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By: Allegra Pearce and Jacob Siemons.  Became a monk after nearly dying in a storm  Very devout  He was very concerned with his confessions  While.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Allegra Pearce and Jacob Siemons.  Became a monk after nearly dying in a storm  Very devout  He was very concerned with his confessions  While."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Allegra Pearce and Jacob Siemons

2  Became a monk after nearly dying in a storm  Very devout  He was very concerned with his confessions  While trying to achieve certainty, he only became more uncertain  He already doubted the church  He already was forming Lutheranism

3  The Indulgence Scam (CORRUPTION!)  Martin disagreed with the church  He wrote the 95 theses in anger to the church  He believed that the pope was abusing his power and manipulating the masses for his own benefit  Translated the new testament to German

4  Salvation through faith not action  Forgiveness cannot be obtained with money  If the Pope has the power to forgive he should unconditionally  Humans have been adding new political aspects to the religion  Papacy is corrupt

5  Gained a following of Catholic converts  He started a peasant revolt, but they diverged from his ideas. Luther did not endorse it “Robbing and murdering hordes of peasants”  Cities converted  A new branch of the christianity was formed

6  The papacy opposed these new ‘suggestions’  Previous followers diverge from his ideas when the unity of Christendom was threatened  The Roman empire was against him

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