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State action plans for reduction / removal of rural shelter ness APSHCL, Hyderabad.

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1 State action plans for reduction / removal of rural shelter ness APSHCL, Hyderabad

2 Implementation of Housing In Andhra Pradesh  Government of AP has been according priority for providing Shelter to the poor.  APSHCL is established in 1979 for taking up Rural Permanent Houses & Urban Permanent Houses besides Centrally Sponsored Schemes. State Sponsored schemes INDIRAMMA Rural Housing INDIRAMMA Urban Housing Centrally Sponsored schemes Indira Awaas Yojana Housing for Weavers, Fishermen, Beedi Workers etc. IHSDP & JnNURM Schemes in Urban areas

3 INDIRAMMA – Flagship Programme of GoAP  Estimated 65 lakh BPL families without pucca houses in 2006  Launched in 2006 as a 3 year Programme  1/3 rd population in each Mandal has been covered each year (2006 to 2009).  Saturation Approach – No poor household left without a pucca house  In 60,000 habitations and urban wards

4 Housing – A felt need  Persistent demands for sanction of a permanent house.  Huge gap between demand & supply.  65 lakh houseless households in 2006 52 lakhs in rural areas 13 lakhs in urban areas Before After

5 Selection of beneficiaries  Every house in every habitation is visited by multi-disciplinary teams and verified on the spot  BPL status  House site status  Status of the house  Hut dwellers and residents of semi pucca houses are selected during the comprehensive door to door survey  Photographs of eligible beneficiaries taken in front of the existing residence. Documentation completed on the spot along with photograph  Objections received, enquired and decided within 15 days  List of eligible beneficiaries is authenticated in Grama Sabha and then sanction.

6 Implementation Strategy  Construction by beneficiaries themselves. APSHCL Engineers provide technical support.  No middlemen or contractors allowed except for the multistoried houses.  Enrollment of beneficiaries as members of SHGs for arranging bridge loan through IKP.  Cement supplied Departmentally. Remaining materials are procured by beneficiaries.

7 Type Design  Evolved & adopted two roomed pucca house with multipurpose room, Kitchen and Bath cum WC  The plan has provision for future expansion.  Different type designs are being adopted depending upon the local conditions.  Plinth area is ranging between 20 and 25 Sqm.

8 Rural Areas - Stage wise payments StageCementCashTotal BagsAmount Below Basement Level (BBL) 1015000 Basement Level (BL)10150068008300 Lintel Level (LL)006000 Roof Level (RL)203000740010400 Roof Caste (RC)10150034005000 Completion003050 Total5075002675034250

9 Urban Areas - Stage wise payments Stage Cement Cash Total Bags Amount  Below Basement Level (BBL) 10 1500 0 1500  Basement Level (BL) 10 1500 9100 10600  Lintel Level (LL) 0 0 10000 10000  Roof Level (RL) 20 3000 14600 17600  Roof Caste (RC) 10 1500 1800 3300 Total 50 7500 35500 43000

10 Disbursement System  Online payments at 5 stages of construction.  At Mandal level, AE inspect the houses as per fixed tour schedule and recommend payments.  At Sub-division level, the DyEE check measure (10%) the houses. Payment Release Orders (PROs), Cement Release Orders (CROs) and Material Release Orders (MPROs) are generated online.  Crediting the amount directly to the individual accounts opened in Banks and Post Offices of the beneficiaries.  Online payment system linked with internet banking system.

11 Online Monitoring  An online package designed for handling all transactions of Housing monitoring and payment (  Beneficiaries’ details entered online in the website and made accessible to public view.  All payments including cement payments are done through online.  Monitoring of physical and financial progress through online.

12 Initiatives of the State Government  State Government have arranged the following additional financial support over and above the unit cost: i.Rs.5,000/- loan for strengthening of foundations in low lying areas/weak soils. ii.Rs.20,000/- as loan from Housing Budget for all rural SC and ST beneficiaries and from banks (IKP net work) to other beneficiaries. iii. Rs 30,000/- for urban SC/ST beneficiaries.  Govt. have waived seignorage charges on sand and quarry material for INDIRAMMA houses.  Cement supplied at concessional rates.  Basic Infrastructure in all new lay out colonies.

13 Complaint Redressal System  Activated Complaint Redressal System through a Call Centre with 1100 Toll free number.  The Call Centre registers the complaints pertaining to delay in payment of bills, any corrupt practices, ineligible persons in the list and eligible persons left out of the list.  The upper Time limit of 7 days is prescribed for redressal of the complaints.  State Monitoring Unit is established in Corporate Office - 2 Senior Officers (Retired) are heading the unit with required supporting staff. - 55 reputed NGOs are deployed for checking at field level independently.  The entire monitoring unit functions independently as third party without interface with Corporation staff at any level. They will report findings to the ED / MD.

14 Physical Progress – as on 15.09.2010 (Numbers in lakhs) RegisteredCompleted In Progress Not Started Phase I20.2714.503.821.95 Phase II23.3711.255.726.40 Phase III17.844.634.258.95 Spill-over2.671.930.510.24 Total64.1532.3114.3017.54

15 SC/ST Housing Registered 20.88 Lakhs Completed 10.00 Lakhs In Progress 5.49 Lakhs Not Started 5.40 Lakhs

16 Year wise Budget Allocation  2006-071823.08 Cr  2007-085443.75 Cr  2008-095527.59 Cr  2009-101800.00 Cr  2010-111800.00 Cr

17 Budget allocations for housing for poor in AP

18 Rural Housing Colony – Khammam District

19 Rural Housing Colony – Medak District

20 Rural Housing Colony – Kadapa District

21 Rural Housing Colony – Anantapur District

22 Urban Housing Colony- Anantapur District

23 Rural Housing Colony – East Godavari District


25 Urban Housing Colony

26 Thank You

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