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W Mass From LEP Fermilab Wine and Cheese Seminar Fermilab Wine and Cheese Seminar 6th October, 2006 Ambreesh Gupta, University of Chicago
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese2 Outline 1. Introduction - W Boson in the Standard Model of Particle Physics 2. W mass Measurement - Identifying and reconstructing W’s. - Mass extraction techniques used by LEP experiments 3. Systematic Uncertainties on W mass measurement 5. Summary I will show results from all the four experiments with details on OPAL analyses.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese3 Standard Model of Particle Physics Our picture of the fundamental constituents of nature There are about 19 (+10) free parameters in the theory to be determined experimentally Standard Model predicts relationship between these parameters.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese4 Standard Model Relations Standard Model predicts relation between the parameters; W boson mass(M W ) and Fermi constant(G F ), fine structure constant( ), Z boson mass (M Z ) : electron g-2 0.004 ppm G F : muon life-time 9 ppm M Z : LEP 1 lineshape 23 ppm Precision measurements require higher order terms in the theory and help constraint the unknown pieces. (running of ) f W H W t W W
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese5 Precision EW top-quark mass “predicted” by electroweak corrections prior to direct discovery The measured W mass precision is such that Top and Higgs loops required for consistency in the Standard Model (SM) This gives an indirect inference on the Higgs. Better precision on W mass constraints the Higgs Indirect measurement of W mass - W mass known to 20 MeV from indirect measurement (LEP1 + SLD +Tevatron). - A direct measurement of W mass with similar precision is of great interest. Measurement of the width of W boson can also be carried out at LEP providing further checks on consistency of the SM.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese6 Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP) LEP I (1989-1993) : Z physics. 18 million Z bosons produced LEP II (1996-2000) : W physics. 80,000 W’s produced. (Energies from 161 GeV – 209 GeV) W’s produced in pairs.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese7 The Four LEP Experiments ALEPH L3
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese8 WW Production and Decay at LEP W’s produced in pairs at LEP - 700 pb -1 /experiment; 40,000 WW BR ~ 44% BR ~ 46% BR ~ 10% WW l l WW qql WW qqqq Efficiency Purity l l 70% 90% qql 85% 90% qqqq 85% 80% Backgrounds
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese9 Event Selection Very good agreement between expected and observed. Event selection primarily based on multivariate relative likelihood discriminants OPAL
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese10 W Mass at LEP The WW cross section at s = 2Mw sensitive to W mass LEP experiments collected 10 pb -1 data at s = 161 GeV Combined Result : Mw = 80.40 0.21 GeV Most of LEP 2 data at higher energies - use direct reconstruction There are two main steps in measuring W mass and width 1. Reconstruct event-by-event mass of W’s 2. Fit mass distribution Extract M W and W. However, jet energies poorly measured ( /E ~ 12% ), neutrinos unobserved. Kinematic fitting plays vital role
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese11 Kinematic Fitting Mass Reconstruction - Identify lepton and jets (DURHAM) -- Energy flow techniques - Kinematic fitting -- Use LEP beam energy as constraint -- Total Energy = s; Total Momem. = 0; -- Additionally, apply equal mass constraint m w+ - m w- = 0; Significantly improved mass resolution Caveat - Photon radiation will change s s’ (photon energy) Need good WW 4f theory model (~0.5% theory error )
