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Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring data Istanbul, August 24-29, 2014 Sotiria Karapetrou Maria Manakou Despoina Lamprou Sofia Kotsiri Kyriazis Pitilakis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 2  Aim of this study: “real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of RC building using field monitoring data reflecting the actual state of the structure (degradation due to time, possible pre-existing damage, changes in geometry and mass distribution etc.)  EU project REAKT (Strategies and Tools for Real Time EArthquake RisK ReducTion): Rapid post-earthquake assessment of buildings based on field monitoring data  Target structure: high-rise RC hospital building in Thessaloniki Introduction

3 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 3 Methodological framework Fragility assessment of buildings using field monitoring data Finite element modeling (FEM) Operational modal analysis (OMA) Evaluation of MAC values Comparison between numerical and experimental modes Finite element model updating Sensitivity in material properties Selection of the “best” FE model Nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis Derivation of “real – time” fragility curves

4 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 4 Description of the hospital building in Thessaloniki AHEPA Hospital complex Target building Target building: high-rise (8-storey) RC infilled MRF structure designed with low seismic code level (SYNER-G taxonomy). It hosts both administration and hospitalization activities. It is composed of two adjacent tall building units that are connected with a structural joint The foundation consists of simple footings without tie-beams combined partially with a raft foundation.

5 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 5 RC buildingsTotal mass (t)f c (MPa)f y (MPa)f m (MPa) UNIT 13719.014.0220.0 and 500.03.0 UNIT 23112.014.0220.0 and 500.03.0 Description of the hospital building

6 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 6 Temporary instrumentation array 36 triaxial seismometers: → Mark short-period seismometers (L4C-3D, 1Hz natural frequency) → EarthData recorders EDL (PR6-24) February 2013: ambient noise measurements (AUTH, GFZ) North – South (NS) ‖ longitudinal direction of the structure NS 4 hour recordings → Sampling rate 500Hz 4 stations at each floor installed along the middle corridor of the building near and far the structural joint. UNIT 1UNIT 2 Basement UNIT 1 UNIT 2 4th floor UNIT 1UNIT 2 Top floor

7 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring UNIT 1UNIT 2 Basement 7 Temporary instrumentation array Section A-A’ Structural joint between the building UNITS UNIT 1 UNIT 2 AA’A’

8 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 8 System identification and Operational modal analysis (ΟΜΑ) MACEC 3.2 software (Reynders et al. 2011) OMA for the two adjacent building units separately (UNIT 1 and UNIT 2) and for the entire hospital building analyzed as one (BUILDING). Grid of the models: the defined nodes correspond to the nodes that are measured. Non-parametric and parametric identification techniques are applied. Non-parametric: Frequency Domain Decomposition FDD (Brincker et al. 2001) Parametric: Stochastic Subspace Identification SSI (Van Overschee and De Moor 1996)

9 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 9 System identification and Operational modal analysis Frequency Domain Decomposition – FDD  Singular values Stochastic Subspace Identification – SSI  Stabilization diagrams

10 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 10 ModeMode type UNIT 1UNIT 2BUILDING FDD (Hz) SSI (Hz, ξ %) FDD (Hz) SSI (Hz, ξ %) FDD (Hz) SSI (Hz, ξ %) 1 Coupled translational 1.65 0.81.65 0.91.65 0.8 2 Coupled translational 1.901.911.31.91 1.11.91 0.8 3Torsional2.33 3.62.352.333.52.352.333.2 41 st Longitudinal3.503.475.43.583.525.83.583.516.4 52 nd Longitudinal5. Modal identification results for UNIT 1, UNIT 2 and BUILDING estimated using parametric (SSI) and non-parametric (FDD) identification techniques System identification and Operational modal analysis

11 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 11 Finite element model updating “Initial” elastic numerical model of the building units: based on the design and documentation plans provided by the Technical Service of the hospital. → numerical modeling conducted in OpenSees (Mazzoni et al. 2009) separately for UNIT 1 and UNIT 2 → Elastic beam-column elements to model the RC elements (beam and columns) → Elastic truss elements to model the masonry infills: double strut model to represent the in plane behavior of the infill panel. → Fixed base conditions are assumed for both building units

12 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 12 Finite element model updating Masonry compressive strength values calculated based on the mean and standard deviation values of the normal distribution adopted with: Sensitivity parameter: compressive strength of the masonry infill f m Normal distribution for f m (Mosalam et al. 1997) → mean value μ=3MPa → covariance COV=20% μ-3s≤ f m ≤ μ+3s, s: standard deviation Elastic modulus in compression of masonry infills computed based on compressive strength: E m = 1000f m (Paulay and Priestley 1992)

13 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 13 Finite element model updating Selection of the “best model” based on MAC values (MAC>0.8) E mlong1 = 3GPa (fm=μ=3MPa) E mlong2 =1.8GPa (fm=μ-2σ=1.8MPa) E mtransv1 =3GPa (fm= μ=3MPa) E mtransv2 =4.8GPa (fm=μ+3σ=4.8MPa) Evaluation of modal assurance criterion MAC values regarding the correlation between numerical and experimental modes and the selection of the “best” updated model φ j eigenvector j from numerical model φ Ei eigenvector i from field monitoring test E mlong1 E mtransv1 E mlong1 E mlong2 E mtransv2 E mtransv1 →→ Optimal scenario

