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VISUAL UNDERSTANDING ENVIRONMENT Ranjani Saigal and Anoop Kumar Academic Technology Tufts University.

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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL UNDERSTANDING ENVIRONMENT Ranjani Saigal and Anoop Kumar Academic Technology Tufts University."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISUAL UNDERSTANDING ENVIRONMENT Ranjani Saigal and Anoop Kumar Academic Technology Tufts University

2 Academic Technology Academic Technology (AT) at Tufts is a university-wide resource that provides consultations, collaborative partnerships, and faculty development focusing on the use of instructional technology to support teaching and research initiatives.

3 Overview Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources – The Problem Teaching and Learning with Digital Resources – The Problem Educational Foundations Educational Foundations Concept Maps in Education Concept Maps in Education VUE – The Solution VUE – The Solution VUE – Architecture VUE – Architecture VUE – Implementations VUE – Implementations Fedora Fedora Artifact Artifact Demo Demo Future Direction Future Direction

4 Teaching & Learning with Digital Resources – The Problem Valuable digital resources for teaching and learning have grown exponentially over the past several years. Valuable digital resources for teaching and learning have grown exponentially over the past several years. Custom digital libraries hold these collections of digital resources Custom digital libraries hold these collections of digital resources Lack of tools that provide the flexibility and responsiveness required to support critical and creative thinking with digital resources. Lack of tools that provide the flexibility and responsiveness required to support critical and creative thinking with digital resources.

5 Educational Foundations Constructivism – Students learn best when they are actively engaged in constructing their knowledge – in structuring and restructuring information Constructivism – Students learn best when they are actively engaged in constructing their knowledge – in structuring and restructuring information Individual Differences – Cognitive differences among people influence their approach to learning. Individual Differences – Cognitive differences among people influence their approach to learning.

6 Educational Foundations Learning takes place by the assimilation of new concepts and prepositions into existing concept prepositional frameworks held by the learner Learning takes place by the assimilation of new concepts and prepositions into existing concept prepositional frameworks held by the learner Meaningful learning occurs when it is relatable to the learner’s prior knowledge. Meaningful learning occurs when it is relatable to the learner’s prior knowledge. Concept maps are useful tools to bring about meaningful learning. Concept maps are useful tools to bring about meaningful learning.

7 Concept Maps in Education Tools for organizing and representing knowledge. Tools for organizing and representing knowledge. Concepts are semantic units of learning Concepts are semantic units of learning Include concepts usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line between the two. Include concepts usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line between the two. Words on the line specify the relationship between the two Words on the line specify the relationship between the two


9 Concept Mapping Tools CMap CMap Smartdraw Smartdraw Visio Visio Kmap Kmap Inspiration Inspiration

10 Concept Mapping Tools - CMAP

11 Concept Mapping Tool – Smartdraw

12 From Concept Maps to Content Maps Linking content to concept enhances value of concept maps and transforms them into content maps. Linking content to concept enhances value of concept maps and transforms them into content maps. Digital content sources: Digital content sources: Local Drives Local Drives World Wide Web World Wide Web Remote Drives Remote Drives Digital libraries Digital libraries

13 Teaching & Learning With Digital Resources - The Problem Valuable digital resources for teaching and learning have grown exponentially over the past several years. Valuable digital resources for teaching and learning have grown exponentially over the past several years. Custom digital libraries hold these collections of digital resources Custom digital libraries hold these collections of digital resources Lack of tools that provide the flexibility and responsiveness required to support critical and creative thinking with digital resources. Lack of tools that provide the flexibility and responsiveness required to support critical and creative thinking with digital resources.

14 VUE - A Solution A visual environment for structuring, presenting and sharing digital information that allows faculty and students to integrate digital resources into teaching and learning A visual environment for structuring, presenting and sharing digital information that allows faculty and students to integrate digital resources into teaching and learning A way to access different kinds of digital resources stored in different digital repositories A way to access different kinds of digital resources stored in different digital repositories Has tools for teachers and learner to navigate through these resources to support critical and creative thinking. Has tools for teachers and learner to navigate through these resources to support critical and creative thinking.

15 Leveraging Open Standards It leverages open and extensible development platform of OKI and FEDORA digital repository to facilitate collaborative open source development.

16 Goals for VUE 1. In support of teaching, provide faculty with a flexible, visual tool for semantically structuring and creating pathways through digital materials in a manner most consistent with the ideas and concepts that they must communicate to their students. 1. In support of teaching, provide faculty with a flexible, visual tool for semantically structuring and creating pathways through digital materials in a manner most consistent with the ideas and concepts that they must communicate to their students. 2. In support of active learning, provide students with a flexible tool for manipulating and extending existing instructional presentations (concept/content maps) in support of personal reflection on course topics as well as support for the creation and communication of new, personally meaningful concept/content maps. 3. Extend the value of FEDORA-based digital libraries and their collections by providing a flexible, visual tool for viewing and organizing digital content in pursuit of individual learning and research goals. 4. Leverage OKI technical standards to enable the sharing, distribution and integration of this new educational tool in educational environments and systems beyond Tufts University.



19 VUE – Architecture Concept map components Concept map components Nodes Nodes Links Links Pathways Pathways Resource components Resource components Resource objects Resource objects Data sources Data sources Auxiliary components Auxiliary components Panels Panels Drawing tools Drawing tools Menus Menus Tool bars Tool bars

20 Resource Interface getTitle getSpec getPreview getProperties getExtension displayContent MapResource (implements all the above methods for VUE map) AssetResource get/setAsset (oki.dr.Asset) CabinetResource (oki.filing.Cabinet)

21 Data Source Interface getId getDisplayName getAddress getPublishMode isAutoConnect VueDataSource (implements all the above methods for VUE ) FedoraDataSource (connect to Fedora) GoogleDataSource (Conduct google search) artifact.DataSource (connect to artifact repository) Local/Remote DataSource (oki implementations)

22 VUE Implementations Fedora Fedora Digital Repository Architecture Digital Repository Architecture Artifact Artifact Art History database at Tufts Art History database at Tufts

23 VUE Implementation- Fedora OKI Bridge Fedora Object Model Fedora Object Model OKI.DR API OKI.DR API OKI.DR asset model OKI.DR asset model Fedora – OKI bridge Fedora – OKI bridge

24 Fedora Object Model


26 OKI.DR Asset Model

27 Fedora OKI Bridge FedoraOKI PIDShared.Id DRDigitalRepository FedoraObjectAsset FedoraObjectIteratorAssetIterator BehaviorInfoStructureInfoStructure BehaviorInfoRecord DisseminationInfoPartInfoPart DisseminationInfoField ParameterInfoPartInfoPart ParameterInfoField DataOutputStreamInfoPartInfoPart DataOutputStream(MIMETypeStream)InfoField

28 VUE Implementations - Artifact ASP, MS SQL Based web application to organize art history contents ASP, MS SQL Based web application to organize art history contents Developed XML object generator for Artifact Developed XML object generator for Artifact Design and develop resource and data source classes in VUE to work with Artifact object model Design and develop resource and data source classes in VUE to work with Artifact object model

29 Future Direction Interface for any datasource Interface for any datasource Federated search Federated search Front end to course management tools Front end to course management tools User interfaces to view complex maps User interfaces to view complex maps Semantic zoom Semantic zoom Fish eye view Fish eye view 3- dimensional views 3- dimensional views

30 Web-site


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