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The Mysterious Giant of Barletta

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Presentation on theme: "The Mysterious Giant of Barletta"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mysterious Giant of Barletta
Mrs. Williams Third Grade Class

2 The Bones Brothers and the Frozen Fence
I am going to be reading a story about two brothers who do an ordinary task in an incredible way.

3 Comprehension Why don’t Slim and Leroy want to build the fence in the unusual way? What steps do Slim and Leroy follow to build the snake fence? First, they collect all the frozen snakes they can find. Then, they hammer them into the ground as fence posts. Finally, they wrap barbed wire around the “posts.”

4 Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
It’s time for . . . These are words . . . We use them for . . . Vocabulary we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!

5 Mysterious Giant Vocabulary
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. Mysterious Giant Vocabulary giant: a huge, strong, imaginary creature that looks like a human being.

6 mysterious: very hard to explain or understand
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. mysterious: very hard to explain or understand

7 pedestal: a base or support for a column or statue.
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. pedestal: a base or support for a column or statue.

8 square: a rectangle having 4 equal sides; an open area where two or more streets come together, often in the center of town. (R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing.

9 (R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. statue: an image, often a person or animal, usually made of stone, metal, or wood.

10 weakling: a person lacking in strength or character.
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. weakling: a person lacking in strength or character.

11 (R03-S2C6-04) I can use the text to answer questions that help me understand
(comprehend) a passage. Questioning As I read, I will ask myself questions to help me remember information and think about what I might find out.

12 R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order. Following Directions Following directions is a very important skill as well as a skill that can help them with reading and other subjects, such as math and science. Read all directions carefully Be sure you understand each step Gather any necessary materials Follow the steps in order and finish each step before going to the next step.

13 R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order.

14 You are Great Readers!

15 The Mysterious Giant of Barletta

16 Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
It’s time for . . . These are words . . . We use them for . . . Vocabulary we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!

17 (R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. giant: a huge, strong, imaginary creature that looks like a human being.

18 mysterious: very hard to explain or understand
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. mysterious: very hard to explain or understand


20 Following Directions R11
R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order. When did you need to follow specific directions? Look at pg. 348, listen as I reread this page. What are the three directions Zia Concetta gives the townspeople? Why do you think it is important for the townspeople to follow the directions exactly as Zia Concetta says? 1. Bring me the biggest onion you can find. 2. Stay completely out of sight. 3. Don’t ask any questions.

21 Word endings –er and –est
(R03-S1C4-02) I can use knowledge of suffixes (-er and -est) to determine how to use them correctly in a sentence and the meaning of words. Word endings –er and –est -er and –est are suffixes that can be added to words. The older boys would sit on the giant’s feet. First, bring me the biggest onion you can find.

22 (R03-S1C4-02) I can use knowledge of suffixes (-er and -est) to determine how to use
them correctly in a sentence and the meaning of words. -er means “more” and is added to compare two people, places, or things. -est means “most” and is added to compare more than two people, places, or things.

23 (R03-S1C4-02) I can use knowledge of suffixes (-er and -est) to determine how to use
them correctly in a sentence and the meaning of words.

24 Choosing a Dictionary Meaning
A dictionary entry often includes more than one meaning for a word. (R03-S1C4-07) I can determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., guide words and parts of speech) using the dictionary

25 TE pg. 361G (R03-S1C4-07) I can determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., guide words and parts of speech) using the dictionary

26 You are Great Readers!

27 The Mysterious Giant of Barletta

28 Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
It’s time for . . . These are words . . . We use them for . . . Vocabulary we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!

29 pedestal: a base or support for a column or statue.
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. pedestal: a base or support for a column or statue.

30 (R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. square: a rectangle having 4 equal sides; an open area where two or more streets come together, often in the center of town.


32 R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order.

33 R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order.

34 (R03-S1C4-07) I can determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., guide words and parts of speech) using the dictionary

35 (R03-S1C4-02) I can use knowledge of suffixes (-er and -est) to determine how to use
them correctly in a sentence and the meaning of words.

36 (R03-S1C4-07) I can determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., guide words and parts of speech) using the dictionary

37 You are Great Readers!

38 The Mysterious Giant of Barletta

39 Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!
It’s time for . . . These are words . . . We use them for . . . Vocabulary we want to know Reading, writing, listening, & speaking!

40 (R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. statue: an image, often a person or animal, usually made of stone, metal, or wood.

41 weakling: a person lacking in strength or character.
(R03-S1C4-01, 02) I can learn and use new vocabulary words when speaking and writing. weakling: a person lacking in strength or character.

42 Complete Practice Book pg.225
R03-S3C2-01) I can follow directions in the correct order. Following Directions Cut out these strips and put them in order. Verbs Complete Practice Book pg.225 (R03-S1C4-07) I can determine the meanings and other features of words (e.g., guide words and parts of speech) using the dictionary

43 Word ending using –er and -est
base word -est -er big bigger biggest (R03-S1C4-02) I can use knowledge of suffixes (-er and -est) to determine how to use them correctly in a sentence and the meaning of words.

44 Reviewing Mysterious Giant of Barletta
It’s time for … JEOPARDY!

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