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Character, allegory, and “Cask of amontillado”

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Presentation on theme: "Character, allegory, and “Cask of amontillado”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Character, allegory, and “Cask of amontillado”
Mr. Moccia

2 character Definition: person/thing (with personal characteristics) who plays a role in the story Types: protagonist antagonist minor foil stock

3 Important distinctions
Round Flat Static Dynamic

4 Features to analyze What are important features to analyze?
Internal features are often more important: belief system; emotional states Motivations are really important – literature becomes a gateway into psychology

5 Allegory Definitions:
story in which the people, plot, setting, etc. represent things beyond themselves – often with a moral or political purpose an extended metaphor elaborate symbolism

6 Why allegories? Political safety Persuasive
Putting difficult things into a easily comprehensible medium David and Nathan example

7 “cask of amontillado” What reason(s) does Montresor have for hating Fortunato? Why isn't he specific, do you think? What effect does this have? Who is the “you”?

8 “cask of amontillado” Where do we see Montresor using reverse psychology? (At least two different examples)

9 What is Montresor’s coat-of-arms?
What is his family’s motto? Thoughts?

10 “cask of amontillado” What is the deal with the “mason” stuff?

11 “cask of amontillado” What is the tone of the piece?
How is this a gateway into Montresor’s psychological state?

12 When is this story written, in relation to the events in the story?
Why has Montresor written this? Why give away his long-held secret?

13 “Cask” and allegory How are Montresor and Fortunato extremely similar?
What if they’re intended to be different parts/sides of the same person?

14 “Cask” and allegory If this is a psychological allegory, what do the following symbolize? Setting: carnival, house, basement Fortunato Montresor The “walling up”

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