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese12 Mass Reconstruction qql channel - 1 or 2 constraint kinematics fit - Golden channel qqqq channel - Well constrained events - But, ambiguity in assigning jets to W’s Combinatorial Background - 5-jet event: 10 comb., 4-jet: 3-comb.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese13 Fit Methods Re-weighting - Weight fully simulated events to create sample with new W mass and width parameter - No external bias correction needed - Need large event sample to derive stable weights 80.3381.33 LEP experiments used three likelihood methods to extract W mass and width from the reconstructed mass spectrum. 1. Re-weighting 2. Breit-Wigner 3. Convolution The primary difference between the methods is the amount of information they try to use for the best measurement.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese14 Fit Methods (continued) Breit-Wigner - Fit to W mass spectrum with Breit-Wigner function - Width adjusted to account for resolution and ISR effects. - Bias corrected by comparing to fully simulated MC. Fitted Function (70-88) GeV mass Convolution - P(m1,m2|Mw,Gw) R(m1,m2) - Build event-by-event Likelihood - Maximize statistical sensitivity - Need bias correction as in BW
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese15 Likelihood Variables - Likelihood built using three variables -- both in qqlv, qqqq channels - ~ 400 events per bin for stable fit - Fit for eight energy point, four channels, then combine => lots of MC needed. 5C fit mass error 5C fit mass Hadronic 4C mass 5C fit mass error5C fit mass 4C fit mass difference - OPAL variables - ALEPH also 3-d fit
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese16 Performance of Likelihood Fucntion Test the central value modeling with bias plot Test the uncertainty on central value with pull distribution. OPAL Check bias and pulls distributions...below a typical example
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese17 OPAL W mass Very good agreement between three methods in channel and year Strong correlation between methods => Combining them had only small stat. gain CV, which has the smallest expected statistical uncertainty is used as the main method. Use of momentum cut analysis makes significant reduction in FSI uncertainty. Final W mass and total uncertainty from the three methods on OPAL - M w M w (Stat.+Syst.) CV 80.416 0.053 RW 80.405 0.052 BW 80.390 0.058
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese18 LEP W Mass The combined preliminary LEP W mass M W = 80.376 0.025 (stat) 0.022 (syst) GeV Systematics on W mass Source Hadronisation QED(ISR/FSR) Detector Colour Reconnection Bose-Einstein Correlation LEP Beam Energy Other Total Systematics Statistical Total qql qqqqcombined 14 7 10 9 2 10 4 19 5 8 35 7 9 11 13 8 10 0 9 3 21 30 36 44 40 59 22 25 33 Channel weights qqlv : 76% qqqq : 22% xs : 2% (MeV)
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese19 LEP W Width The combined preliminary LEP W width W = 2.196 0.063(stat) 0.055(syst) GeV Systematics on W width Source Hadronisation QED(ISR/FSR) Detector Colour Reconnection Bose-Einstein Correlation LEP Beam Energy Other Total Systematics Statistical Total qql + qqqq (MeV) 40 6 22 27 3 5 19 55 63 84
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese20 LEP Beam Energy LEP beam energy used in event kinematics fit M W /M W E LEP /E LEP Beam energy calibrated using - Resonant De-Polarization (41- 60 GeV.) - Extrapolated to LEP II energies NMR probes - Main systematic error due to extrapolation Extrapolation checked with 1. Flux Loop 2. Spectrometer 3. Synchrotron Oscillation Final results on LEP beam energy ( Eur. Phys. J., C 39 (2005), 253 ) - Reduction of beam energy uncertainty used in earlier W mass combination - old E beam = 20-25 MeV M W = 17 Mev - new : E beam = 10-20 MeV M W ~ 10 Mev -- OPAL Final 9 MeV
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese21 LEP Beam Energy Cross Check with Data LEP beam energy can be estimated using radiavtive return events - Z mass precisely known - Measured mass in radiative events sensitive to beam energy Result consistent with zero within experimental errors
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese22 Detector MC modeled to represent data; Disagreements Systematic error Systematics from MC Modeling Main Sources - QED/EW radiative effects - Detector Modeling - Hadronisation Modeling - Background Modeling - Final State Interaction
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese23 KoralW’s O( 3 ) implementation adequate, but misses - WSR - interference between ISR,WSR & FSR KandY includes - O( ) corrections - Screened Coulomb Correction Error ~ 7 MeV Photon Radiation
