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Published byVivian York Modified over 9 years ago
PEPPOL BII workshop PEPPOL Conference Malmø February 11 th 2010
Agenda for today Who is who? CENBII Introduction CENBII Profile concept and architecture ePrior (example of implementing CENBII) Lunch Document concepts and architecture Pre awarding documents Post awarding documents Guidelines
Timetable TimeSubjectPresenterDurationMaterial 10:00 CENBII introduction and background Peter 15 minutes 10:15 CENBII deliverables overview Peter 20 minutes 10:35 CENBII artifact safari (work though to documentation) Georg 20 website 10:55Break 11:00CENBII profile concepsPeter20 minutes 11:20CENBII profile architectureGeorg 20 minutes Architecture document 11:40Digit implementationJoao15-20 minutes 12.00Break (lunch) 13.30 Document architecture, syntax mapping and UBL basic components (party, address, item) Peter20 minutesSlides 13.50 Document content, preawarding Georg25 minutesSlides 14.15 Document content, postawarding Peter25 minutesSlides 15.00Break 15.30 Business rules and guidelines Georg40 minutesInvoice guideline 15.10CENBII 2 business planPeter15 minutes 15.30End of workshopPeter/Georg5 minutes
Who are we? Peter L. Borresen Chairman of CENBII Director of ebConnect Associated director of Document Engineering Sevices Georg Birgisson Editor of CENBII WG1 Director of Eykur
Who are you?
What is CENBII?
CEN workshop on Business Interoperability interfaces in Public procurement in Europe Message content and business process UBL-UN/CEFACT convergence Toolbox Pilot support
Background IDABC initiatives on eProcurement NES CODICE CIP i2010 roadmap pilot projects Danish cost savings initiatives
Vision To save administrative costs 12-20 minutes pr. invoice To lowen the prices with a real common electronic marked To raise the quality of the business transactions To agree on common interpretation of the EU directives To create non-system depended interoperability.
Objectives Interoperability Harmonization Prove it!
Objectives (full text) To identify and document the required business interoperability interfaces related to pan-European electronic transactions in public procurement expressed as a set of technical specifications developed taking due account of current and emerging UN/CEFACT standards in order to ensure global interoperability To co-ordinate and provide support to pilot projects implementing the technical specifications in order to remove technical barriers preventing interoperability.
Interoperabillity Proces level Data level Technical level
Which parts addresses interoperabillity? Semantic & process level Syntax level Technical level Interoperability on different levels Part 1 Part 1 + Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
CENBII is representing new generation of EDI EDIfact X12 ebXML CENBII + PEDRI
CENBII is mainly a semantic definition with pontential many implentations EDIFACT CENBII CENBII implementation e.g UBL CENBII implementation e.g UBL CENBII implementation e.g UBL EDIFACT customization e.g. EANCOM EDIFACT customization e.g. EANCOM EDIFACT customization e.g. EANCOM
The CENBII deliverables Part 0: Introduction Part 1: Profile Overview Part 2: UBL-UN/CEFACT convergence Part 3: Toolbox Part 4: Pilot support Publication at:
Business Interoperability interfaces for Public procurement in Europe Semantic & process level Syntax level Technical level Interoperability on different levels Part 1 Part 1 + Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
CENBII is representing new generation of EDI EDIfact X12 ebXML CENBII + PEDRI
Artifact safari by Georg
What is a CENBII profile? A profile of a business process A CENBII profile is a orchestration of exchanged documents between two business parties A CENBII profile can be used to form an collaboration agreement A CENBII Profile can be broken down to collaborations To form a full procurement process, more profiles my be needed
The evolution of profiles OIOUBL – Denmark public authorities – 2005 NES - North European Subset – North European and UK cooperation – 2007 BII – Business Interoperability and Interchange – European specification, published by CEN – December 2009 – Contains all NES profiles in upgraded version
Profile key components Business process – Specification of an electronic business process. Collaboration – Generic sub processes that can be linked together to form business process Transaction – A set of data (information) sent from one partner to another, relevant to an activity within the process
A business party in a profile may have more than one role Customer Buyer Debitor Ordering Billing Customer Seller Debitor
A profile consist of reusable components Business Process Profile Collaboration Transaction Document
CENBII profile architecture by Georg
BII03 Ordering BII04 Invoice only BII05 Billing BII06 procurement Profile migration OrderingInvoicing Dispute resolution Invoicing Ordering Dispute resolution Invoicing Ordering Simple replyLine reply Counter offer replyInvoicingDispute Dispute resolutionDispatch BII19 - Advanced Procurement xxxxxxx BII13 - Advanced Procurement with dispatch xxxxxxxx
More profiles Catalogues, statement, ofl. BII01 - Catalogue only BII02 - Catalogue update BII17 - Multi party catalogue BII16 - Catalogue deletion BII23 - Invoice only with dispute BII09 - Customs Bill BII15 - Scanned Invoice BII18 - Punch-out BII20 - Customer Initiated Sourcing BII21 - Statement Tendering, support tools BII10 - Tender Notification BII11 - Qualification BII12 - Tendering Simple BII14 - Prior Information Notice BII22 - Call for Tender BII24 - Attachment Document BII25 - Status Request BII26 - Retrieve Business Document
The players Business partners – The participants in business process. In procurement these are the Customer and the Supplier. Business partner are the responsible parties for the process as whole Role – Roles change depending on the activity in the process Party – The entity that carries out a role. Parties are the business partners themselves or work under their authorization.
