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IMAGE UPSAMPLING VIA IMPOSED EDGE STATISTICS Raanan Fattal. ACM Siggraph 2007 Presenter: 이성호.

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Presentation on theme: "IMAGE UPSAMPLING VIA IMPOSED EDGE STATISTICS Raanan Fattal. ACM Siggraph 2007 Presenter: 이성호."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMAGE UPSAMPLING VIA IMPOSED EDGE STATISTICS Raanan Fattal. ACM Siggraph 2007 Presenter: 이성호

2 Previous work Classical approach  Nearest-Neighbor, Bilinear, Bicubic, Hann, Hamming, and Lanczos interpolation kernels.  assumption that the image data is either spatially smooth or band-limited

3 More sophisticated methods  [Su and Willis 2004]  Reduce the number of variables that are averaged  forms a noticeable block-like effect BicubicSu and Willis 2004

4 [Li and Orchard 2001]  Arbitrary edge orientation is implicitly matched  By estimating local intensity covariance from the low-resolution image  Generating smooth curves and of reducing jaggies  Not sharp edges

5 [Hertzmann et al. 2001]  Image Analogies

6 [Freeman et al. 2002]  adding high-frequency patches  from a non-parametric set of examples relating low and high resolutions  Sharpens edges and yields images with a detailed appearance  tends to introduce some irregularities into the constructed image

7 [Osher et al. 2003]  invert a blurring process  measures the L 1 norm of the output image

8 Assumptions on image upsampling  different upsampling techniques correspond to different assumptions:  images are smooth enough to be adequately approximated by polynomials yields analytic polynomial-interpolation formulas  images are limited in band yields a different family of low-pass filters  these assumptions are highly inaccurate  suffer from excessive blurriness and the other visual artifacts

9 Edge-Frame Continuity Moduli  predict the spatial intensity differences  at the high-resolution based on the low-resolution input image

10 Approach  Statistics of intensity differences  intensity conservation constraint  we discuss only gray scale images  later extend to handle color images

11 Derivatives

12 Image statistics


14 edge-frame continuity modulus (EFCM)


16 Upsampling using the EFCM

17 Gauss-Markov Random Field model

18 Color images  First we upsample the luminance channel  of the YUV color space  compute the absolute value of its luminance difference d1d2 d3d4

19 Results High-res originalDownsampled

20 BilinearOurs

21 Simple Edge SensitiveNew Edge-Directed

22 magnified by a factor of 4




26 magnified by a factor of 8



29 magnified by a factor of 16


31 objective error measurements between an upsampled image and the original ground-truth image (i.e., before downsampling). Structural Similarity Image Quality (SSIQ) described in [Wang et al. 2004]

32 Implementations  implemented in C++  Mobile Pentium-M, running at 2.1MHz  Upsample an image of 128 2 pixels  to twice its resolution (256 2 ).  2 seconds  To a resolution of 1024 2 pixels  22 seconds.

33 Conclusions  Drawbacks:  Emphasize lack of texture and absence of fine-details  The jaggies artifact  Acutely twisted edges  involves more computations than some of the existing techniques  generic behavior of edges does not accurately describe every particular case.  Further improve  Using higher-order edge properties Such as curvature


35 Numerical analysis on EFCM upsampling Appendix

36 Lagrange multipliers

37 Apply to the formula in this paper  Solve this linear system  with Conjugate Gradient-based Null Space method

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