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese24 Z0 calibration data recorded annually provides a control sample of leptons and jets (~ 45 GeV). Data/Mc comparison used to estimate corrections for - Jet/Lepton energy scale/resolution - Jet/Lepton energy linearity - Jet/Lepton angular resolution/biases - Jet mass Error is assigned from the error on correction qqlv qqqq Combined 10 MeV 8 MeV 10 MeV Detector Systematics Raw Corrected LEP Combined: Jet energy scale Jet energy resolution
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese25 Detector Systematics: Breakdown OPAL
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese26 MC programs (JETSET,HERWIG,ARIADNE) model production of hadrons but difference in particles and their distributions The difference interplays with detector response - particle assignment to jets - cuts applied to low momentum particles - low resolution for neutral particles - assumptions made on particle masses at reco. JETSET used by all LEP experiment with parameters tuned with Z peak data systematic shift estimated from shift with other hadronization models. qqlv qqqq Combined 13 MeV 19 MeV 14 MeV LEP Combined: Hadronization Modeling
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese27 Final State Interactions Two known sources that could potentially bias W mass and width measurement 1. Color Reconnection - color flow between W’s could bias their masses - only phenomenological models exist. - Most sensitive variable to CR is W mass itself 2. Bose-Einstein Correlation. - coherently produced identical pions are closer in phase space. - BE correlation between decay products of same W established - Does the effect exist between W’s? The Basic Problem: If products of hadronically decaying W’s (~0.1 fm) interact before hadronization (~1.0 fm) Can create a mass bias.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese28 Color reconnection Only phenomenological models exist. - SK1 model produces largest shift CR strength parameter (k i ) LEP experiments estimate effect of color reconnection Measure particle flow in the inter-jet regions of the W’s - Extreme values of CR disfavored by data but it does not rule out CR - A 68% upper limit on k i is used to set a data driven uncertainty on W mass. - Combined LEP value of k i = 2.13 For this Reco. Prob., CR error ~ 120 MeV (OPAL)
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese29 A,D,L,O use varations of below - OPAL Uses P-cut 2.5 GeV for qqqq - ~18% loss in statistics. - Much reduced CR systematics 125 41 MeV (k i =2.3) OPAL - A worthwhile tradeoff! - ALEPH 28 MeV, L3 38 MeV Cuts and Cones: Reducing CR effect CR affects mostly soft particles between jets changes jet direction Re-calculate Jet direction 1. Within cone of radius R 2. Cut on particle momentum P 3. Weighted particle momentum |P| Final CR error in qqqq 35 MeV
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese30 2.5 GeV P-cut to redefine jet direction also reduces BEC W mass bias - OPAL (default) 46 MeV (P-cut) 24 MeV. LEP experiments have measured BEC between W’s - Using “mixing method” - A,D,L,O: only a fraction of Full BEC seen in data (0.17 13) BEC in WW events A 68% upper limit on BEC fraction seen in data (OPAL), used to set W mass systematics M W = ( 0.33 + 044) M W (Full BEC) = 19 MeV L3 18 MeV, ALEPH 2 MeV Final BEC error in qqqq 7 MeV
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese31 Results: qqqq and qqlv channels
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese32 Results: LEP W mass and Width m W (LEP) = 80.376 ± 0.033 GeV W (LEP) = 2.196 ± 0.083 GeV
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese33 W’s as Calibration Sample at LHC “Yesterdays sensation is today’s calibration and tomorrows background” - Telegdi - W’s from top decay are foreseen to provide the absolute jet scale. - Fast simulation studies in the past showed feasibility - Select samples with a four jets and lepton (electron,muon) with two jets b-tagged. - estimated 45K events from 10 fb-1 - Cross check with Z/ +Jet sample - Sattistics not the issue but understanding the physics of the events.
Ambreesh GuptaFermilab Wine & Cheese34 Summary Final results from all the four LEP experiments Final LEP combination will use combined FSI error Much reduced FSI error in final results A new preliminary LEP combination Total LEP W mass uncertainty decreased to 33 MeV It took about five years after LEP shut down to get final W mass results from all the four experiment. Now it is up to Tevatron to better the W mass precision before LHC turns on.
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