Roles and actors Customer Suppler Economic operator Dispatcher Creditor Payee Purchasing authority Receiver Debtor Payer Purchasing Delivery Billing Settlement Business partner RoleParty Business partner RoleParty
CENBII Meta model
Lunchtime – back 13.30
Document architecture What is a business document? CCTS CCTS data types Core document components Customization and syntax mapping
What is a business document? A formal exchange of a defined set of business information Can serve to prove a status of a business process Business documents are often backed up by legislation and partner agreements. Business documents need a level of standardization
Core Components Technical Specification Technology independent (only aggregation) Data types based on Simplification of XSD data types ABIE ASBIE BBIE Type Attribute Document ACC BBCC ASCC
CCTS Data types Numeric Amount Quantity Identifier (ID) Name Text Meassure Rate Percent Binary objects Value Decimal Date Time DateTime Code
Some important attributes in types currencyCode (Amount) languageID (Name, Text) unitCode (Quantity, Messure) schemeID (Identifier) schemeAgentcyID (Identifier listID (CodeType) listAgentcyID (CodeType mimeCode (BinaryObject)
Core component: Address
Core component: Party
Customization In some contexts the core components contains two much information An implementation can choose to restrict components for the whole subset
CENBII Contextualization of address Party PostalAddress ID Postbox StreetName Additional StreetName BuildingNumber Department … Delevery/Location/Address StreetName Additional StreetName BuildingNumber Department …
Subset customization Core Invoice, PartyFull Invoice, Party
Standard vs. customization The standard is the “raw” material The customization defines a subset of the stadard of which it will use The customization defines a particular use of the standard A standard is defined by a syntax. Validated by XSD A customization is defined by a set of document models, codelist and business rules. Validated by Schematron (2 nd pass validation)
CENBII validation strategy DefinitionRuntime Subset schematron Profile schematron Geopolitical schematron Industry schematron Standard schemas Application validation Semantic level Syntax level Application (value) level Document XSLT Standard schemas Application dll 1 st pass 2 nd pass 3 rd pass
Exampel: Validation of an ID Semantic level Syntax level Application (value) level Subset schematron Profile schematron Geopolitical schematron Industry schematron Standard schemas Application validation Look up the ID in a webservice Id must be a VAT number Id is mandatory Id must be the same as in Contact/ID SchemeID and SchemeAgentcyID mandatory, SchemID must be in a list ID must not contain spaces (XSD:token)
Levels in business rules Profile level rules – How the exchange of a transaction affects the partners’ obligations – How information in transactions interacts with external information such as contracts – Definition on how update transactions affect exciting data Collaboration – Process rules – Information constraints Transaction rules – Information constraints
Information constraints Data element cardinality – Optional becomes mandatory in a given context Data element Interaction – Formulas, e.g. B = sum of all A’s – Dependency, e.g. if A then B – Relationship, e.g. A > B Data element values – Min, max or range – Allowed values, specified by code list
Syntax mapping CENBII is said to be syntax neutral A syntax mapping is the operational (runtime) version of CENBII Currently only syntax mapping to UBL exists No syntax mapping fulfills the whole specification Syntax mapping is a issue for CENBII2 CENBII OASIS UBL UN/CEFACT
Business documents, Pre awarding I want to show you some slides
Business documents, Post awarding Sourcing Catalogue profiles (BII01, BII02, BII16, BII17) PunchOut (BII18) CutomerInitiated sourcing (BII20) Ordering Basic Order only (BII03) Billing Basic invoice only (BII004) Billing (BII05) Scanned invoice (BII15) Billing with dispute and reminder (BII08) Support Customs Bill (BII 09) Statement (BII 21) Attached Document (BII24) Status Request (BII25) Retreive Business Documents (BII26) Procure ment Procurement (BII06) Procument with invoice dispute (BII07) Advanced procurement with dispute (BII08) Advanced procurement with dispatch (BII13) Advanced procurement (BII19)
Catalogue exchange The Catalogue documents are documents to synchronize two parties catalogues The sender may not be the seller, but can be catalogue provide e.g. a web site Seller Contractor Catalogue provider Catalogue exchange
Catalogue collaborations
The Core catalogue;%201.0;%20CENBII/D1.htm? files/Data/html/CoreTrnsDm/BiiCoreTrdm019%20Catalogue;%201.0;%20CENBII/D5.htm
Item and Item Quantity location
Advanced Procurement with dispatch
Collaboration relations
Order model
Order Line and Line Item
Order response simple
Order Response (advanced)
Despatch advice
Despatch Line
Invoice model (core)
Document reference (core)
Payment means and payment temrs model (Core) Full model
Allowance charge
Invoice line (core)
Thank you for your time Learn more: We hope to see you in the CENBII2 workshop
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