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“Slim Trim And Fit For The Holidays”. Santa on TSFL!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "“Slim Trim And Fit For The Holidays”. Santa on TSFL!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Slim Trim And Fit For The Holidays”

2 Santa on TSFL!!!!

3 It Starts With Your Why! Where do you want to be January 1 st ? What’s more important to you? Your goals or that glass of egg nog? Are you going to use the holidays as an excuse or an opportunity?

4  Celebrate friends and Family  Find healthy ways to deal with the “unhealthy” holiday stress  Keep your commitment to your health/goals Create a Healthy Holiday Mindset

5 Celebrate Friends/Family Put the focus on family/friends NOT the food Plan activities to make the day special: Visit a local pumpkin patch Attend local parades. Take a walk or hike Play cards/board games By focusing on the company of those around you, you can celebrate the true spirit of the holidays and make lasting memories with your family and loved ones.

6 Travel Tips How are you traveling? – Plan ahead – bring your meals – Pack water/drinks – Airport/plane food vs. healthy snack Where are you staying – Family – ask them to be supportive of your goals – Hotel – Ask for a microwave and refrigerator Set yourself up for success before you leave The result will be a healthier, happier YOU!!

7 Holiday Event Success Develop a PLAN OF ACTION and you’ll be much more likely to enjoy the holiday season, confident in your abilities to navigate those sometimes tricky scenarios. Use the “MY PLAN OF ACTION FOR THIS EVENT” form. Take time to create several plans of action, individualizing them for the various situations you’ll be faced with this season—from family events to office parties to dining with friends. It takes commitment to focus on your health goals.

8 Think Your Drink Opt for zero-calorie beverages. Add sugar free flavored syrups to coffee for a special holiday treat! Add a flavor infuser/sugar free syrup to Perrier/Pelligrino in a martini glass at your next holiday event. Be the designated driver Add one of your shake/drink mix to a Caribou coffee

9 Bring Your Own If your event is a potluck, bring a dish that you can enjoy on your healthy eating program. Call ahead and ask what will be served If your event is not a potluck, bring a grilled vegetable platter or other healthy treat Make it fun and creative – find healthy holiday recipes

10 Holiday Dinner Success Have a medifast meal before you go to the event Skip second helpings It is also good to fix your plate before you sit down so you do not eat “buffet style” Be the photographer/stay busy Help yourself by choosing a clean-up job away from food (such as washing the dishes) Here are a few suggestions for using up your leftovers: Offer some to neighbors, coworkers, and friends— especially cakes and pies. Divide leftovers into Lean & Green Meals and freeze for a quick lunch or dinner when you’re in a rush.

11 Food Gifts Ask friend/family to forgo food gifts Give food gifts away to someone else. Give handmade gifts instead of food gifts or give healthy food gifts – Fruit basket

12 Manage your holiday stress Remember, you don’t have to do it all yourself! Get your family and friends into the holiday spirit by assigning tasks for everyone. Have realistic expectations Plan your meals for you/family Schedule some daily down time Do something fun for YOU (massage, mani/Pedi, facial) And remember your Health Coach is available to help you!

13 Make Time For YOUR Body Exercise. – Schedule YOUR exercise time in – Get active with your friends/family – Walks, hikes, flag football, ice skating Sleep – Reduces stress level – helps maintain metabolism – 7 – 8 hours/night

14 Shopping Bring water and stay hydrated! Avoid the dreaded food court. Make sure to bring a MediFast bar or pretzels. Don’t circle for an hour to get that perfect parking spot. Get your extra NEAT points by parking further away. Wear a pedometer and try to hit a goal of 10,000 steps!

15 Use Your Support Tools Work with your coach to create an individualized plan Create a STC Listen to support calls Read your Habits of Health Talk to your coach weekly Use the Bionetwork Develop your own support network

16 It’s All About Choices! If you choose to go off program: Remember it’s a journey Limit yourself to 2-3 bites Get back on plan 3 hours later Connect with your coach Don’t beat yourself up Focus on moving forward

17 61 Days until January 1st 6 meals a day=366 meals How many meals do you need to go off program for? How Many “Special” Holiday Meals are Screaming Your Name?


19 Strut Your Stuff! Use the holidays as an opportunity to be a role model for healthier living to those around you. Demonstrate the secrets of successful life-long health by balancing moderate holiday indulgences with wise nutrition/food choices and increased physical activity. Use the holidays to show off your new body!

20 Celebrate your Success 1/1/14

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