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Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Aims  Recall your memory : how to review your scheme according.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Aims  Recall your memory : how to review your scheme according."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Aims  Recall your memory : how to review your scheme according to MOE, FRC & MOA  Highlights: protected lobby, doors & testing  Checklist for inspection  Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance  Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance

2 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Exits from Rooms & Storeys  Capacity = Area / Factor  Table 1  e.g. An office area is 80, factor is 9, therefore room capacity is 9 persons.  No. of exit, min. width of exit door & exit route  Table 2  Capacity > 30 persons, 2 exits >30 o & door swing in direction of exit, MOE 16.1.  Door swing should not reduce min. req ’ d width of exit route, MOE13.5a.

3 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Exits from Rooms & Storeys  Direct distance, MOE 14.1  Within a room, 15m/18m  Travel distance, Table 3 & 4  Between Room exit to staircase  Balcony approach  Internal corridor w. ventilation = cross ventilated by permanent openings 6.25% of floor area of corridor, at least 1.5 sq.m, MOE 14.8.  Dead end, MOE 14.3b, PNAP210  Exit in one direction only, 18m (DD+TD)

4 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Deadend = 18m 18m TD+DD

5 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Staircase  Discharge value of staircase > total capacity of building  Table 5 (non-sprinklered bldg), Table 6 (Sprinklered bldg)  X0.8 direction of exit is upward,  X0.7 scissors staircase  Bldg (planning) Reg 39: Bldg exceeding 4 storey, provide 2 nd staircase or continue to roof

6 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Staircase  Staircases separation < 48m, MOE 14.3c  Lift lobby accessible to exit route, MOE 19.  Except single staircase bldg, min. 2 exits for each storey, MOE 11.1  MOE should not be pass through one staircase enclosure to reach an alternative staircase, MOE 13.4  An inner room – vision panel, MOE 14.5. except toilet (alternative fire alarm system), does not apply to domestic flats, PNAP 257.

7 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Example OK Staircase 2 MOE pass Through 1 To 2 Staircase 1

8 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Staircase  Single staircase Building  Max. 6 storeys  Uppermost storey <17m above GL  Roof for refuge, 0.5 sq.m/person  Cockloft is store attached to G/F shop

9 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Staircase  Interchange MOE 11.2. Office People using one staircase cannot gain access to another, At common area Common corridor should be provided

10 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Staircase  Staircase discharges to street at GL  Door/gate should be openable from inside w/o using a key,  For security, use fail-safe lock/panic bolt  Opened in the direction of exit,  Set back from the line of drop in level

11 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 FRP  Use & Compartment volume  Table 2  Domestic/office, n.e.28000sq.m : 1 hr  Shop/PPE/carparking,  N.e. 7000sq.m : 1 hr,  7000-28000sq.m : 2 hrs.  Warehouse, n.e. 7000sq.m : 2 hrs  Industrial, n.e. 28000sq.m : 2 hrs

12 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Different uses & occupancies  Separate by walls & floors of longer FRP, max 2 hrs. FRC 8 & 9.  Internal corridors with flats, 1 hr wall & ½ hr doors.  Balcony approach with 2 escape directions, not req ’ d.  Special Hazard, 2 hrs/4 hrs adjoining staircase, 1 hr door.  FRP ducts for services thro ’ compartment wall or floors, ½ FRP access panel, FRC 10.5

13 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Example: Internal corridor ½ hr door 1 hr wall ½ hr door

14 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Openings at external walls  Adjoining Buildings, FRC 7 From adjoining Building Within 900mm imperforate 900-1800mm, ½ hr fixed light, 1 hr in staircase From common boundary Within 450mm imperforate 450-900mm, ½ hr fixed light, 1 hr in staircase  Staircase, FRC 11.7  Within 6m from street, common boundary, other external wall, ½ hr fixed light

15 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Example: openable window, ½ hr fixed light / 1 hr fixed light Office Opposite Building Common Boundary 450mm 6m6m FRC 11.8

16 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Vertical barrier 450mm Prevent spread of Smoke FRC Diagram 5

17 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Basement, MOE 20  Min 2 exits, except:  Basement < 3m below GL;  Area < 150 sq.m; and  Solely for a lavatory or plantroom.  Staircase serving upper floors should not be continued direct to Basement  Directional and exit signs  At lease 1 exit should discharge independently of any other exit into street

18 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Basement, FRC  FRP 4 hrs, FRC 6.2  Smoke outlet, FRC 15:  30m apart, along street frontage,  Every compartment,  0.5% of floor area,  Min. dim 1m.

