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Interaktionsdesign Session 4 Analysemetoder. Work Models Describe work from the point of view of the one person interviewed The Flow model The Sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Interaktionsdesign Session 4 Analysemetoder. Work Models Describe work from the point of view of the one person interviewed The Flow model The Sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interaktionsdesign Session 4 Analysemetoder

2 Work Models Describe work from the point of view of the one person interviewed The Flow model The Sequence model The Artifact model The Cultural model The Physical model

3 The Flow model Represents communication and coordination neccessary to make work happen Defines Work flow –Work / tasks / projects usually involves many people –Work broken into part –Divide of responsibilties among roles –Intervening of jobs and responsibilities that get work done

4 Flow model distinctions Individuals – do the work Responsibilities – expectations of outcome Groups – have common goals/actions Flow – communication to get work done Artifacts – work “things” - physical/conceptual Communication topic/action Places Breakdowns

5 Things to observe Coordination Strategy Roles Informal structures The Flow model mapps the organization Gives a “Bird eye view”

6 Individuals / groups responsibilities Artifacts Flow Breakdowns Communi cation topic / action Places

7 The Sequence model Work becomes a sequence of actions/steps to achieve an intent The Sequence model – a map to the work a new system will change Step by step information on how work is actually done

8 Sequence model destinctions Intent Trigger Steps Order Breakdowns

9 The Artifact model A drawing/photocopy of an artifact complete with any handwritten notes Extends information on the artifact to show: –Structure –Strategy –Intents

10 Artifact model distinctions Information – presented by the object Parts – pages, figures, diagrams Structure Annotations – indicate informal usage Presentation – color, font, layout, shape Conceptual distinctions Usage – when created, how used Breakdowns

11 The Cultural model Work takes place in a culture Culture defines: –Expectations –Desires –Policies –Values –Approaches

12 Cultural context The mindset that people operate within and plays a part in everything they do Includes formal and informal policy of business climate Cultural influences can alter the choices people make

13 Cultural model distinctions Influencers – individuals/groups in organizations Extent of effect Influence –Standard or policy –Power –Values –Identity –Emotions Breakdowns

14 Influence of culture Culture is invisible, but can be deduced from things you see and hear in the work place. –Tone –Policies –Organizational influence

15 The Physical model Work happens in physical environments –Rooms –Cars –Buildings –Highways Supports/enables work or gets in the way

16 Physical model distinctions Places – rooms, workstations, offices Structures – sites, walls, desks Usage and movement Software/hardware/communication lines/tools Artifacts – folders, lists, bills Layout Breakdowns

17 Impact of physical environment Organization of space Division of space Grouping of people Organization of workplaces Movement

18 Cultural Probes An approach to get informations in a different way –Postcards –Maps –Cameras –Photo album –Media diary Used to come up with ideas to design

19 Information gathering techniques Inquiry Exploration –Future workshops –Brainstorming

20 Inquiry Study of the existing situation at hand Finding out more about a present design situation Design: what exist / what could exist Two methods –Contextual inquiry –Why why why

21 Inquiries Contextual: –Interviews combined with observations –Goal: construct a picture of the actual work situation –Guided by three principles: Context Partnership Focus Why why why? –Ask a series of why questions –Probe the problem formulation

22 Exploration Study of the possible – what might be Divergance – diversity of possibilities –To prevent “design fixations” –To prevent designers personal involvement It’s easy to come up with many ideas, but hard to come up with good ideas –Keep quality in mind

23 Future workshop Used to: –clarify problems in current situation –create visions about future –discuss how to realise visions Three phases: –Qritique - brainstorming –Fantasy – unrestricted ideas –Implementation – presentation of visions

24 Brainstorming Collect a group of people to produce ideas together (3-7 people) Generate ideas –No criticizes or questions on ideas –As many ideas as possible –Combine and build upon other ideas –One idea pr. piece of paper Structure the results –Affinity diagram – ideas sorted into clusters/categories – repeated –“document” results

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