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Archeological Findings Research Project By Matt King, Tim Cornish and Alex Buchacek.

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1 Archeological Findings Research Project By Matt King, Tim Cornish and Alex Buchacek

2 Artifact 1 Our Hypothesis is that these objects were used for weighing stuff. So if they wanted to weigh some rice they would use the rocks for different weights to know how much it weighed.

3 Artifact 1 cont. What Archeologists think it is, is a weight and scale. They thought it was used to weigh ground up wheat and barley. A certain amount of wheat or barley was a certain amount of money. By this artifact we learned that the ancient Indians bought what they needed and their money was something that the sales person could use the money for something that they needed.

4 Artifact 2 Our hypothesis is that they used this for religious cleansing that the water in the bath was like holy water, so it would be like a baptism now.

5 Artifact 2 cont. Some of the archeologists believe that it used for religious rituals but the others think it was used as a public bath. By this artifact shows us that they wanted to stay clean and didn’t enjoy being dirty. They strongly believed in their religion and wanted it to be strong.

6 Artifact 3 We believe that this is a statue of a important person of a god. We think that the necklace was worn by a king or very important people.

7 Artifact 3 cont. The Archeologists think that the statue represents what a man would of looked like. The beautiful stone beads came in many shaped and colors. This artifact tells us that they took pride in their work. It also shows us that the women like to look nice.

8 Artifact 4 We think that these are tiles used for walls in palaces or important places. That they used them to make it more artistic.

9 Artifact 4 The archeologists think that they used them for tags to show who owned that object. They also think that they wore them to keep away evil. This shows us that they believed that the evil spirits walked along the earth with them. This shows us that they wanted to show possession and they didn’t want people to steal their things.

10 Artifact 5 cont. We think that is a well and it brings water to the city. And there was pools of water that they could collect water from.

11 Artifact 5 The archeologists think that this is a sewer system. It carried waste from the houses. This shows us that they liked to keep their city clean of waste and didn’t really want to keep every thing dirty.

12 Artifact 6 We think that these are homes for the poor. We think that the houses were close to the fields or the houses were near the Indus river.

13 Artifact 6 cont. Most of the people that lived in Mohenjodaro lived in the lower city. The houses had flat roofs and were two stories high. The houses were made of mud bricks. Poor people would live in smaller houses than the other people.

14 Artifact 7 We think that they are games because on the top they look like dice. We also think that they would play the games for fun or maybe on special occasions.

15 Artifact 7 cont. The archeologists believe that the Ancient Indians used these as games. They believe that the Indians could have made the first style of chess because of the pieces that they have found so far. This shows us that they liked to have fun and to keep them and their kids entertained.

16 Artifact 8 We think that these are like action figures for little kids that couldn’t play games that the older and smarter kids could play.

17 Artifact 8 cont. The archeologists believe that this may have been a toy. They also believe that it shows how the farmers transported their food to the city's market. This shows us that they made toys for the younger kids. That they would show the kids that would become adults how to transport their crops to the market.

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