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Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] Molly McKee Lisa Gipson Micki Byrnes Claudette Garret Board Members Note: Virtual museums were.

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Presentation on theme: "Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] Molly McKee Lisa Gipson Micki Byrnes Claudette Garret Board Members Note: Virtual museums were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] Molly McKee Lisa Gipson Micki Byrnes Claudette Garret Board Members Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry

2 Introduction / Survey Question

3 Museum Entrance Technology-Based Apprenticeship Character Education Practical Applications Welcome to THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Board Members Poster Room

4 Room 5 Return to Entry Artifact 17 Artifact 20 The Poster Room Artifact 21








12 Museum Entrance Technology-Based Apprenticeship Character Education Practical Applications Welcome to THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Board Members Poster Room

13 Room 2 Return to Entry Apprenticeship Reflections Digital LiteracyCurriculum Assessment

14 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 1

15 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 2

16 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 3

17 Museum Entrance Technology-Based Apprenticeship Character Education Practical Applications Welcome to THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Board Members Poster Room

18 Room 1 Return to Entry Interactive Whiteboards Technology-Based Learning

19 Educational apps Shooting video Send reminders Alarms/timers Record podcasts Notes Access assignments Email Backchanneling Organizers Clickers Polling Storyboarding Attendance Flashcards Cell Phones & MP3 Players Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

20 Rich Internet Application (RIA) Web-oriented architecture (WOA) SLATES Search Links Authoring Tags Extensions Signals Social Web Podcasting Blogging Tagging Curating with RSS Social bookmarking Social networking Web content voting Web 2.0 Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

21 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Interactive Whiteboards Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

22 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. E-Readers Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

23 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Computers Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

24 Remembering Remember previously learned information define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce Understanding Demonstrate an understanding of the facts describe, discuss, explain, identify, recognize, report Applying Apply knowledge to actual situations demonstrate, employ, interpret, operate, solve, use, write Analyzing Distinguish between the different parts compare, contrast, differentiate, examine, experiment, test Evaluating Justify a stand or decision appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value Creating Create new product or point of view construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write Bloom’s Taxonomy Return to Exhibit Technology-Based Learning

25 Museum Entrance Technology-Based Apprenticeship Character Education Practical Applications Welcome to THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Board Members Poster Room

26 Room 3 Return to Entry Character Education Artifact 11

27 Character education. Finding Common Ground: A Guide to Religious Liberty in Public Schools. Retrieved from: publications/first/findingcommonground/B13.Char acterEd.pdf Why Character Education? “We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character—that is the true goal of education.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech at Morehouse College, 1948

28 Museum Entrance Technology-Based Apprenticeship Character Education Practical Applications Welcome to THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE Board Members Poster Room

29 Room 4 Return to Entry Artifact 13 Artifact 16 Artifact 14 Practical Applications Artifact 15

30 Linked citation goes here As educators, we need to entertain the possibility that more technology infrastructure and technology-enhanced curricula in schools can engage all learners and level the playing field for privileged and less-privileged youth (Brien, 2008). Return to Exhibit Digital Literacy

31 Linked citation goes here President Obama referenced apprenticeship as an answer to the need to complete globally and urged all American to at least one year or more of higher education... This can be done through college of an apprenticeship (Christmasn, 2012). o Benefits o On the job training o Confirm on reject career o Choices o Gain experience Return to Exhibit Apprenticeship

32 Linked citation goes here  Math that Matters Everyday math applications  Ready for Reading interesting  Successful Science Practical sciences  Happening History Then and Now Return to Exhibit Practical Skills

33 Linked citation goes here As educators, we need to entertain the possibility that more technology infrastructure and technology-enhanced curricula in schools can engage all learners and level the playing field for privileged and less-privileged youth (Brien, 2008). Return to Exhibit Digital Literacy

34 Linked citation goes here Formative Assessments o Teacher observation o Discussions o Ticket out the door (Exit Slips) o Think-Pair-Share Summative Assessments o Project Based Assessment o.Electronic Portfolio o License and/or certification o Presentation Return to Exhibit Assessment

35 Linked citation goes here o Collecting data o Collaborating with peers o Creating presentation o Celebrating success Return to Exhibit Reflection

36 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 9

37 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 10

38 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 11

39 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 12

40 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 13

41 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 14

42 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 15

43 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 16

44 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 17

45 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 18

46 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 19

47 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 20

48 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Artifact 21

49 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Entrance Artifact 22

50 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Entrance Artifact 23

51 Linked citation goes here Text goes here. Return to Exhibit Back Wall Artifact

52 Reflections

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