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24 September 2014 Bellringer – Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Written records begin 6000 years ago. That means 97% of history is lost. And we just.

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Presentation on theme: "24 September 2014 Bellringer – Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Written records begin 6000 years ago. That means 97% of history is lost. And we just."— Presentation transcript:

1 24 September 2014 Bellringer – Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Written records begin 6000 years ago. That means 97% of history is lost. And we just found new history…. U U Introduce Group Dig 1. (Today) Introduction, Expectations & Groups & Break the Code 2. (TH) Work Day - Interpret 3. (F) Work Day – Interpret – Conclusions 4. (M) Work Day – Create Presentation 5. (T) Presentation Individual Write Up is due!

2 Culture in an Envelope World History

3 The Rosetta Stone

4 Task Task: The staff at the Field Museum of Natural History is overworked and understaffed! They need our help! This dusty envelope of artifacts from an unknown culture was found tucked away in the basement of the museum. Your task as amateur archaeologists is to unlock the culture of this ancient civilization based only the primary sources you are given.

5 Your job as amateur archaeologists… What will you need to discover: You will need to figure out their language (alphabet) Location Time Period Basic cultural traits ~ for example: Government Religion Economy

6 Procedure! You will need to complete the following steps: 1. Step 1: Translate their language 2. Step 2: Translate all the artifacts 3. Step 3: Catalog the artifacts 4. Step 4: Figure out the Who, What, When, Where, and Why 5. Step 5: You will present your findings to the class

7 HINT: Translate First……Then Catalogue (That way you know what you are writing about!)

8 Planning your days…. 1. (Today) Introduction, Expectations & Groups ~ Break the Code 2. (TH) Work Day – Interpret – Conclusions 3. (F) Work Day –Conclusions 4. ( M) Work Day – Create Presentation 5. (T) Presentation Individual Write Up is Due!

9 Step #4 1. Location 2. Time period 3. Government 4. Religion ~ monotheistic (one god) or polytheistic (many gods) 5. Military Mindset 6. Economy 7. Free 8. Free 9. Free 10. Free

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