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Presentation on theme: "SLIM JIM ANTENNA discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 SLIM JIM ANTENNA discussion

2 ORIGINS of the SLIM JIM Invented by Fed Judd, G2BCX
Original design was for a single band Overall length is nominally ¾ l 1.5m on 2m band so most suited to VHF and UHF bands 10m band versions have been made! Most usually vertical polarisation Suited to home construction Provides good Omni directional performance

3 Obtaining data about the Slim Jim
Google ‘slim jim’ and you will find hundreds of hits M0UKD Slim Jim calculator is excellent Slim Jim antenna images provides hundreds of pictures So, lots of information readily available, including building instructions and drawings – mostly aimed at 2m band – to suit all tastes and all pockets.

4 Antenna – fundamental design
Original illustration as it appeared in Practical Wireless magazine. Bottom section ¼ l long, used to feed top section, does not radiate (currents anti-phase, so cancel each other out) Top section, ½ l long - this is the radiating section (currents both in phase, so additive)

5 Development of J pole antenna to Slim Jim antenna

6 Antenna gain 1 What do we mean by Antenna Gain?
Imagine a light bulb suspended in space with nothing around it. Also imagine that this 2 dimension presentation is 3 dimension The light will radiate equally in all directions. Line joining points of equal intensity

7 Antenna gain 2 If we now place a mirror behind the light bulb, then the light is reflected. So there will be twice as much light in one direction, but no light in the opposite direction The area enclosed by the D shaped line is the same as the area that was enclosed by the line before the mirror was added [the light bulb’s light output (power) is still the same] So now we can say that there is gain, but only in the direction that includes the reflections, and that gain is twice as much as the original light before the mirror was added

8 Antenna gain 3 The light bulb by itself is known as an ISOTROPIC radiator The mirror adds gain (extra light) in one direction, at the expense of light in the opposite direction. This gain that includes the reflected/focussed light can be compared to the light output from the bulb by itself its self as a ratio. i.e. gain = `reflected’ light / `original’ light This gain is `dimensionless’, i.e. it is just a number without any units and is easily expressed in dB terms

9 Antenna gain 4 Now replace the light bulb by an antenna. An ISOTROPIC antenna is a (theoretical only) small antenna suspended in space which radiates RF energy equally in all directions. A real antenna has gain in some directions (but losses in other directions) This gain is expressed in dBi, i.e. the antenna’s gain in its `desired direction’ when compared to the ISOTROPIC case.

10 Antenna gain 5 Note that some antenna gains are expressed as compared to a dipole antenna (which is a physical possibility, as opposed to the physically impossible ISOTROPIC antenna) and these comparisons are in dBd (dB referenced to a dipole) terms. The gain of a dipole when compared to an isotropic antenna is 2.15db, i.e. the gain of a dipole is 2.15dBi (db referenced to an isotropic antenna) When an antenna’s gain is quoted by a manufacturer, unless it states dBd, assume the gain is dBi (bigger number). i.e. an antenna with a gain of 5dB will actually be 2.85dB more than that provided by a dipole antenna IN THE DIRECTION OF MAXIMUM GAIN ONLY.

11 back to the Slim Jim The plot below illustrates the gain of a Slim Jim antenna compared to a 5/8 whip antenna in the vertical plane Original illustration as it appeared in Practical Wireless magazine. Whilst the 5/8 antenna has a higher gain, this is at about 30o to the ground, so a lot of this energy is directed into space. The Slim Jim antenna’s maximum is parallel to the ground, which is where we want it to be, so the Slim Jim is a more efficient antenna for practical communications, especially at VHF and UHF

12 plan view of the polar diagram
Again, this is an original illustration as it appeared in Practical Wireless magazine. In the horizontal plane, the Slim Jim has a 4dB gain advantage over the 5/8 whip antenna, so a 10W transmitter with a 5/8 whip antenna will ‘look like’ a 25W transmitter when its antenna is changed to a Slim Jim, with respect to the signal arriving at a distant receiving station (and vice-versa)

13 Just to explain the relationship between dB and Watts,
Gain (or loss) in dB terms = 10 x log of gain (for units of power) = 20 x log of gain (for units of Voltage or Current). Numerical to dB, 10W to 25W, gain = 25W/10W = 2.5 (no units) Log = = 0.4, so gain dB = 10 x 0.4 = 4dB dB to numerical , divide dB value by 10 and then take anti-log. For 4dB, 4/10 = 0.4 Antilog = = 2.5 times So, 10W multiplied by 2.5 = 25W

14 Slim Jim construction 10m version 2m versions

15 Slim Jim construction

16 Slim Jim construction

17 A bit more detail Dimensions for this version are in metres
0.495m = 19.49” (incorrect on drawing) 0.0445m = 1.75” 0.0254m = 1” 0.102m = 4”

18 Feeding the Slim Jim (it’s not really hungry)
Use 50W coaxial cable, preferably cut to the length that will be used in the final installation Connected about 4” from the bottom of the ¼ l section Most published designs state; connect the inner to the long section and the outer to the short section However, can get better results by; connecting the inner to the short section and the outer to the long section

19 Adjusting the Slim Jim Simply move the coaxial cable connections up and down from the 4” point to achieve the best VSWR

20 Dual band versions see traps with white sleeving
(these were on sale at Dayton 2012)

21 Measurements of dual band version noted at Dayton
Ferrite sleeve fitted over cable about 1.5” below the bottom of the 2m ¼ l section

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