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Innovative Green Building - High Rise Residential - Water Reuse American Water Applied Water Management Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Green Building - High Rise Residential - Water Reuse American Water Applied Water Management Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Green Building - High Rise Residential - Water Reuse American Water Applied Water Management Group

2 2 Beneficial Reuse For This Project Includes: Toilet Flush Water Cooling Tower Make up Water Irrigation Water for Teardrop Park Treated Effluent Storage Tanks In Basement Equipment Room

3 3 Background 293 units293 units 25,000 GPD WW treatment plant25,000 GPD WW treatment plant WW Treatment in basement of luxury, apartment buildingWW Treatment in basement of luxury, apartment building LEED TM Gold CertificationLEED TM Gold Certification

4 4 Reasons For Wastewater Reuse To comply with BPCA Residential Environmental Guidelines To satisfy LEED TM Water Efficiency Credits To fulfill NYCDEP Comprehensive Water Reuse Program requirements to gain 25% reduction in water & sewer rates High density of units helped to minimize extra plumbing costs

5 5 Wastewater System Features Membrane Bioreactor System Ozone system for color removal Activated carbon odor control system Multiple barrier approach for disinfection - Membranes have an effective pore size of approximately 0.4 micron - Ozone is a powerful oxidant - UV system follows ozone

6 6 Wastewater System Features - continued Continuous circulation of water storage tank contents through ozone and UV systems Automatic potable water fill valves at water storage tanks to ensure uninterrupted supply of flush water

7 7 Schematic Flow Diagram

8 8 Treatment Equipment Room

9 9 Treated Effluent Quality Based on 18 months data: CBOD <6.5 mg/l TSS <1.5 mg/l Fecal Coliform <10/100 ml Turbidity <0.2 NTU NH4 – N <0.2 mg/l pH 6.5 – 7.4

10 10 Solaire Water Usage Reclaimed Water Usage Toilets Ave. 9,040 gpd Cooling Tower Ave. 7,770 gpd Cooling Tower Usage Reuse Water Ave. 7,700 gpd Potable Water Ave. 2,400 gpd

11 11 Solaire Water Usage Reuse 16,800 gpd average – 34% Potable 32,100 gpd average – 66% Total Building Consumption

12 12 GPD Comparison to Conventional Bldg Conventional Bldg – Total Use (Potable) Solaire Total Use (Pot. + Reuse) Solaire Potable Use

13 13 Benefits of Water Reuse Urban reuse can effect significant reductions in potable water demand Urban reuse applications help reduce stress on water and wastewater infrastructure. Based on the success of the Solaire, similar reuse systems will be installed in future Battery Park City buildings

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