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Chapter 17 Section 3 Notes Intro: 1. Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church led to the founding of Protestant churches.

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2 Chapter 17 Section 3 Notes

3 Intro:

4 1. Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church led to the founding of Protestant churches

5 2. Nearly one-fourth of the Christians in today’s world are Protestants

6 I. Causes of the Reformation

7 A. The Renaissance emphasis on secularism and the individual

8 B. Printing press spread secular ideas

9 C. Merchant class resented church taxes

10 D. Rulers resented Pope’s attempts to control them

11 E. Problems in the Catholic Church

12 1. Corrupt Church leaders

13 2. Church leaders lived in luxury

14 3. Monks and priests were poorly educated

15 4. Priests broke their vows

16 F. Early Calls for Reforms

17 1. By the 1300’s John Wycliffe of England and Jan Hus of Bohemia

18 a. Denied the Pope had worldly power

19 b. Taught the Bible had more authority than Church leaders

20 2. Desiderius Erasmus and Sir Thomas More joined in the criticism

21 II. Luther Challenges the Church

22 A. Martin Luther, German monk, that taught at the University of Wittenberg in Germany


24 1. In 1517 Luther stands up against a friar named Johann Tetzel that came to Wittenberg and was selling Papal Indulgences

25 2. Papal Indulgences were praying for ones sins for money

26 3. Johann Tetzel was even selling indulgences for dead relatives

27 4. Luther post the 95 Theses on the Church door at Wittenberg October 31, 1517, "Nailing the 95 Theses to the Door of the Castle Church"

28 a. 95 Points or reforms for the Catholic Church

29 5. Luther’s two major thoughts

30 a. Salvation by faith not membership in the Catholic Church

31 b. The Bible was the main authority not the Pope

32 III. The Response to Luther

33 A. The Pope issued orders for Martin Luther to immediately stop his protests

34 B. Pope Leo X would next excommunicate Luther

35 C. The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V supported the Pope

36 1. Issued the Edict of Worms which said no one should harbor Martin Luther Luther at the Imperial Diet of Worms (1521)

37 D. The German reaction Burning the Papal Bull of Excommunication and Excommunication

38 1. People harbored Martin Luther

39 2. People began to read and interpret the Bible for themselves

40 3. Priest dawned ordinary clothes and called themselves ministers

41 4. Many priest wed

42 5. People began to call themselves Lutherans

43 E. The Peasant Revolt

44 1. Peasants saw the conflict between the new Protestants and the Church as a way to gain social reform

45 a. They demanded the end to serfdom

46 F. German princes saw the reform as a way to separate from the Catholic Church politically

47 1. Many of the northern German princes supported Martin Luther

48 2. Germany was split half were Catholics half were Protestants

49 G. The Peace of Ausgsburg

50 1. Each German state was allowed the right to choose their type of Christianity

51 IV. England Becomes Protestant

52 A. Henry VIII will break from the Catholic Church for personal and politicalreasons Henry VIII (1491-1547)

53 B. Henry VIII wants a Son

54 1. Catherine of Aragon has a daughter Mary

55 2. Henry wants a divorce, but the church would not grant it

56 3. Henry wants the church to annul the marriage or cancel it but the church wouldn’t

57 4. Henry calls Parliament together and asks them to pass The Act of Supremacy making him the head of the Church in England

58 5. He then divorces Catherine and marries Anne Boleyn and become Protestants

59 6. They have one child

60 a. Elizabeth

61 7. Soon afterwards Henry divorces Anne and has a son by his third wife

62 a. Edward

63 8. Henry would marry four more times

64 9. When he dies in 1547 Edward VI takes over at age 9 but soon dies

65 10 Next heir is Mary (Roman Catholic) and she begins to persecute the Anglicans

66 a. Becomes known as Bloody Mary Mary I (1553-1558 AD)

67 11. When Mary dies Elizabeth takes over and she eases the conflict between the Protestants and Catholics

68 a. She does have to send some of the Puritans away because they are too radical

69 b. For protestants she allowed priests to deliver the sermon in English

70 c. For Catholics she kept the ministers in robes and used golden crosses in ceremonies

71 C. Elizabeth as Queen

72 1. Moderate good for England at a difficult time

73 2. Elizabeth supported Protestants in the Spanish Netherlands

74 V. The Spanish Armada 1588 King Philip II of Spain Queen Elizabeth

75 A. Because Elizabeth had supported the Spanish Netherlands Phillip II of Spain would send the Spanish Armada to England to invade

76 B. Phillip II sends 130 ships to England

77 C. Elizabeth has better captains and faster ships and sinks all but some 20 ships

78 D. This defeat enabled England to control the seas between the new world and Europe

79 E. Weakened Spain’s foothold in the new world and reduced their supply of gold

80 1 = B 2 = H

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