or years ahead of the majority of the marketplace –they are often able to articulate their emerging needs, because they have had to struggle with the inadequacies of existing products –they may have invented solutions to meet their need

8 Interpret raw data in terms of customer needs Customer Statement I like the pistol grip; it feels the best I like the magnetized tip Can’t drive screws into hard wood Interpreted Statement SD is comfortable to grip SD tip retains the screw before it is driven SD can screws into hardwood

9 Organize The Needs Into A Hierarchy Write each need statement on a separate card Eliminate redundant statements Group the cards For each group. Choose a label Consider creating “super groups” Review

10 The House of Quality (Quality Function Deployment - QFD) It is a systematic process of translating customers’ desire (voice of customers) into engineering specifications (designers’ language) Invented by Mitsubishi, and expanded by Toyota Now also used in products like swimming pool, library, construction equipment, agricultural engines

11 What do customers want? Customer attributes (CAs) -- these are customer requirements Typical application would have 30 to 100 CAs List of attributes are collected via formal market research, focus group CAs are often grouped into bundles of attributes that represent an overall customer concern CAs are generally reproduced in the customers’ own word

12 Customer attributes and bundles of CAs Primary Good operations and use Good appearance Secondary - Easy to open/close door - Isolation - Arm rest - Interior trim - Clean - Fit

13 Customer attributes and bundles of CAs Secondary Easy to open /close door Tertiary - Easy to close from outside - Stay open on a hill - Easy to open from outside - Don’t kick back - Easy to close from inside - Easy to open from inside

14 Are all preferences equally important? Secondary Easy to open /close door Isolation Tertiary - Easy to close from outside - Stay open on a hill Doesn't leak in rain No road noise Relative Importance 7 5 3 2 A complete list total 100%

15 QFD Example: Car Door Design Easy to close 7 Doesn’t leak in rain 3 Our car Car A Perception 1 2 3 4 5 Customer Attributes

16 QFD Example: Car Door Design Easy to close 7 Doesn’t leak in rain 3 Our car Car A Perception 1 2 3 4 5 Energy to close door Door seal resistance Engineering Characteristics

17 QFD Example: Car Door Design Easy to close 7 Doesn’t leak in rain 3 Our car Car A Perception 1 2 3 4 5 Energy to close door Door seal resistance Engineering Characteristics

18 QFD Example: Car Door Design Easy to close 7 Doesn’t leak in rain 3 Our car Car A Perception 1 2 3 4 5 Energy to close door Door seal resistance 11 3 lb./ftTarget measure A’s car 9 2 lb./ft Relationship Positive Negative

19 The House of Quality (Quality Function Deployment - QFD) Correlation matrix Engineering Characteristics Customer attributes Competitive assessment Relationship matrix Specifications or target values

20 House of Quality Example

21 Linked houses from customer’s voice to manufacturing Engineering Characteristics Customer attributes I Parts Characteristics Engineering characteristics II Production requirement Parts characteristics III Customer attributes Engineering Characteristics Parts Characteristics Production Requirement Parts Characteristics

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