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Mike Buschman  Co-founder 206-331-7297

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1 Mike Buschman  Co-founder 206-331-7297 @mikebuschman  @plumanalytics

2 What is Plum building? Next generation impact analysis metrics for scholarly research. Aggregating artifact and author level metrics into a researcher graph. Metrics captured and correlated at the group/collection level (think: lab, department, museum, journal, etc.) 2 This graph will power intuitive research directories and visualizations.

3 The Library 3 Supporting institution’s research output more important than ever Perception of the library as integral to research process has declined in last 10 years Trend away from collections model and towards service model Academic Libraries more and more interested in open access Hope to reduce ever-growing subscription prices Some starting to earmark part of collection budget to author fees Mandating IR deposits

4 Benefits for the institution Recruiting rising stars Capturing current metrics for grant funding support Providing more data for department funding decisions Which repositories work best for showcasing research output What promotion methods work best How researchers and departments stack up against peers 4

5 Metrics are not the same 5

6 Different types of metrics Usage Downloads, views, book holdings, ILL, document delivery Captures Favorites, bookmarks, saves, readers, groups, watchers Mentions Blog post, news story, Wikipedia article, comments, review Social Media Tweets, Google +1s, likes, shares, ratings Citations Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, confined citations 6

7 Some of the challenges Many APIs for metrics not built yet, closed, or not available at scale Different versions of artifacts can be in many places Authors and funders want to know combined usage What constitutes one artifact? Pre-print, associated dataset, online video Different paths to the same artifact Direct linking, link shorteners, link resolvers 7

8 altmetrics 8 #altmetricsallmetrics

9 Thank You! Andrea Michalek 215-280-1805 @amichalek Plum Analytics Confidential 9 Mike Buschman 206-331-7297 @mikebuschman

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