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Lagfæring eða tengli skipt út Leiðbeiningar varðandi lagfæringar á galla í tvöföldum tenglum frá Strömfors.

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Presentation on theme: "Lagfæring eða tengli skipt út Leiðbeiningar varðandi lagfæringar á galla í tvöföldum tenglum frá Strömfors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lagfæring eða tengli skipt út Leiðbeiningar varðandi lagfæringar á galla í tvöföldum tenglum frá Strömfors

2 Hafa samband við Ískraft Skrá þarf niður verkið og fá afhent beiðna númer Verkfæri til verksins Íhluti til lagfæringar Nýja tengla ef skipta þarf út ónýtum tenglum Límmiða sem eru límdir inní rafmagnstöflu viðkomandi hæðar eða byggingar að loknu verki. Gula límmiða sem eru límdir á hvern kassa með gölluðum tenglum Rafverktakinn þarf að fá afhent :

3 Special tools marker Testing device for outlets The testing device is loaded with a marker by turning and removing the handle, see picture on the right. The handle can be fixed in both directions. When testing a badly broken outlet, the red marks of the testing device will stay visible. If this happens, the current has to be cut before continuing work! The marker makes a dot in the outlet, this shows that the outlet has been tested. The handle of this testing device is also used for removing The feeding unit, in combination with below removing tool NOTE! When you have a longer brake in the testing, please put the cap on the marker to avoid it from drying. Removing tool The removing tool is used for two different purposes: 1.Removing the outlets from the trunking. 2Removing the feeding unit from an outlet - to do this you also need the above testing device for pushing the feeding unit loose, see picture on the right. ”Dymo” or equivalent printer For renewing markings on outlets that need to be replaced. XXXXXXXX

4 a b c a b b 4. Remove end pieces (a) and covers (b) 5. Remove outlets one by one with the removing tool. BROKEN 2. Test: Push and keep pushed OK CUT POWER FROM THE CENTRAL! YOU MAY CONTINUE WITH CURRENT ON 3. Check result and continue accordingly. Test all outlet holes. When you have a brake in testing, please put the cap on the marker a b.. b Repplace the broken outlets with new outlets, make new marking with ”Dymo” where needed. The work may be done with current on if these instructions are followed: NOTE! Work must stop if you run out of securing parts or replaecement products! 23 395 double outlets repair/replacement instructions NOTE! When working on poles, the end plate of the trunking portion may have to be removed to enable sliding of the outlets sideways to give room for the removing tool. MINOR CRACKS 7. a a 6. Check all outlets in the group for cracks: Do yo find any cracks? Follow instructions below 1. Identification of outlet 23 395: a.Holes are in a straight row b.End pieces are removable a b Fix the securing part (a) on all non- broken outlets. 8. Finalizing the work and general instructions: Refit the secured or new outlets, covers and end pieces into the Trunking, keep these things in mind: -The rib of the feeding unit must be aligned with a notch in the trunk -Avoid big colour differences by renewing all outlets in the same group if necessary Put broken outlets into the same package as the replacement outlets were distributed in, close full 5-packs with the yellow ”DUCTEL PSA” stickes. Read more about the return procedure in our customer letter! Finalize your work by marking all distribution boards with a sticker, on the sticker you should mark when work was finalized, name of the installation company and initials of the installer. Check that the black dots (b) From testing (point 2) are visible. If needed, mark again manually. CRACKS Remove the feeding unit if needed like this: Refit the outlet with feeding unit to the trunking. Place removing tool (a) in the trunking, push with testing device (b) and push the feeding unit into the trunking by hand (c). Remove the outlet as described in point 5. When pushed, red marks stay visible When pushed, red marks are not visible Installation company Installer Company X / NN Work done XXXXXXXX 1.2.2008 a example of a crack For definition - See next slide!

5 D5: Corrective Action – Redesign of the Outlet OLD 23395NEW 23423 ASSEMBLY ultrasonic welding snap fit DESIGN PART Marked DUCTEL Marked =S= PC/PBS SHUTTERS integrated cassettes man.assy aut.assy EARTH ASSEMBLY 15587+2x15307 BASE PART PC/ABS PA CONTACT PARTS 15585 + 15586 BASE COVER PC/ABS PA 13836 13835 13834 13411 13410 13409 Cleaning operation added

6 Corrective Action – Back Cover for Repair From November 2008 the repair/replace instruction was changed –Also outlets with minor cracks to be repaired –Validated in test lab + approved by authorities in FI, SE and NO

7 Examples of Ductel Outlets with ”Minor Cracks” (Cracks are highlighted in black colour) Outlet to be repaired If any doubts – Replace the outlet! Example of ”Major Cracks” – Outlet to be replaced (Cracks are highlighted in black colour) Repair Replace Example of ”Minor Cracks”

8 Skil á gölluðum tenglum DUCTEL PSA Palautusnumero/ Returnummer/ Return number: Skrifa skal beiðna númer á gula miðann. Setja skal brotnu tenglana í sömu pakkningar og útbýttu tenglarnir komu úr, lokið síðan heilum pakka með 5 tenglum með gulum ”DUCTEL PSA” límmiða. Pakkinn sendist eða skilast inn til Ískrafts

9 Reikningur frá Rafverktaka Beiðna númer Fjöldi tengla lagfærðir Fjöldi tengla skipt út Fjöldi vinnustunda Það sem þarf að koma fram á reikningnum er :

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