14 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 14 Finite element model updating – UNIT 1 Initial FEM T (sec)/f(Hz) Mode shape of updated FEM T (sec)/f(Hz) Mode shape of experimental model T(sec)/f(Hz) MAC Coupled translational T 1 =0.69sec/f 1 =1.46Hz 0.96 T 1 =0.64sec/f 1 =1.56HzT 1 =0.61sec/f 1 =1.65Hz Coupled translational T 2 =0.48sec/f 2 =2.06Hz 0.94 T 2 =0.53sec/f 2 =1.89HzT 2 =0.52sec/f 2 =1.91Hz Torsional T 3 =0.37sec/f 3 =2.66Hz 0.97 T 3 =0.37sec/f 3 =2.70HzT 3 =0.43sec/f 3 =2.33Hz

15 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 15 Finite element model updating – UNIT 2 Initial FEM T (sec)/f(Hz) Mode shape of updated FEM T (sec)/f(Hz) Mode shape of experimental model T(sec)/f(Hz) MAC Coupled translational T 1 =0.67sec/f 1 =1.50Hz 0.98 T 1 =0.65sec/f 1 =1.54HzT 1 =0.61sec/f 1 =1.65Hz Coupled translational T 2 =0.49sec/f 2 =2.05Hz <0.8 due to the particular structural configuration T 2 =0.53sec/f 2 =1.89HzT 2 =0.52sec/f 2 =1.91Hz Torsional T 3 =0.36sec/f 3 =2.77Hz 0.94 T 3 =0.35sec/f 3 =2.86HzT 3 =0.43sec/f 3 =2.33Hz

16 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 16 Inelastic finite element modeling  Finite element code OpenSees (Mazzoni et al. 2009)  Inelastic force-based formulation  Geometric nonlinearity and distributed material plasticity (fiber based approach)  Concrete (confined and unconfined): Popovics concrete material model (1973)  Steel: uniaxial bilinear with kinematic hardening  Masonry infills: inelastic struts assigned with an elastoplastic force- displacement relationship  Diaphragm constraint is employed to account for the rigidity against the in-plane deformation of the floor slabs.  Fixed base conditions are assumed for both structural models

17 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring Seismic input motion for incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) 17 15 real ground motion records from the ESMD ( referring to soil conditions at sites classified as stiff soil according to EC8 (soil type B) → Selection criteria moment magnitude: 5.8<Mw<7.2 epicentral distance: 0<R<45km average acceleration spectra of the set to be of minimal “epsilon” (Baker and Cornell 2005) at 0<T<2.0sec with respect to the acceleration spectrum adopted from SHARE for a 475 year return period.

18 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 18 Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) IDA curves of updated UNIT 1IDA curves of updated UNIT 2 Two limit states in terms of max interstorey drift maxISD → Immediate Occupancy (IO): 0.1% according to FEMA-356 for RC infilled MRFs → Collapse Prevention (CP): assigned on the IDA curve at a point where the IDA is softening towards the flatline but at low enough values of maxISD so that we still trust the model (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2004). Intensity measure IM : peak ground acceleration PGA Engineering demand parameter EDP : max interstorey drift ratio maxISD IDA (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002 )  initial and updated models

19 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 19 Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) CP limit state maxISD values defined on the IDA curve for each building unit (initial and updated) Initial modelUpdated model UNIT 10.0140.011 UNIT 20.0140.011 Two limit states in terms of max interstorey drift maxISD → Immediate Occupancy (IO): 0.1% according to FEMA-356 for RC infilled MRFs → Collapse Prevention (CP): assigned on the IDA curve at a point where the IDA is softening towards the flatline but at low enough values of maxISD so that we still trust the model (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2004). Intensity measure IM : peak ground acceleration PGA Engineering demand parameter EDP : max interstorey drift ratio maxISD IDA (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002 )  initial and updated models

20 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring and β: the median values (in units of g) and log-standard deviations respectively of the building fragilities DS: the damage state. 20 Time-dependent fragility curves  Two – parameter lognormal distribution functions: Where Φ: the standard normal cumulative distribution function IM: the intensity measure of the earthquake expressed in terms of PGA (in units of g),

21 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 21 Time-dependent fragility curves  Uncertainties are taken into account through the log-standard deviation β(t): total dispersion related to each fragility curve  Three primary sources of uncertainty: β D : seismic demand (variability in the numerical results) β C : structural capacity (HAZUS=0.3 for low code structures) β ds : definition of damage state (HAZUS=0.4)  Median values PGA: determined based on regression analysis of the IDA results (PGA– maxISD) for each building unit

22 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 22 Fragility curves Comparative plots of the “initial” fragility curves derived for the two adjacent building units with the corresponding fragility curves provided by Kappos et al. (2003 and 2006)

23 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 23 Fragility curves Comparative plot of the fragility curves derived for the initial and updated models of UNIT 1 and UNIT 2. RC building Finite Element Model Median PGA (g) Dispersion IOCP UNIT 1 Initial0.0591.490.78 Updated0.0571.210.76 UNIT 2 Initial0.0741.350.79 Updated0.0650.990.72

24 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 24 Conclusions The present study provides further insight on the assessment of the “real-time” seismic vulnerability of typical RC buildings using field monitoring data, taking into account the actual state of the structure (degradation due to time, possible pre- existing damages, changes in geometry and mass distribution, etc). The proposed updating procedure can be used to yield more reliable structural models with respect to their real conditions in terms of structural detailing, mass distribution and material properties The applied methodology in this study may be used in the context of “real-time” risk assessment and post-seismic fragility updating.

25 Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, AUTH “Real-time” seismic vulnerability assessment of a high rise RC building using field monitoring 25 Thank you for your attention!! The work of this study was carried out in the framework of the ongoing REAKT ( project, funded by the European Commission, FP7-282862.

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