19 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Refuge Floors, MOE 21  Req ’ d for bldg exceeding 25 storeys above the lowest ground storey:  20 storeys industrial bldg;  25 storeys non-industrial bldg.  25-40 storeys domestic or composite bldg, main roof for refuge.  Roof as refuge, min. 2 hr, FRP 13.  Provision of sky garden in refuge floor, PNAP258.

20 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 MOA  Req ’ d Access staircase, fireman ’ s lift, Fire-fighting & rescue stairway(FRS)  Table 1  Not req ’ d fireman ’ s lift:  Domestic/office: single staircase  Domestic: 2-staircase <30m  Non-dom: 2-staircase <30m <7000cb.m  PPE: < 2 storeys  Req ’ d FRS:  Industrial >7000cb.m  Basement >7000cb.m  Floor within 60m from fireman ’ lift (actual passage), MOA 10.4

21 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Access at Ground Level MOA Diagram 4 18m Fireman ’ s Lift Fire service access point at GL

22 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 MOA  Separate lift-well for fireman ’ s lift, MOA 11.1, 2 hrs, FRC 11.1  Same lift lobby arrangement on every floor, MOA 13.3  FRS = Access staircase + fireman ’ s lift + ventilated lobby, MOA18.1, 2xFRP, MOA19.2  ‘ Fire service access point ’ to ‘ fireman ’ s lift / FRS ’ - Horizontal distance 18m, MOA 9.2 & 16.2, width 1.5m MOA 9.1 & 16.4

23 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Protected Lobby, MOE 13.5b  Protected lobby to each stairs  Enclosed staircase > 50%  Single staircase bldg > 13m  Bldg with 2 or more stairs > 20m  Common area and an integral part of the staircase  From special hazard to exit route, MOE 6  Fireman ’ s lift lobby to remaining part of G/F, MOA 9.3b  Separation between 2 compartments, FRC 10.1, or use fire shutter (except PPE, carparks)

24 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Doors, MOE  Staircase & lobby doors - openable without the use of key, MOE16.2.  Door swing should not reduce effective radius of staircase landing MOE 16.3.  Transparent upper view panel – assist occupants to see the inside of the staircase before entering it, MOE16.5.

25 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Doors, FRC  FRP = ½ of wall, max 1 hr.  Integrity - resist spread of smoke and fire  Insulation - prevent raise in temperature in the staircase, therefore, staircase & lobby doors should have insulation property, FRC 11.3(b)  Self-closing, FRC 17.1.  Both side with notice, FRC 17.2.  Uninsulated glazing area < 25% of door leaf area, otherwise req ’ d insulation, FRC 17.4(c).

26 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Testing  Before 1996, 2 ” hardwood door,  Now, certificate & test report, FRC 6  Test or Assess in accordance with BS476:Part 22:1987, FRC 17.4.  PNAP 251- Building Authority accepts  Test report : laboratory recognized by HOKLAS or other bodies reached Mutual Recognition Agreement  Assessment report: 3 organizations only – BRE, IFC (limited to Mr Jackman) & Warrington)  Valid period of the test report.

27 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003

28 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Mutual Recognition Agreement

29 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Checklist  Staircase  Width,  No. of steps per flight, max. 16,  Tread min. 225mm, riser max. 175mm  Handrail, 850-1100mm  Headroom 2000mm  No winder  Corridor width  Openings at external walls, FRC 7 & 11.7  Staircase enclosure continued to G/F exit  Smoke outlet for basement & size

30 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Checklist  Access to roof  Fireman ’ s lift:  Size, min dimension 1.1m, area 1.35sq.m  Rated load, min. 680kg  Door size, 800x2000mm  Lobby size, min dimension 1.5m, area 2.25sq.m  Access to Fireman ’ s lift at G/F, min. 1.5m, MOA 9.1  UBW affects MOE  Special hazard  Door swing on stair landing/step

31 Pre-qualification Structural Learning – Brief Introduction to MOE, FRC & MOA 29 March 2003 Thank you

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