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CACFP Civil Rights Requirements
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Welcome to the webcast on Civil Rights Requirements for the Child and Adult Care Food Program or CACFP. This webcast is intended for all agencies participating on the CACFP. All information and forms referred to in this webcast may be found in Guidance Memorandum #8 at the link provided on this screen. Guidance Memorandum #8
Civil Rights Requirements
Allow all participants equal access to the food service, child care services and facilities without regard for race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability Make CACFP information available to the public upon request Provide informational materials in the appropriate language translation As a participant of Federal Financial assistance, each agency must allow all participants equal access to the food service, child care services and facilities without regard for race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. CACFP information must be made available to the public upon request. And informational materials must be provided in the appropriate translation concerning the availability and nutritional benefits of the CACFP. DPI has translations including Hmong and Spanish available upon request.
“And Justice For All” Poster
Prominently display the 11x17 size “And Justice For All” poster provided by DPI It must be posted in a place that is visible to the public Each agency is required to prominently display the 11 X 17 size nondiscrimination poster “. . . And Justice For All”, provided by DPI. It must be posted in a place that is visible to the public. You may contact your assigned consultant to obtain a copy if you do not have one. You may download the 8 ½” X 11” size poster for temporary use at the website listed at the beginning of the presentation.
Parental Notification Flier
Each agency is required to inform parents or guardians about the program and its benefits when their children are enrolled in CACFP facilities. This is not a requirement for Adult Care Centers. The “Building for the Future” flier (shown here) and included in guidance memorandum #8C must serve as the Parental Notification document. The agency must complete this flier by printing the facility’s contact information to the left of the State Agency contact information. The information must include the name of person at the center to contact with questions about the program, name of center, address, and telephone number of the center or sponsoring organization. Each agency then must distribute copies of this flier to the parents or guardians of all enrolled children and include a copy within the agency’s new enrollment packets. ABC CCC Sally Smith, Director 123 Alphabet Street Small Town, WI 54321
Non-Discrimination Statement
Non-discrimination statement and complaint-filing procedure must be documented anywhere the CACFP is mentioned Located on page 2 of Guidance Memorandum #8 If space on the material does not permit the full non-discrimination statement, the material must include the following statement, “This institution is an equal opportunity provider,” in print size no smaller than the text All informational materials and resources, including Web sites, used by local agencies to inform the public about the CACFP must contain a nondiscrimination statement and complaint-filing procedures. It is not required that the nondiscrimination statement be included on every page of the program information Web site. At a minimum, the nondiscrimination statement, or a link to it, must be included on the home page of the program information. If space on the material does not permit the full non-discrimination statement, the material must include the following statement, “This institution is an equal opportunity provider,” in print size no smaller than the text
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C or call toll free (866) (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) ; or (800) (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The non-discrimination statement and complaint-filing procedure are listed here and may be found on page 2 of Guidance Memorandum #8. We also have this statement translated into Spanish.
News Media Release Distribute the current year News Media Release annually to the news media outlet Keep copy on file stating the date the release was sent to the media outlet and which local media received the release The News Media Release can be found under Guidance Memorandum #8 on the CACFP website Each agency must distribute the required current year News Media Release annually to a news media outlet, such as the local newspaper; however, you are not required to pay for any publishing of the news media release. Camera copies of the current News Media Release for the Adult Care, Child Care, Emergency Shelter, and the At Risk After School Care Center components are on the CACFP website under GM #8. You must include the date the release was sent to the media outlet and which local media received the release. A copy of the News Media Release must be kept on file for three years plus the current year. A media release is not required for domestic abuse shelters if the location of the shelter is kept secret to ensure the safety of its residents.
News Media Release ABC Child Care Center
Here is a sample News Media Release. The top of the form (circled in red here) indicates if the form is to be used for Adult Care Centers, At Risk After School Care Centers, emergency shelters or child care centers which include Outside of School Hours Centers. You will also find the revision date at the top. Always use the most current version since the income guidelines change each year. The blue circle shows where you must list the name of the center or sponsoring organization. If you have more than one site on the CACFP, list the name of the sponsoring organization on the line with the blue circle and list the different site names on the other lines provided below shown with the green arrow.
Civil Rights Data Collection Form
Annually, collect actual racial and ethnic data of participants for each site Visual identification may be used to determine race and ethnicity A participant may be included in the group to which he or she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging to Each agency must annually collect actual racial and ethnic data of participants for each adult care, child care, outside school hours, and Title XX center. Visual identification may be used to determine race and ethnicity, or your agency may ask the parents or guardians or participants to identify the racial/ethnic category of the participant. This question is asked on the Household Size-Income Statement that parents or guardians are asked to complete each year. For collecting purposes, a participant may be included in the group to which he or she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging to. Parents or guardians or participants may be asked to identify the racial/ethnic group only after it has been explained, and they understand, that the collection is strictly for statistical reporting and will have no effect on determination of eligibility for benefits. You must maintain all records on file for the required three years plus the current fiscal year.
Civil Rights Data Collection Form
ABC Child Care Center Civil Rights Data Collection Form 123 Alphabet Street, Small Town, WI 54321 3 25 2 3 This is a sample Civil Rights Data Collection form which can be found in GM #8. Ethnicity and race must be documented as two separate categories. In our example, we have 3 Hispanic or Latino participants and 25 individuals who are Not Hispanic or Latino with a total of 28. Using those same 28 participants, next classify them in the appropriate race category. In our example, we have 2 American Indian or Alaskan Native, 3 Asian, 8 Black or African American, and 15 White for a total of 28. Keep in mind that the total in Part I may not match the total in Part II since people have the opportunity to self-identify as one or more racial groups. Once the form is completed, sign and date the bottom of the form. Keep a copy of the completed form on file for three years plus the current fiscal year. The data must be maintained on file using safeguards which prevent its use for discriminatory purposes. Such safeguards include only allowing authorized personnel access to records containing this data. 8 15 Sally Smith 10/5/XX
Civil Rights Training Annual Civil Rights training to staff
Keep record on file Staff who received civil rights training Civil rights topics covered Date civil rights training completed Civil Rights PowerPoint presentation that may be used: All CACFP agencies must provide civil rights training on an annual basis to staff who interact with program applicants or participants, and those persons who supervise them. Records indicating the agency staff who received the civil rights training, the civil rights topics covered, and the date the civil rights training was completed must be retained on file. Refer to website on the screen to access the Civil Rights Requirements Power Point presentation that may be used to complete the required civil rights training with agency staff.
Civil Rights Training Subject matter must include, but not be limited to: Collection and use of data, effective public notification systems, complaint procedures, requirements for reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities, requirements for language assistance, conflict resolution, and customer service Specific subject matter must include, but not be limited to the topics listed on the screen.
Civil Rights Complaints
All written or verbal complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability shall be processed within 90 days of receipt Refer to GM #8 for the procedure for handling complaints If your agency receives any written or verbal complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability, the complaint must be processed within 90 days of receipt. The procedure for handling complaints is listed in Guidance Memorandum #8C.
In accordance with Federal Law and U. S
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C or call toll free (866) (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) ; or (800) (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Thank you for watching this webcast discussing the CACFP civil rights requirements. Be sure to check out any of the other webcasts about the CACFP.
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