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Welcome 2014 Team Training Guide & Planning Calendar.

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1 welcome 2014 Team Training Guide & Planning Calendar


3 Share Our Strength 3 Share Our Strength ® is a national nonprofit that is connecting children at risk of hunger to the nutritious food they need to lead healthy. No Kid Hungry ® is Share Our Strength’s national campaign to end childhood hunger in America. Dine Out For No Kid Hungry™ is a program that brings restaurants and consumers together to raise funds and awareness for the No Kid Hungry campaign each September.

4 Childhood Hunger in America 4 16 million kids in the U.S. struggle with hunger. That’s 1 in 5 kids who cannot rely on getting the food they need every day to learn and grow. No child should grow up hungry, especially when effective nutrition programs exist that can provide those missing meals. No Kid Hungry connects kids in need to programs that can help but are underutilized.

5 Your No Kid Hungry Promotion 5 Throughout September, each restaurant creates its own tactics for raising funds to support the No Kid Hungry campaign. What: You decide what works best for you.  [Insert your promotion details here] When: The month of September (or any time period therein) when Share Our Strength brings national media attention to the cause.  [Insert your promotion dates here]

6 What Your Effort Supports 6 Helping more kids start the day off right by making school breakfast available. Helping to feed more kids during the summer when school meals are not accessible. Helping afterschool programs provide nutritious snacks and meals. Helping more families meet their nutritional needs at home by expanding access to SNAP (food stamps) and WIC. Teaching families how to prepare affordable, healthy and tasty food at home.

7 Your Planning Calendar 7 1 month before promotion launch:  Check out the tools, templates, videos, fact sheets, case studies, and point-of-purchase materials in our online resource center at resource center  Plan your promotional and marketing materials—use our templates or create your own for our review. 2-3 weeks before promotion lauch:  Order point-of-purchase materials from your printer, our print- partner Calagaz Printing (, or create your own for review by your Share Our Strength account manager.

8 Your Planning Calendar 8 2 weeks before promotion launch:  Inform employees about the promotion during a staff meeting.  Show them the training video narrated by Academy-award winning actor Jeff Bridges, How You Can Help This September.How You Can Help This September  Host a discussion with employees about No Kid Hungry, why you’re participating, and what your goals are for the promotion.  Send press release to local papers, TV and radio stations.  Follow up with media over the next 2 weeks to secure coverage, get listed in their community calendars

9 Your Planning Calendar 9 One week before promotion launch:  Show employees the Jeff Bridges video again; add a new No Kid Hungry video each day—they’re in the online resource resource center  Share facts about child hunger with them during line up.  Display in-store marketing materials.  Post details about your promotion on restaurant website.  Remind employees of promotion and key talking points during lineups and team meetings.  Encourage employees to invite their family and friends to dine at your restaurant during your promotional period.

10 Your Planning Calendar 10 When your promotions starts:  Promote through social media; use #nokidhungry in your messaging.  Participate in our twEAT OUT, September 9, on Twitter at @nokidhungry, and tag your posts with #nokidhungry  Encourage employees to tweet, post and text using #nokidhungry.  Help “End It With Orange” at the end of September by engaging your employees and teams to wear orange or share No Kid Hungry badges in social media.  Use our back-of-house poster and training video, How You Can Help This September to reinforce main talking points with front-of-house crew.How You Can Help This September  Provide special recognition for managers and top performers throughout your promotion and at the end.  Track funds raised by restaurant, region & nationally; report daily to staff.

11 Your Planning Calendar 11 When your promotions ends:  Celebrate your successes!  Thank your employees and customers for their support—use our email and press release templates, post it in social media and on your websites.  Recognize and reward your highest performing managers, stores, districts, store-level employees.  Tell employees and customers how much your restaurant raised…and send Share Our Strength your contribution.

12 THANK YOU! HAVE A SUCCESSFUL SEPTEMBER FOR NO KID HUNGRY! Have any questions? Contact your Account Manager or visit

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