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Presented by L. T. Nkomo Deaf Zimbabwe Trust DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by L. T. Nkomo Deaf Zimbabwe Trust DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by L. T. Nkomo Deaf Zimbabwe Trust DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

2 Background to Leadership Every human being is born to be a leader (Genesis 1: 27-28). Human beings are born to dominate and subdue their environment. Leadership is not over people but in an area of gifting. (Mandela (fight against apartheid in South Africa), Mother Teresa (Championing the cause of the poor in India), Jairos Jiri (cause for the visually impaired in Zimbabwe), Martin Luther King Jr (Rights of African Americans in the USA). Everyone is born with a seed of leadership in him or her but becoming a leader is a process. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

3 Mother Teresa’s vision was to help the poor and the sick DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

4 Nelson Mandela’s Vision was for a just and equitable South Africa DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014


6 Martin Luther King Jr fought for black civil rights in the USA DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

7 Background to Leadership Leadership is a product of circumstantial pressure Pressure of adverse/bad situations forces certain individuals to respond in certain ways that show certain traits of leadership. ‘You cannot change what you do not confront’ Myles Munroe DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

8 Why then do we need Leaders? Nothing happens without leaders (The war of Liberation in Zimbabwe had leaders, R.G Mugabe, Joshua Nkomo, Ndabaningi Sithole, Josiah Tongogara etc.) Nothing begins without leaders (Someone had to provide leadership for the start of ZIMNAD, ASSOD, DZT, ZIMDEAF MEDIA TRUST). Nothing improves without leadership.(Welfare of PWDs in Zimbabwe) Nothing develops without leaders Nothing changes without leaders (Morgan Tsvangirai of MDC-T, Martin Luther King jr (African American Activist) Nothing progresses without leadership Nothing succeeds without leadership. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

9 Why then do we need leaders Leaders create action where there was hesitation. Courage where there was cowardice Optimism where there is cynicism Strength where there was weakness Create hope in a state of despair Leadership determines the mentality, destiny, attitude and commitment of followers. Myles Munroe and John Maxwell agree that leadership is about influence. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

10 Cont ‘An army of sheep led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a sheep’ Alexander the Great Nothing changes without effective, sensitive and spiritually based leadership. Leadership is the cause of all problems and also the source of solutions to our problems. ‘Everything rises and falls on leadership’ John Maxwell DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

11 What then is leadership? Leadership is about service to the people and not power Leadership is not about manipulating people but inspiring people. Leadership is not about pursuing people or finding followers Leadership is about finding purpose It is a leader’s passion for his or her purpose that attracts followers. It must be remembered that leadership is trusted privilege given by followers DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

12 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP “Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, generated by vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose.” Myles Munroe DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

13 Influence Leadership is about influencing a group or team of people. It is not about power and coercion, although you may influence others to move in a direction that is contrary to their own actions. Influence is creating the want and desire in others to do what you want and desire them to do. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

14 It is all about Influence! DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014 1965 March


16 Passion Passion is contagious and a leader is most effective when he or she is passionate about the team, organization, and the work thereof. Passion is a characteristic that cannot be faked. It has to be genuine and portrayed. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

17 Unfulfilled passion will give you no peace as a leader DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

18 Vision Leadership is action. The vision is the articulation of the action to get to where the group needs to go. The vision should be well defined and effectively communicated. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

19 Without a vision you go nowhere DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014


21 Conviction Leaders believe that what they do is important and purposeful. The belief is the conviction that drives the leader’s actions and passion. The conviction is communicated in the vision and nearly every statement of the leader. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

22 Conviction is unwavering belief in your purpose DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

23 Gallaudet University student fought until they got a Deaf President at the University DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014


25 Purpose Leaders have purpose for their actions and what they influence. Leaders seek what is best for the group and not what is best for the individual. Leaders are inherently selfless and hardworking. They are driven by their conviction and purpose and resonates the passion in their vision statements. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

26 Art of Leadership Many people try to fit in certain situations but true leaders break away from the party. True leaders do not seek acceptance but pursue their convictions. Leadership is a trusted privilege. You have no right to demand people to follow you. Leadership is like beauty. It is the attitude that stands out. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

27 Art of Leadership There must be a marriage between the leadership spirit (mentality) and the spirit of leadership (attitude) that then gives the ability to lead. Leaders take responsibility to change things. Leadership is not about cloning others in your image. Leaders help others to discover themselves DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

28 Principles of Leadership Leadership is a trusted privilege given by followers Leadership has to do with attitude than methods of organizing people Leadership consists of 2 key principles namely  Manifestation (self discovery)  Movement (transformational)-never accept a limitation! DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

29 Key Attributes Purpose (source of vision. Why were you born?) Vision (Image of your purpose.)Take about it and share it with others. Commit to principles and values Express your passion and keep repeating it. Empower others Self discipline to protect your purpose. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

30 Key Attributes of a leader A belief in oneself Passion for what they do Leaders live lonely lives Leaders are not jealous about other people’s success They are committed to the betterment of humanity Leaders are change agents DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

31 Key Attributes  Leaders are open to learn  Leaders must be willing to involve others in their work.  Leaders must be willing to share power and distribute control. You cannot do everything.  A leader must starve his weakness and share power and control with those who are stronger in a particular area.  Leaders pass on the baton stick to the next generation. They do not die with it. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

32 Character in Leadership Character is the personal submission to discipline of principles that protect your gifts and talents. It is more important to be faithful than to be famous Character is developed by staying steadily through tests and trials (‘…know them that labour among you…’) Leaders fail when they sacrifice their character on the alter of compromise. Character cannot be faked. ‘As a man thinks in his heart so is he’ If your thoughts are corrupt then it means your belief system is corrupt. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

33 Values and Character in Leadership When you are a leader people imitate you Character is the most effective leadership tool Character strengthens your inner life Character enables you to fulfill your purpose Character protects your leadership and vision preventing you from aborting your mission. Character allows you to leave a legacy Character is built on principles which are values you live by in pursuit of your vision Principles produce character and character is more important than charisma. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

34 Leadership without Character Leadership without character is power without principle It is abuse of power A leader’s gift is only as safe as the character that contains it. Violation of character forfeits the privilege to use or serve your gift. A leader must not have many faces because that creates doubt in followers.  Your character protects your right to lead! DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

35 Berlusconi’s Political Career was destroyed by his love for women. DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

36 Closer Home: Attack on MT’s Character in 2013 Presidential Election Campaigns DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

37 Character in Leadership The credibility of a leader is character The force of Leadership is character The trust of leadership is character The legitimacy of leadership is character The integrity of leadership is character  ‘Leadership is a combination of strategy and character. If you must be without one be without strategy’ Myles Munroe DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

38 Conclusion Leadership is therefore impossible without;  A guiding purpose and vision  Deep passion for accomplishment  Principles that regulate leadership behavior.  ‘Character is like the skeleton of your whole body, when it collapses the whole purpose collapses’ Myles Munroe The force of leadership is character! DZT DEAF YOUTHS LEADERSHIP AND ADVOCACY SEMINAR 7-8 JUNE 2014

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