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Martin Luther (1483-1546) For in the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous will live by.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther (1483-1546) For in the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous will live by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther (1483-1546) For in the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith; as it is written, "The one who is righteous will live by faith" ( Romans 1:17 ) AP European Protestant Reformation

2 Childhood & Youth born Nov. 10, 1483 – Martin Luder son of copper miner attends a Latin school (medieval), 1497 attends Brotherhood of Common Life boarding school in Magdeburg, 1498 moves to Eisenach and attends parish school 1501 – University of Erfurt – liberal arts Baccalaureate in 1502 Master’s degree in 1505 begins studying LAW

3 Conversion July 2, 1505 near Sotterheim, nearly struck by lightening cried out to Saint Anne shocked family and friends 1505 enters Black Monastery (Augustinian) in Erfurt

4 Priest & Professor ordained in 1507 studies Theology at Erfurt Ad fontes! Back to the source! reading Bible in Hebrew & Greek 1512 Doctorate in Theology Professorship at Wittenberg (1514- 1518) Psalms, Letters to the Romans, Galatians & Hebrews

5 Indulgences as of 1514 Priest at Wittenburg’s City Church enraged over sale of indulgences and manner in which Tetzel sold them Luther preaches against the sale of indulgences

6 95 Theses Oct 13, 1517, 95 Theses, Castle Church “rebel in the ranks”, a few bishops actually agreed with Luther 1518 – Inquisition began in Rome June 15, 1520 – Papal Bull (Pope Leo X) of excommunication, Luther must recant or leave the Church

7 Burning the Papal Bull Luther protests: burns Bull and book of church law Jan. 3, 1521 – Luther is excommunicated Emperor Charles V offers safe passage to Diet of Worms Read 95 Theses excerpts

8 Diet of Worms, April 1521 Excommunication will be rescinded if Luther recants position Edict of Worms: Outlaw & Death Sentence Luther’s protector Elector Friedrich the Wise of Saxon View Martin Luther, 2003: scene 10

9 View Martin Luther, 2003: scene 13

10 The Wartburg

11 in 11 weeks he translates the New Testament, “September Testament” published in 1522 standardizes the German language visitations from the devil!? 1521 Luther goes to Wartburg

12 Luther and the Devil

13 Luther returns March 1521 returns to Wittenburg attempts to bring the Reformation movement back to a more moderate line begins seriously writing to spread his beliefs 1522-1524 preaching becomes his main priority

14 Luther’s Church Justification by Faith, Salvation by Grace 2 Sacraments: Baptism & Communion community money box social & educational responsibilities taken over by church need for well-educated pastors, teachers, & civil servants authorities obligated to provide a good education for the youth

15 Peasants War 1525 peasants led by Thomas Münzer (priest/former follower) demand more just economical conditions Luther encourages spiritual freedom from despots, not economic or political freedom Peasants are violently put down on May 15, 1525 View Martin Luther, 2003: scene 16 / Discuss pp. 326

16 Luther marries June 13, 1525 Luther marries Katharina von Bora big happy family 6 children, 1 of Katharina’s relatives, 6 of Luther’s sister’s children, student boarders See Swiss and Zwingli PPT

17 Diet of Speyer, 1526 “Protestants” = followers of Luther who gathered at Diet of Speyers to “protest” the policies of Charles V & Catholic princes opposed to Luther ius reformandi: right to reform belonged to states not to Empire

18 Augsburg Confession Diet of Augsburg, 1530 Supporters and followers of Luther present a summary of his beliefs, which later become the doctrine of the Lutheran Church Implemented in reformed states & towns by princes, prelates, or consistories (council of ministers & lawyers)

19 Spread of Luther’s Ideas Quickly spread to former anti-papal movements Hungary having been defeated by Turks was now open for conversion Merchants took his ideas to the Baltic states & Scandinavia Schmalkalkdic League formed, 1530s King Christian III (Denmark) converts country; Sweden (& territory of Finland), under King Gustavus Vasa found the first national reformed church, 1527; by 1540s Norway has become Lutheran

20 Final years: 1540- 1546 physically ill wrote most scathing works: Jews and their Lies (1543) Against the Papacy at Rome Founded by the Devil! (1545) Feb. 18, 1546 died in Eisleben, body interred at the Castle Church in Wittenburg

21 Political Revolution & Lutheranism social reform, not intended as political revolution Peasant Wars, 1524-1525: under the leadership of Thomas Münzer are not supported or successful Aristocracy are successful ius reformandi, Diet of Speyer, 1529 Treaty of Augsburg, 1555

22 Helpful Politicians (direct/indirect) 1520: Friedrich of Saxony 1525: Albert of Brandenburg (East Prussia) converts King Frances I (France), although Catholic, is embattled with Charles V in territorial disputes (Habsburg-Valois Wars, 1521-1544) During 2 nd H-V War (1527-1529) Pope Clement VII sides with France and Rome is sacked! & Charles V gains control over much of Italy Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) Battle of Mohacs (1526) Ottoman Turks kill King Louis of Hungary and take most of Hungary, move through Austria and advance on Vienna!

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