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Unit Ten Getting a Good Job

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1 Unit Ten Getting a Good Job

2 Exploring What is your first consideration when you are looking for a job? What do you think is the most important factor for a successful interview? 3. What do you expect from your possible employment?

3 SECTION A How to Get Job You Want

4 Language Points 1. Quality
v. 1. (cause to) reach a necessary standard, e.g. of knowledge, ability, or performance [例] His training qualified him to be a teacher of English. [例] After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize in business law. 2.limit the force or meaning of (something stated) [例] I must qualify my earlier remarks in case they were misunderstood. [例] He added "generally speaking" to qualify his statement so that it would sound more objective.

5 candidate  n 1. [C] a person who wants to be chosen for a job or elected to a position, or whom other people have suggested as a suitable person for such a job or position [例] She has no intention of standing as a candidate for the leadership of the party. [例] I've drawn up a list of candidates that I'd like to interview. 2. [C] a person taking an examination [例] There are over 20,000 candidates in our city for the national English test. [例] This year, about 20,000 candidates have registered for the nationwide speech contest.

6 3. professional  adj. of or working in one of the different forms of employment
[例] His life as a professional basketball player started seven years ago. [例] All the people liked the idea, as it was a very professional and creative plan. n. [C] a person who has great experience and high professional standards [例] CNN is a world leader in online news and information with more than 4,000 news professionals gathering global news. [例] a museum professional

7 4. otherwise adv. 1. in a different way; differently
[例] I think the plan sounds good and practical, but my boss thinks otherwise. [例] If you failed to do it this way, why not try otherwise? ? 2. if not [例] She was ill; otherwise she would have come. [例] I must write the names down; otherwise I'll soon forget them.

8 5. slim  adj. 1. (of hope, probability, etc.) very small; slight
[例] Playing with a strong opponent, they have only a slim chance of winning. [例] With little education, there are slim hopes of success for him in his hunt for a good job. 2. (especially of a person) attractively thin; not fat [例] There is some food that you should try to exclude from your meals if you want to stay slim. [例] The fashion model has a very slim figure.

9 halo  n. 1. [C] a golden circle representing light around the heads of holy people in religious paintings [例] We can see in some paintings that Jesus Christ has a halo around his head. 2. [C] a bright circle of light, such as that seen around the sun or moon in misty weather [例] When there is a thick fog, we sometimes find a halo around the sun.

10 7. qualify for reach a necessary standard, e. g
7. qualify for  reach a necessary standard, e.g. of knowledge, ability, or performance [例] Tom qualifies for the job very well. [例] Being a single parent, you qualify for extra benefits. 8. foul up  do badly on; spoil an occasion [例] Without previewing the new lesson, the student fouled up his answer when called on to answer the teacher‘s questions. [例] I didn't know what to say at the interview; I just fouled it up.

11 9. do something with flying colors be very successful at something
[例] I answered her questions with flying colors and made a great impression on the girl at our first meeting. [例] I solved the problem with flying colors. addition (to)  as well; besides [例] In addition to teaching, the online course also gives the students tests.

12 11. in advance ahead of time, beforehand
[例] If you want to see the doctor, you‘d better make an appointment with him in advance. 12. wing it  do something without planning or preparation [例] You are most likely to fail in the test if you decide just to wing it. 13.  draw a line through things on a list [例] My wife crossed some items off the shopping list.

13 Difficult sentences: (para2.) If you invest the same amount of energy into your job hunt as you would into your work, you will find a job much sooner. If you put the same amount of energy into your job search as you would put into your work, it will take you much less time to find a job. (para.6)If you foul up the first part, your chances of getting the job are extremely slim, no matter how well you handle the second part. If you do badly in the first part of the interview, most likely you won’t get the job, no matter how well you do in the second part.

14 3.(Para.7) I call the first part the “30-Second Road Block”, because research has shown that most employers judge their candidates’ suitability in the first 30 seconds. I call the first part the “30-Second Road Block”, because research has shown that most employers decide whether their candidates are the right person for the job within the first 30 seconds.

15 SECTION B Applying for a New Boss

16 1. ruffle vt. 1. move the smooth surface of; make uneven
[例] She ruffled her kid's hair affectionately. 2. trouble or upset, especially causing a loss of confidence [例] My roommate is easily ruffled by awkward questions. 2. readily  adv. 1. quickly and willingly [例] When I was invited to the party, I readily accepted. 2. with no difficulty [例] My father told me not to readily believe in people.

17 3. trust  vt. 1. believe in the honesty and worth of (someone or something); have confidence in [例] Don‘t trust him, no matter what he says. 2. give something valuable or dangerous to someone and believe that they will take good care of it [例] Before moving to my new room, I trust my computer to one of my friends. [C; U] (an arrangement for) the holding and controlling of a property or money for the advantage of someone else [例] Before his death, he created trusts for his three sons.

18 4. dull adj. 1. uninteresting or unexciting; boring
[例] The book's opening is dull, but the last chapters are interesting. 2. (of colors or surfaces) not bright; not shining [例] When a plant changes color from bright green to dull gray-green, it needs water. [例] a dull building 5. distant  adj. 1. showing lack of friendliness [例] Due to his personality, he talked with others in a distant manner.

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